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Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2016

La primera conclusión nacida de este taller es que, por todo el mundo, se observa una fuerte expansión de las desigualdades en la distribución de las propiedades, con una creciente concentración de tierras en manos de un reducido número de actores.

Este fenómeno de concentración de la propiedad entraña necesariamente la exclusión y la marginalización de las pequeñas unidades de producción y de sus trabajadores. Nos dirigimos cada vez más hacia un modelo agrícola bipolar, donde se enfrentan la agricultura familiar y la agricultura a gran escala, en una lucha desequilibrada.


Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2016

Le premier constat issu de cet atelier est que, partout dans le monde, on observe une forte expansion des inégalités dans la distribution du foncier, avec une concentration croissante des terres dans les mains d’un nombre réduit d’acteurs.

Ce phénomène de concentration du foncier entraîne nécessairement l’exclusion et la marginalisation des petites unités de production et de leurs travailleurs. On a à faire de plus en plus à un modèle agricole bipolaire, qui voit s’opposer dans une lutte déséquilibrée l’agriculture familiale à l’agriculture à grande échelle.

Gender and equity questions in the policy and practice of involuntary resettlement due to the acquisition of land for large scale economic investments

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016

The NGO Centro Terra Viva (CTV) with funding from the World Resources Institute (WRI) implemented a project seeking to promote gender mainstreaming in the policies and practice of large scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) for economic investments. The study was centered on recognizing opportunities to strengthen the role and involvement of women as actors in decision-making in the resettlement process, particularly given the context of a growing economic and commercial appetite for land acquisition.

Promoting Gender Equality in Foreign Agricultural Investments: Lessons from voluntary sustainability standards

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2016

Contains framework for analysing the gender impacts of foreign investment in agriculture; gender analysis of the certification criteria of voluntary sustainability standards and responsible investment frameworks; do voluntary sustainability standards improve gender equality?; lessons for responsible investment frameworks and recommendations.

Guide to Land Contracts: Forestry Projects

Manuals & Guidelines
Dezembro, 2016

This guide aims to assist non-lawyers to better understand investment contracts that concern forestry projects. These "forestry contracts" can be complex, and some provisions may be difficult to understand. This guide aims to assist the reader in understanding technical provisions found in these contracts, by providing explanations for common provisions, as well as a glossary of certain legal and technical terms.

This resource is part of the CCSI’s Directory of Community Guidance on Agreements Relating to Agriculture or Forestry Investment.

Land Governance and Development in Brazilian Rural Space: A comparison between Livestock and Agricultural production in Mato Grosso do Sul state.

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

This article presents a comparison for the impact from lack of land governance in Brazil between livestock and agricultural production. It begins with a brief description of the land regulatory system and its development in Mato Grosso do Sul State and Brazil. The methodology was based on focus groups research, conducted by CEPEA/USP (Center for advanced Studies on Applied Economics/University of São Paulo) on local production sites in Mato Grosso do Sul state, where a regional modal farm was established.

UNCTAD's Investment Policy Hub

Training Resources & Tools
Dezembro, 2016

This policy hub brings together useful resources for policy makers on a wide variety of topics: formulating investment policies, negotiating investment agreements, monitoring investment policies in other countries and more.

Gouvernance foncière

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2016

Le 19 octobre 2016, à Rome, le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale (CSA) a organisé une session de suivi de la mise en œuvre des décisions et recommandations du CSA dédiée aux Directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers applicables aux terres, aux pêches et aux forêts (DV1), quatre ans après leur adoption.

Density, Energy and Metabolism of a proposed smart city

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

This paper reports on a detailed analysis of the metabolism of the Island City of Mumbai should the Indian Governments proposal for smart cities be implemented It focuses on the environmental impact of increased population density achieved by demolishing existing mediumrise 35 storey housing and replacing it with the proposed highrise 4060 storey towers The resulting increase in density places a burden on the demand on such things as electricity and water and simultaneously increases the output flows of drainage solid waste and greenhouse gas productionAn extended urban metabolism analysis

Land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security in poor agrarian economies: Causal linkages and research gaps

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

This paper reviews the literature to identify the relationship between tenure security and food security. The literatures on tenure issues and food security issues are not well connected and the scientific evidence on the causal links between tenure security and food security is very limited. The paper explores the conceptual linkages between land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security and illustrates how these vary across diverse contexts.