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Aggregated outcomes of the community consultation supporting the improvement of the draft amended Land Law - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2013

This report 'Aggregated outcomes of the community consultation supporting the improvement of the draft amended Land Law' presents the main findings from the community consultation process and recommendations of amendments of the draft Land Law. It aims to share the needs of the people, especially disadvantaged groups such as small scale farmers, marginalized poor and ethnic minority women and men.

'Indigenous Peoples' and land: Comparing communal land titling and its implications in Cambodia and Laos

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

In 2001 a new Land Law was adopted in Cambodia. It was significant because - for the first time - it recognised a new legal category of people, Indigenous Peoples or chuncheat daoem pheak tech in Khmer, and it also introduced the legal concept of communal land rights to Cambodia. Indigenous Peoples are not mentioned in the 1993 constitution of Cambodia or any legislation pre-dating the 2001 Land Law. However, Cambodia's 2002 Forestry Law also followed the trend by recognising Indigenous Peoples.

Land Law, Land Rights, and Land Reform in Vietnam: A Deeper Look into “Land Grabbing” for Public and Private Development

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2013

As Vietnam continues to search for its ideal balance between Communist control and a market-led economy, land rights emerge at the forefront of the discussion concerning the tension between traditional Socialist ideals of people-owned and state managed property versus neoliberal ideals of private property rights. The purpose of this study is twofold.

Power and Political Culture in Cambodia

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2013

ABSTRACTED FROM THE OPENING PARAGRAPHS: In this paper we examine the Cambodian conception of power in order to shed light on the nature and functioning of Khmer political culture. This is not to make the point that the Cambodian language has a number of words for different aspects of power (as does English), but rather to explicate how Cambodians understand the personal basis of social power, how social power obligates individuals, and how this understanding translates into political power through the influence it has on individual (and group) behaviour towards holders of power.

Envisaging alternative futures for African agriculture

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2013

The Future Agricultures Consortium was established in 2005 with support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) as a learning alliance of leading African and UK-based research organisations. The Consortium provides independent analysis and advice for improving agricultural policy-making. The aim is to encourage critical debate and policy dialogue on the future of agriculture in Africa, elaborating the practical and policy challenges of establishing and sustaining pro-poor agricultural growth.

Nicaragua : Promoting Competitiveness and Stimulating Broad-based Growth in Agriculture

Agosto, 2013

The report argues that Nicaragua's
best hope for sustained growth, and poverty reduction,
probably lies with agricultural exports, which have the
potential to gain from opportunities in world markets.
Despite the small share of farmland devoted to the
production of exports (25 percent of harvested area), the
total trade of agricultural goods (including the value of
both imports, and exports) accounted for almost eighty five

Agriculture in Nicaragua : Promoting Competitiveness and Stimulating Broad-Based Growth

Agosto, 2013

The report reviews basic growth, as
being one of four pillars for Nicaragua's poverty
reduction strategy. The well-being of the rural poor will
continue its dependence on - to a great extent -
agriculture. The study analyzes main agricultural
development aspects, and stipulates the broad basic growth
may be enhanced by strengthening agricultural
competitiveness. Yet, export growth is key to economic

Sri Lanka : Promoting Agricultural and Rural Non-farm Sector Growth, Volume 1. Main Report

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2013
Sri Lanka

Economic development has brought about,
the decline in contribution of the agricultural sector to
the economy of Sri Lanka, and, consistent with this economic
transformation, the structure of employment also changed.
Thus, as labor migrates away from agriculture, the
productivity, for those who remain in the land, needs to
increase significantly. This report examines the constraints
to promoting more rapid agricultural, and rural non-farm

Décret n°2013-665/ PRES/PM/MAECR/MEF/MRSI du 02 août 2013 portant ratification des statuts du Centre ouest africain de recherches et de services scientifiques sur le changement climatique et l’utilisation adaptée des terres (WASCAL), conclu le 10, fév...

Agosto, 2013
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret ratifie les statuts du Centre ouest africain de recherches et de services scientifiques sur le changement climatique et l’utilisation adaptée des terres (WASCAL), conclu le 10 février 2012 à Lomé, au Togo.Ce Centre dont le siège est à Accra, au Ghana, a pour mission d’améliorer considérablement l’infrastructure, la capacité de recherche et les bases de données scientifiques pour une évaluation des changements climatiques et de leur impact sur la société et les systèmes socio écologiques.