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Unlocking the potential of farmer-led irrigation development in central and northern Nigeria: What does it take?

Dezembro, 2022

The potential for profitable groundwater irrigated area development in Nigeria is 5.04 million hectares (ha), almost all of it located in the country’s central and northern states. To develop this vast area, granular water budgets, financial service provision and support to grow sustainability of production will be needed.

Climate, peace, and security in fishery management: A participatory appraisal of Kenya’s Lake Victoria fishery.

Dezembro, 2022

The link between climate change and conflict has been widely studied in the past decade. Despite empirical evidence leading to ambiguous, sometimes contradictory, conclusions, it is generally accepted that climate-related security risks are manifested through a non-linear and complex interplay between climate threats, sources of vulnerability, and drivers of conflict. The effects of this “vicious circle” are underlined by socioeconomic and political factors acting as drivers of insecurity.

Let’s get real on regenerative agriculture: How do we assess soil health (at scale)?

Dezembro, 2022

The concept of regenerative agriculture has rapidly gained momentum among agri-food companies, governments, NGO’s and farmers. Although there is no widely accepted definition, different interpretations of this concept emphasize the importance of restoring and enhancing soil to generate multiple benefits for society and for farmers. The premise is that regenerative agriculture, by strengthening soil health and associated ecosystem services, helps to make agroecosystems more productive and resilient, while improving farmers’ livelihoods.

Estimating nutrient concentrations and uptake in rice grain in sub-Saharan Africa using linear mixed-effects regression

Dezembro, 2022

Context or problem
Quantification of nutrient concentrations in rice grain is essential for evaluating nutrient uptake, use efficiency, and balance to develop fertilizer recommendation guidelines. Accurate estimation of nutrient concentrations without relying on plant laboratory analysis is needed in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where farmers do not generally have access to laboratories.
Objective or research question

Modeling the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and carbon stocks in the Casanare flooded savannas of the Colombian Llanos

Dezembro, 2022

Abstract Flooded savannas are valuable and extensive ecosystems in South America, but not widely studied. In this study, we quantify the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) content and stocks in the Casanare flooded savannas. We sampled 80 sites at two soil-depth intervals (0-10 and 10-30 cm), where SOC values ranged from 0.41% in the surface and 0.23% in the sub-surface of drier soils to over 14.50% and 7.51%, in soils that experienced seasonal flooding.

Analysis and prioritization of sustainable livelihood alternatives for the Central Belize River Valley Communities

Dezembro, 2022

This report is a part of the EU DeSIRA project titled “Five Great Forests of Mesoamerica: A regional initiative for climate, biodiversity, and people” led by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). It presents the findings of an assessment and prioritization exercise aimed at promoting sustainable livelihood alternatives among the communities of Central Belize River Valley.

El Niño event declared: Impacts on the Limpopo river basin in Southern Africa expected

Dezembro, 2022
South Africa

A blog call on policymakers and research-for-development organizations to take action to mitigate the possible impacts of the current developing El Niño event on small-scale farmers and rural communities and to keep tracking seasonal climate fluctuations. Multiple climate prediction centers have concurred that this El Niño event will reach a “strong” category in the Northern Hemisphere by the winter of 2023-24.

Gender Norms and Climate-smart information in Northern Zambia

Dezembro, 2022

In recent years, northern Zambia has experienced climate change in the form of droughts and heavy rainfall, threatening the production and livelihoods of small-scale fish farmers. To help them anticipate and adapt their farming practices to changing weather patterns, local and international actors have been disseminating climate-smart information (CSI) mainly through physical trainings, radio broadcasts and roadshows.

Regenerative agriculture for low-carbon and resilient coffee farms: A practical guidebook. Version 1.0

Dezembro, 2022

For decades, global coffee consumption has grown, as tastes and offerings for consumers have increased around the world, and global demand for coffee will continue to grow in the years to come. At the same time, climate change presents coffee producers and other supply chain actors with major challenges. Its impacts are already reducing the area that is well suited for growing coffee, and this lends urgency to the adoption of farming strategies than can secure future coffee supplies and the livelihoods of coffee-producing families.