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The assessment of Mali soil resources for the purposes of cotton cultivation

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

All of the available information about the soil cover of Mali at the level of the whole country is summarized. This information was updated according to the satellite data, and the analysis of optimality of the soil resources for the purposes of cotton cultivation was conducted. As the basis for the assessment served the Digital Soil Map of the World by FAO, which was preliminary corrected on the basis of visual analysis of Landsat images, obtained in 2009-2011.

Safeguards for communities during acquisition of land for investment purposes

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembro, 2016

Kenya is going through a period of intense transition. The country's main development policy, Vision 2030, is just entering the second Medium Term Plan of Implementation from 2013. The development priorities focus extensively on large scale investments, for industrial, irrigated agriculture, utilization of newly discovered natural resources, and infrastructure development. Land is therefore a central commodity for realization of the sought after socioeconomic transformation.

Suitability analysis in a changing climate

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2016

Land suitability analysis is employed to evaluate the appropriateness of land for a particular purpose whilst integrating both qualitative and quantitative inputs, which can be continuous in nature. However, in agricultural modelling there is often a disregard of this contiguous aspect. Therefore, some parametric procedures for suitability analysis compartmentalise units into defined membership classes. This imposition of crisp boundaries neglects the continuous formations found throughout nature and overlooks differences and inherent uncertainties found in the modelling.

Multi-criteria assessment and geostatistical approach for determination of rice growing suitability sites in Gokirmak catchment

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Land suitability analysis is a prerequisite to achieving optimum utilization of the available land resources. Lack of knowledge on best combination of factors that suit production of rice has contributed to the low production. The aim of this study were to determine the most suitable areas for rice crop (Oryza sativa) based on some physic-chemical properties of various alluvial soils in the Gokirmak catchment located on the Sinop-Boyabat district in the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey.

Growth, feed utilization and endocrine responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed diets added poultry by‐product meal and blood meal in combination with poultry oil

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

The suitability of land animal by‐products (ABPs) in feed for Atlantic salmon postsmolts (initial weight 372 g) in sea water was studied in a feeding experiment, using poultry by‐product meal (PBM) and porcine blood meal (BM) as protein sources and poultry oil as fat source. Four extruded feeds were tested in a 2 * 2 factorial model, with or without ABP protein sources and with or without poultry oil. The control feed contained a mix of marine and plant ingredients. Initial feed intake was highest in the ABP protein‐based diets, whereas poultry oil had a weak opposite effect.

Assessment of the FAO traditional land evaluation methods, A case study: Iranian Land Classification method

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Land evaluation is a critical step in land‐use planning. Although many methods have been developed since the formulation of the FAO framework for land evaluation, several of the more traditional approaches still remain in widespread use but have not been adequately evaluated. Contrary to more recent land evaluation systems, which need considerable data, these systems only require basic soil and landscape information to provide a general view of land suitability for major types of land use.

integrated GIS-based interval-probabilistic programming model for land-use planning management under uncertainty—a case study at Suzhou, China

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

A large number of mathematical models have been developed for supporting optimization of land-use allocation; however, few of them simultaneously consider land suitability (e.g., physical features and spatial information) and various uncertainties existing in many factors (e.g., land availabilities, land demands, land-use patterns, and ecological requirements). This paper incorporates geographic information system (GIS) technology into interval-probabilistic programming (IPP) for land-use planning management (IPP-LUPM).

Land suitability evaluation for brackish water aquaculture development in coastal area of Hormozgan, Iran

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Land suitability analysis is a prerequisite for successful aquaculture, and site selection affects both the success and sustainability of any aquaculture development. There is an urgent need for appropriate methodology to assist planners for site selection in aquaculture development. Site selection can be viewed as a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a proven, effective method used to solve problem of site selection.

biophysical approach to delineate a northern limit to commercial forestry: the case of Quebec’s boreal forest1

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

The boreal forest ecosystem is one of the largest frontier forests of the world, providing many ecological services to society. Boreal forests are also economically important, but forest harvesting and management become increasingly difficult when one moves from south to north in boreal environments. An approach was thus developed to assess the suitability of land units for timber production in a sustainable forest management (SFM) context in the northern boreal forest of Quebec (Canada).

Crop yield response to climate change varies with cropping intensity

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2015

Projections of the response of crop yield to climate change at different spatial scales are known to vary. However, understanding of the causes of systematic differences across scale is limited. Here, we hypothesize that heterogeneous cropping intensity is one source of scale dependency. Analysis of observed global data and regional crop modelling demonstrate that areas of high vs. low cropping intensity can have systematically different yields, in both observations and simulations.