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Displaying 1225 - 1236 of 2003

REDD+ y la desertificación

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2013

Los bosques secos desempeñan una importante labor en la prevención de la degradación de la tierra y la desertificación, la conservación de la biodiversidad y el abastecimiento de bienes y servicios al ecosistema, así como en la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático y en los impactos de la sequía. Para aprovechar el prometedor potencial de los bosques y de los esquemas de agrosilvicultura en zonas áridas éstos deben estar totalmente integrados en el mecanismo REDD+, tomando especial atención a los co-beneficios.

UNCCD Advocacy Policy Framework on Gender

Policy Papers & Briefs
Agosto, 2013

The UNCCD Advocacy Policy Framework (APF) on gender, approved by the COP10 (Decision 9), demonstrates the benefits of mainstreaming gender in Desertification/Land Degradation and Drought (DDLD)/ Sustainable Land Management (SLM) actions at national and local levels. The framework recognizes that gender mainstreaming has to take place at various levels involving multiple stakeholders. It is through the full participation of local people, especially women, that the efforts efforts to combat desertification can be most effective.

An overview of a watershedbased research to mitigate land degradation & improve livelihoods: A case from the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed, North Gondar, Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2013
Eastern Africa

Ethiopia has great agricultural potential as it has vast area of fertile land, diverse climate, sufficient annual rainfall, & abundant labor force. However, the current performance of agric. is far below the potential, partly due to soil erosion & land degradation, lack of using improved technologies, lack of supportive services, poor socioeconomic infrastructure, & many more interrelated socioeconomic factors. Consequently, food insecurity & poverty have remained common features in the rural community.

GEF and Small Island Developing States

Agosto, 2013

The report highlights the GEF's
work with small island developing states (SIDS) on key
natural resource issues -climate change, biodiversity,
international waters, and land degradation. It also
describes the GEF's strategic priorities for SIDS over
the next five years, recognizing the interrelatedness of
SIDS' global environmental problems and their links to
economic and social development. The Global Environment

From Slash and Burn to Replanting : Green Revolutions in the Indonesian Uplands?

Agosto, 2013

The most traditional and widely used
farming systems in the humid upland tropics are based on
fallowing and various forms of slash-and-burn agriculture.
Their sustainability depends on the duration of the fallow;
as long as the fallow stage is longer than seven or eight
years, slash-and-burn systems usually remain efficient. They
produce a moderate yield using a low-input technology that
is especially efficient in terms of returns to labor. With a

GEF in Africa : How the Global Environmental Facility is Working with African States for a Sustainable Future

Agosto, 2013

This report reviews the collaboration
between the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the
African states. Since 1991 GEF has financed 425 projects to
address global environmental problems through sustainable
development in more than 50 African countries. This report
specifically reviews the GEF's works with African
countries on key natural resource issues : land degradation,
forests, fresh water resources, marine and coastal areas,

Algeria : National Environmental Action Plan for Sustainable Development

Agosto, 2013

This staff sector assessment note
accompanies the recently completed national environmental
action plan for sustainable development (NEAP-SD), which, as
an output of the Industrial Pollution Control Project in
Algeria, focused on charting a new course for environmental
management in the country, based on an objective assessment
of past policy, and institutional failures, on a new
consensus on the need for mainstreaming the environment into

Vietnam - Delivering on Its Promise : Development Report 2003

Agosto, 2013

The focus of the report, combined with
Vietnam's remarkable long-term growth potential,
presents a favorable outlook, suggesting the effects of the
East Asian crisis are over. The country is committed to
socially inclusive development, and, translates a vision of
transition towards a market economy, with socialist
orientation into concrete public actions, emphasizing the
transition should be pro-poor, noting this will require

Africa's International Rivers : An Economic Perspective

Agosto, 2013

Cooperative management, and development
of Africa's international rivers holds real promise for
greater sustainability, and productivity of the
continent's increasingly scarce water resources, and
fragile environment. Moreover, the potential benefits of
cooperative water resources management, can serve as
catalysts for broader regional cooperation, economic
integration, and development - and even conflict prevention.

Environment Matters at the World Bank : Annual Review 2003

Agosto, 2013

This issue, which serves as the annual
review on the environment, looks at the Bank's work
from July 2002 through June 2003, dedicated this year to
Water and the Environment, on the occasion of the Fifth
World Parks Congress in Durban, South Africa. Following the
overview, which reviews progress in the implementation of
the Environment strategy, the report presents viewpoints on
ways to move forward in delivering water as committed in

The Republic of Yemen : Comprehensive Development Review, Environment

Agosto, 2013

The review focuses on development and
the environment in Yemen, particularly analyzing the
environment resource base, where renewable fresh water is
scarce, mainly ground water, and its over exploitation is
one of the country's major environmental problems.
Fisheries resources are also important, while oil and gas
are significant resources contributing to some eighty five
percent of Yemen's export revenues. Environmental

Uruguay : The Rural Sector and Natural Resources,
Volume 1. Main Report

Agosto, 2013

The report reviews the macroeconomic
perspectives of Uruguay, focused on its rural development
and natural resources intensive sectors, to form the basis
for expanding agricultural production, and increasing
productivity. It reviews the country's sectoral
composition, exports of natural resource intensive products,
and labor and capital use, as well as the tax burden.
Although agriculture represents less than ten percent of the