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Displaying 865 - 876 of 2002

Climate change and land degradation: Bridging knowledge and stakeholders

Conference Papers & Reports
Março, 2015

The UNCCD 3rd Scientific  Conference,  held  from  9  to  12  March  2015  in  Cancún,  Mexico,  used  a novel,  participatory  approach  to  explore  the  various  forms  of  knowledge  that  link  biophysical  and  social systems,   the   vulnerabilities   of   these   systems   and   potential   pathways   to   reach   sustainable   land management.

Soil and Water Conservation Strategies in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese) and Their Impacts on Livelihoods: An Overview from the Ribeira Seca Watershed

Peer-reviewed publication
Março, 2015
Cabo Verde

Severe land degradation has strongly affected both people’s livelihood and the environment in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese), a natural resource poor country. Despite the enormous investment in soil and water conservation measures (SWC or SLM), which are visible throughout the landscape, and the recognition of their benefits, their biophysical and socioeconomic impacts have been poorly assessed and scientifically documented.

TRAS LA TIERRA: Demandas, Políticas Públicas y Legislación en Paraguay

Reports & Research
Março, 2015

La publicación aborda tres aspectos centrales de la problemática actual de la tierra en Paraguay: una aproximación a la demanda existente de tierras por parte de la población campesina e indígena, las políticas  públicas relacionadas al acceso a la tierra, y finalmente, aspectos fundamentales de la legislación vigente en esta materia.

The Impact of Land Use on the 3D Structure of Vegetation and Soils in a Cold Desert Ecosystem in Jordan

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2015
Western Asia

The University of Tennessee’s Dept. of Geography in collaboration with ICARDA, ILRI, USDA-ARS, and Cornell University’s Dept. of Natural Resources collected TLS data in the cold desert shrub-steppe ecosystem of the East Bank Plateau of Amman, Jordan and in mixed Acacia-Commiphora woodlands of Borana Plateau in southern Ethiopia. ICARDA and ILRI maintain these research sites and conduct field studies in Jordan and Ethiopia, respectively. The study plots are the size of a Landsat pixel (30-m X 30-m) to link local scale TLS to regional scale satellite imagery.

Quantification of Land Degradation and Productivity of Agro-Ecosystems under Changing Climate and Land Use

Conference Papers & Reports
Fevereiro, 2015
Central Asia

Agro-ecosystems in dry areas are sensitive to changes in climate and land use. The productivities of these agro-ecosystems are highly variable in both spatial and temporal scales. Accurate and up-to-date information on these production systems at farmscape to landscape scales are important for understanding the food security

A National Framework for Salinity Management: The Case of Iraq Agriculture - Final Report

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2015
Western Asia

This final report synthesizes the results of the Iraq Salinity Project, a research partnership between five Iraqi ministries and national agencies and an international team of researchers, led by ICARDA, specializing in land and water management, crop improvement and plant breeding, geoinformatics, and socioeconomics.

Uzbekistan : Strengthening the Horticulture Value Chain

Fevereiro, 2015

Why produce a policy note on
horticulture in Uzbekistan? There are several answers to
this existential question, although they are not necessarily
obvious ones. Agriculture, taken as a whole, constitutes a
small and declining share of Uzbekistan s national income,
and horticulture is a small share of agricultural income.
Even so, it is an important source of income for the 4.7
million households that operate dehkan farms in rural and

Senegal Economic Update, December 2014 : Learning from the Past for a Better Future

Fevereiro, 2015

Gross domestic product (GDP) growth was
a disappointing 3.5 percent in 2013. It remained largely
unchanged compared to 2012, reflecting a decline in cereal
production and stagnation in the industrial sector. Services
continue to drive the economy. The economic outlook for 2014
was more positive, but poor rainfall and the Ebola outbreak
have forced downward revisions in GDP growth projections,
now expected to reach 4.5 percent. The plan Senegal emergent

Republic of Moldova Forest Policy Note

Janeiro, 2015

This forest policy note (FPN) offers
an outside view of the Moldovan forestry sector, provides
some strategic guidance to help define sector goals, and
identifies opportunities for consideration in the continued
development of the sector and for the implementation of the
Moldova and World Bank (WB) country partnership strategy
(CPS). This study is based on a number of short visits to
Moldova and on a number of background studies undertaken

Strengthening the resiliency of dryland forest-based livelihoods in Ethiopia and South Sudan

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2014
Sudão do Sul

This literature review explores how political, economic and resource management policies and programs can reduce forest degradation and increase the contribution of forest goods and services to sustainable livelihood strategies. In Ethiopia, studies indicate that forest dependency is strong throughout the country, but the importance of forest income varies across different regions and wealth categories. Research suggests that improving forest product market governance is key to strengthening forest livelihood resiliency.


Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

Drawing on state-of-the art scientific knowledge through analysis of restoration case studies and review of scientific literature, IUFRO scientists developed a framework to demonstrate how forest landscape restoration (FLR) can contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. One of the major results of this study was the identification and detailed description of the many different ways in which FLR contributes to both mitigating climate effects and helping ecosystems and society to adapt to adverse effects of a changing climate.