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Re-Allocation Aspects in Land Consolidation: A New Model and its Application

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

It is presented, in this study, a mathematical optimization model suitable for designing the new re-allotment plans in LC and its application to a hypothetical area about 26.371 ha comprising 6 holdings. The most important feature of the model is a cost factor which into account the parameters of road time index, ratio of area, landowner preferences and fixed installations in optimization process. It is seen that its results will be useful and acceptable by the farmers.

Bodemkundig-hydrologisch onderzoek in het landbouwgebied Tachtig Bunder; ontwateringsadvies ter compensatie voor veranderende hydrologische omstandigheden in het Compagnonsveld

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2006
Países Baixos

Voor een gedeelte van de landinrichting Fochteloerveen zal landbouwgrond veranderen in natuur, wat met een forse peilverhoging gepaard zal gaan. Voor aanliggende landbouwgronden wordt een effect verwacht. DLG heeft Alterra opdracht gegeven om met een ontwateringsadvies voor het gebied te komen. De aanwezigheid van keileem is daarbij een bepalende factor. Deze studie geeft o.a: een bodemkaart, een keileemkaart en een grondwatertrappenkaart

Principiile de determinare a eficienţei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

In the article the results of the agrarian reform in the village Semionovca from Stefan Voda district were examined. There has been studied the project of a small peasant farm for one plot of land and the elements of the land use and land management. Some economic parameters were determined in order to demonstrate the efficiency of land consolidation.

Property rights, land fragmentation and the emerging structure of agriculture in Central and Eastern European countries

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2006
Estados Unidos
Bósnia e Herzegovina

This paper offers an overview of land reform processes in the CEECs and their outcomes and impacts and analyzes current and emerging structures in rural areas. Different types of land consolidation are defined and their potential impacts are assessed. The paper then looks in depth at land consolidation processes, especially in the context of land management, and outlines preconditions and cornerstones for various approaches. Environmental aspects and principles for land funds and land banking are also drawn in.


Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2005

Since 1991, Moldova has carried out a wide range of radical reforms affecting its social and economic system. The land reform, which was practically completed in 2000, created over 1 million landowners among the rural population. Many of them entrusted their land to managers of newly created corporate farms. Others used their privately owned land to establish independent family farms. The creation of independent family farms (so-called "peasant farms") was one of the primary goals of the land reform. More than 280,000 peasant farms have been created, averaging 1,86 hectares in size.

Land Consolidation - Between Budgetary Constraints and Improvement of Agricultural Efficiency

Conference Papers & Reports
Dezembro, 2005

This paper tries to provide some solutions regarding farm consolidation and to diminish the share of subsistence farming, by analysing demographic tendencies, the ownership structure of agricultural land and the structure of the rural workforce, in Romania. The emphasis will fall on the following main solutions: the withdrawal of agricultural pensioners from the agricultural activity in return for an additional pension (before 2007) and the application of the early retirement scheme after joining the EU (probably in 2007).

Разработка концепции экспериментальных проектов консолидации земель в Центральной и Восточной Европе

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2005
Europa Oriental
Ásia Central

Óñëîâèÿ æèçíè â ñåëüñêîé ìåñòíîñòè ñòðàí Öåíòðàëüíîé è Âîñòî÷íîé Åâðîïû óõóäøàþòñÿ è áóäóò åùå äàëüøå óõóäøàòüñÿ äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà ñóùåñòâóþùèå ïðîáëåìû íå áóäóò ðåøåíû ïîñðåä- ñòâîì ðåàëèçàöèè ïðîåêòîâ è ïðîãðàìì êîìïëåêñíîãî ðàçâèòèÿ ñåëüñêèõ ðàéîíîâ. Óñïåõ è óñòîé÷èâîñòü òàêèõ ïðîåêòîâ è ïðî- ãðàìì áóäåò â áîëüøîé ñòåïåíè çàâèñåòü îò ñïîñîáîâ ðåøåíèÿ â èõ ðàìêàõ òåõ ïðîáëåì, êîòîðûå ñòàâèò ðåàëüíîå ñóùåñòâîâàíèå ìèëëèîíîâ íåáîëüøèõ ðàçäðîáëåííûõ çåìåëüíûõ âëàäåíèé.

Land consolidation as a factor for successful development of agriculture in Moldova

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2005

Since 1991, Moldova has carried out a wide range of radical reforms affecting its social and economic system. The land reform, which was practically completed in 2000, created over 1 million landowners among the rural population. Many of them entrusted their land to managers of newly created corporate farms. Others used their privately owned land to establish independent family farms. The creation of independent family farms (so-called "peasant farms") was one of the primary goals of the land reform. More than 280,000 peasant farms have been created, averaging 1,86 hectares in size.

'The Finn line' - a historical curiosity or a juridicial rality? The Sami reindeer herders' land rights in southern Sami areas evaluated from land consolidation practice (In Norwegian with Summary in English)

Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2005

Attitudes towards the land rights of Sami reindeer herders have changed considerably during the last 100 years. So, too, has consideration of how such rights should be treated by Land Consolidation Courts. This paper reviews changes in attitudes to the Sami land rights with respect to how these are considered in Land Consolidation Courts in southern Sami areas in Norway. The review also considers changing attitudes regarding the competence of Land Consolidation Courts to deal with such matters.

'The Finn line' - a historical curiosity or a juridicial rality? The Sami reindeer herders' land rights in southern Sami areas evaluated from land consolidation practice (In Norwegian with Summary in English)

Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2005

Attitudes towards the land rights of Sami reindeer herders have changed considerably during the last 100 years. So, too, has consideration of how such rights should be treated by Land Consolidation Courts. This paper reviews changes in attitudes to the Sami land rights with respect to how these are considered in Land Consolidation Courts in southern Sami areas in Norway. The review also considers changing attitudes regarding the competence of Land Consolidation Courts to deal with such matters.