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Displaying 145 - 156 of 1422

Synergies between the Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) and the Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) in West Africa: implementation domains for cross-fertilization

Dezembro, 2022

Through action research across six anchored countries in Africa, AICCRA aims at scaling access and use of enhanced climate information services (CIS) and evidence-based climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technologies and innovations for effective climate risk management and sustainable productivity improvement in various agricultural value chains and sub-sectors.

Digital landscape assessment for climate services : Asian Mega Deltas

Dezembro, 2022

This study was conducted through the CGIAR Asian Mega -Deltas (AMD) initiative, a multi -year research program to secure food systems of the Mekong Delta, Irrawaddy Delta, and the Ganges Delta for climate and livelihood resilience. The study contributes to Work Package 3 (WP 3) on derisking delta orientated value chains through bundled digital climate advisory services (DCAS+), and focuses on Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. DCAS comprise mobile phones, digital platforms, radio, and TV, as well as digitally enabled services such as extension services and printed bulletins.

Partnership to Strengthen Leadership Capacity of Women in Agriculture and Climate Research in Africa

Dezembro, 2022

Women are less represented in agricultural research and development sector representing only 25% of agricultural scientists in Africa in the last decade, and a much lower proportion of decision makers on agriculture and climate change at institutional, national, and global levels. Research activities on climate change and outputs must be inclusive, gender-oriented and promote gender equity to enable women scientists to make a greater contribution and be represented at all levels.

Towards operationalization of climate-smart agriculture institutional innovations in West and Central Africa

Dezembro, 2022

Accelerating the scaling of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) requires institutional innovations and interactions among stakeholders operating across scales. The West Africa CSA Alliance (WACSA) and the Central Africa CSA Alliance (CACSA) are two CSA institutional innovations operating at regional scale and aimed at facilitating dialogue and discussions among stakeholders, as well as fostering collective actions to transform and reorient agricultural systems in face of climate change.

Strategies for promoting Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the agribusiness sector in Kenya: experiences from the field

Dezembro, 2022

This report aims to explore the intersection of gender and social inclusion, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by women and youth in the agribusiness sector. It examines the ways in which gender norms and stereotypes shape social inclusion, and how exclusionary practices can perpetuate gender-based inequalities. The report draws on the gender analysis studies, baseline surveys and positive case study examples from diverse settings to highlight the key issues and strategies for promoting Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) in the agribusiness sector.

Mitigating and adapting to climate change through silvopasture

Dezembro, 2022

Livestock production is at the center of adaptation to and mitigation of climate change. It also impacts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A transition is thus needed for livestock systems to become more sustainable and climate resilient, with clear impacts on the SDGs. This presentation provides an overview of investment priorities for climate resilient and low emissions livestock systems. It also dives deep into trees and agroforestry (silvopasture) as one solution that can help address climate change across the world.

Climate Security Programming Dashboard for Climate Finance (CSPDxCF): guidebook and methodology

Dezembro, 2022

The Climate Security Programming Dashboard for Climate Finance (CSPDxCF) represents a novel, comprehensive tool designed to assist international financial institutions and climate funds in conducting conflict-sensitive assessments and receiving tailored guidance for their funded projects. This innovative platform serves three primary functions: Prepare, Integrate, and Optimize.

Operationalizing the soil health metaphor to create sustainable food systems, with a focus on smallholder farming in the Global South

Dezembro, 2022

Restoring / enhancing soil health is key for sustainable intensification and regenerative agriculture in the Global South, while reducing vulnerability of
smallholder farmers to climate change.
A flexible framework is proposed that can be used to target, monitor and adapt soil health interventions with relevant stakeholders
Development of biological soil health indicators and assessment methods require more research – given the key role of soil biology for soil health/functions

Climate Risk Management in Agriculture (CRMA): A Short and Customized Training

Dezembro, 2022

Climate change presents significant challenges to countries worldwide, and Ethiopia is not exceptional (Simane et al., 2016). The nation confronts a wide array of climate risks that pose substantial obstacles to its sustainable development and the well-being of its people. Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable to climaterelated hazards due to its predominantly agricultural economy and large population reliant on rain-fed farming.

Assessing climate action interventions along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus: A methodology tailored for evaluating contributions to resilience in destination areas

Dezembro, 2022

ncreasing climate and conflict-related displacement in fragile or conflict-affected states threatens human security and sustainable development around the world. As forced displacement increases and becomes more protracted in length, destination areas—where displaced and host communities often have low adaptive capacity and live side by side, sharing resources related to land, food, and water systems—are particularly exposed to human security risks.