| Land Portal
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Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro 2018

Defenders of Indigenous land in Malaysia are targeted, singled out and face opposition from state authorities and private individuals when they speak up. These abuses have further disenfranchised Indigenous communities in Malaysia, marginalising them socially and harming them economically.

Agosto 2018

Rural households are displaced from their lands without any plan in place to resettle or compensate them, for a promise of improvement in their living standards. This has not only resulted in a decline in the living standard of the rural populace, in terms of loss of land and livelihoods, the poor are also further marginalized and impoverished.

Tempos do Mundo
Artigos e Livros
Julho 2018
América do Norte
Estados Unidos

As primeiras décadas do século XXI têm sido marcadas por uma corrida global por terras, desencadeada pelas crises agroalimentar, energética, climática e econômico-financeira. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar se os Estados Unidos estiveram na rota dessa corrida.

Artigos e Livros
Junho 2018

Coastal systems are predominantly delicate to three key drivers related to Climate Change (CC): Sea Level Rise (SLR); ocean temperature and; ocean acidity. This study focused on the impacts realized from SLR. These variables are anticipated to increase with significant threats to the populace and structures of social, cultural or economic importance along Coastal Zones (CZ).

Ministry of Development Policy Framework 2018 - 2023
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Maio 2018

THE Ministry of Development (MoD)’s Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2018-2023 is a comprehensive plan that outlines the policy direction in priority areas and provides strategy and implementation arrangements from aspects of land use planning, infrastructure development and environmental management so that they are closely coordinated with the country’s socio-economic development in line wi

Property Rights and Resource Governance: Afghanistan
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Maio 2018

Afghanistan continues to struggle to overcome decades of war and civil strife. Its political context remains complex and dominated by the Taliban insurgency, narcotics production, weak governance and incomplete rule of law. After more than fifteen years of state building Afghanistan remains a fragile state.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Abril 2018

The fate of future generations of Georgians will be decided to start now. A girl born in Georgia today can expect to live for more than 86 years, to 2104. This girl, and her peers, will shape Georgia in the 21st century, but her future will also depend on the path that the country chooses today. What will her life look like when she becomes an adult?

Janeiro 2018

Dispõe sobre a regularização fundiária rural e urbana, sobre a liquidação de créditos concedidos aos assentados da reforma agrária e sobre a regularização fundiária no ¢mbito da Amazônia Legal, instituí mecanismos para aprimorar a eficiência dos procedimentos de alienação de imóveis da União, e dá outras providências. O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no uso da atribuição que lhe confere o art.

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