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Armenia Country Profile

Reports & Research
Março, 2022

The research only represents a country’s cybersecurity policy to a limited extent and is not an in-depth or complete analysis or assessment of current policy. In order to adapt the exercises to specific countries, it is important to understand the broader strokes of cybersecurity policies of other countries. Our team, therefore, researches publicly available information on cybersecurity policies of countries to adapt the exercises to country-specific needs. The research is shared with participants as background material in preparation for the exercise.

La importancia mundial de los territorios comunitarios de 24 países para los objetivos climáticos

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2021

Esta investigación nos recuerda oportunamente la importancia mundial de las tierras y territorios comunitarios; su importancia para la protección, la restauración y el uso sostenible de los bosques tropicales en todo el mundo; así como las graves brechas presentes en la arquitectura internacional del desarrollo que hasta ahora han socavado el progreso hacia el reconocimiento legal de dichas tierras y territorios.

A terra em Timor-Leste: expondo a injustiça cognitiva nos conflitos fundiários

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2020

Assente na análise de vários conflitos pelo acesso à terra em Timor-Leste, este artigo busca compreender a íntima relação existente entre o moderno direito de propriedade e as estratégias coloniais-capitalistas de apropriação de recursos, uma relação geradora de injustiças.

Lamulo la Malo a Makolo 2016

Manuals & Guidelines
Fevereiro, 2020

Msonkhano Wodziwitsa Atsogoleri a ma Dipatimenti ndi Mabungwe a pa Boma

Mamembala a nthambi yoyendetsa chitukuko pa Boma ayenera kudziwa za lamulo la malo a makolo koyambirira kuti asankhe dera lomwe angakayambire ntchito zokhudza lamuloli.

Msonkhano Wodziwitsa Makomiti a ADC, VDC ndi Magulu a m’madera za Lamulo la Malo a Makolo

Makomiti a ADC ndi VDC ndi ofunika kwambiri pothandiza anthu a m’madera mwawo kumvetsetsa za lamulo la malo a makolo.

Chisankho cha Komiti Yoyendetsa za Malo a Makolo

Gender Imperatives of Land Reform in Kenya

Reports & Research
Abril, 2019

The webinar on the Gender Imperatives of Land Reforms in Kenya took place on 23 April, 2019.

This webinar featured key experts involved in promoting and working towards the gender imperatives of land reforms in Kenya. It was co-hosted by the European Union, the Government of Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Land Portal Foundation.

Moderator: Husna A. Mbarak, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

Compulsory Land Acquisition in Afghanistan: Does the Law Meet World Bank Standards on Involuntary Resettlement?

Reports & Research
Abril, 2019

This paper examines how far Afghanistan’s Land Acquisition Law complies with standards required for World Bank financing of public interest projects that unavoidably extinguish or diminish existing land rights in the project area. For this purpose, the law was compared with standards laid down in World Bank ESS5 on Involuntary Settlement. Additional reference was made to ESS1 on social risk and impact assessment, and to ESS7, in regard to communities whose socio-culture and livelihoods rely distinctively and historically upon collectively-based tenure or land use.

L’accès à la terre en Côte d’Ivoire

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2019
Côte d'Ivoire

En Côte d’Ivoire comme dans d’autres pays africain, le pluralisme juridique est l’origine d’une crise de la légalité et de crispations sociales. L’accès à la terre est emblématique des difficultés et des différends qui peuvent naître de la coexistence, issue de la colonisation, d’une pluralité de modes de normativité étatique et coutumier en jeu sur un même territoire.

Ajenda ya Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2019

Webinaa kuhusu Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya ilifanyika tarehe 10 Oktoba, 2018. Webinaa ilipitia mchakato wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi nchini Kenya na ikashughulikia changamoto anuwai. Lengo lilikuwa  kubaini hatua za kufuata zitakazoleta usawa na haki katika urekebishaji wa sera ya ardhi.
Webinaa ilishughulikia maswali yafuatayo: 
Tumefika wapi katika mchakato wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi?
Changamoto kuu zinazohitaji kushughulikiwa katika mfumo wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi na matumizi ya ardhi ni zipi?

Housing, Land and Property Law in Bangladesh

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2017

The Red Cross Red Crescent aims to respond to disasters as rapidly and effectively as possible, by mobilising its resources (people, money and other assets) and using its network in a coordinated manner so that the initial effects are countered and the needs of the affected communities are met.

The Australian Red Cross (ARC) is a key Partner National Society, supporting the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' (IFRC) response to natural disasters in the Asia- Pacific.

State Lands and Land Laws: A Hand Book

Conference Papers & Reports
Novembro, 2015
Sri Lanka

The state owns over 80% of the land in Sri Lanka. The remainder is owned by private parties. Under the State Lands Encroachments Ordinance, all waste lands, forest lands, unoccupied and uncultivated lands are presumed to belong to the state until the contrary is proved (section 7) and all cinnamon land which have been uninterruptedly possessed by the state for over 30 years are held and deemed to belong to the state (section 6).