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Decreto Nº 1.465 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 160 de 1994, en lo relacionado con los procedimientos para la clarificación de la propiedad, delimitación o deslinde de las tierras, extinción del derecho de dominio, recuperación de baldíos indebidamente ocupado...

América do Sul

El presente Decreto establece procedimientos administrativos especiales agrarios de clarificación de la propiedad, delimitación o deslinde de las tierras de la Nación, extinción del derecho de dominio, recuperación de baldíos indebidamente ocupados o apropiados, reversión de baldíos adjudicados, de competencia del Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural (INCODER).

Ley Nº 8/2007 - Ley de suelo.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley regula las condiciones básicas que garantizan la igualdad en el ejercicio de los derechos y en el cumplimiento de los deberes constitucionales relacionados con el suelo; asimismo establece las bases económicas y medioambientales de su régimen jurídico, su valoración y la responsabilidad patrimonial de la administraciones pública en la materia.

Decree No. 22 of the Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on transfer of recultivated land to landowners and land tenants extracting minerals and peat, and also carrying out exploration, prospecting and other a...

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes the modalities of transfer of recultivated land suitable for agricultural use, forest management and fisheries, to landowners and land tenants extracting minerals and peat, and also carrying out exploration, prospecting and other activities related to land disturbance. The period of biological recultivation of land must not exceed five years. Recultivated land destined for agricultural use until the complete restoration of soil fertility shall be classified as soil in the process of fertility restoration.

Règlement sur la gestion du fonds cantonal pour les investigations préalables des sites présumés pollués.

Europa Ocidental

Le présent règlement met en exécution la loi d’application de la législation fédérale sur la protection de l'environnement du 21 juin 1990. Notamment, le règlement a pour but de fixer les modalités de gestion du fonds cantonal destiné à financer le coût des investigations préalables concernant des sites qui se révèlent non pollués, ainsi que le coût de l'élimination des déchets déposés de façon illicite et dont le financement est avancé par l'Etat.

Law on Coastal Zone and Inland.

Sudoeste Asiático
Ásia Meridional

The purpose of this Act, which consists of 14 Articles, is to determine the boundary of the coastal zone and inland as well as to regulate provisions regarding their ownership and use. According to the Act, any construction in the determined limit of the coastal zone and inland is prohibited unless for necessary public facilities. Any trespassing to these limits or any destruction of their current situation may lead to persecution by authorities.

Executive Order expanding the coverage of the National Greening Programme (No. 193 of 2015).

Sudeste Asiático

This Executive Order, consisting of 6 sections, expands The Coverage of the National Greening Programme to cover all the remaining unproductive, denuded and degraded forestlands and its period of implementation is likewise extended from 2016 to 2028. All sectors, particularly the private sector, are encouraged to actively participate in the Expanded National Greening Programme.

Parks Act ( S.N.B. 1982, c. P-2.1).

América do Norte

This Act provides for the designation of areas to be parts of provincial parks and provides for the management of such parks. The Act covers also the appointment and powers of park wardens, the protection of flora, prospecting and mining and enforcement measures.

Implemented by: General Regulation - Parks Act (N.B. Reg. 85-104). (2010-08-31)
Repealed by: Parks Act (RSNB 2011, c 202). (2014-06-24)

Decree on the preparartion of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps.

Europa Oriental

This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Regional development, which is composed of ten articles and one Annex, provides details on the preparation of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps, reimbursement of expenses for their development, review and update, and designing and displaying the range of inundation area maps.

Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act (2010).

Ásia Oriental

This Act is formulated to prevent and remediate soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, enhance the living environment, and protect public health. It consists of 8 Chapters divided into 57 articles.Competent authorities at all levels shall, regularly monitor the quality of the soil and groundwater, and perform verification of sites suspected of having soil and groundwater pollution, and control pollution sources and investigate the state of environmental pollution.