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Informe de políticas alimentarias mundiales 2016: Sinopsis

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

El año 2015 marcó un giro decisivo para la comunidad internacional del desarrollo. Si bien aún persisten retos inmensos, la culminación de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio puso de relieve los impresionantes logros alcanzados desde 1990: tanto la extrema pobreza, como la mortalidad infantil y el hambre se redujeron a casi la mitad.

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Chinese]

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

2015年对国际社会而言是具有分水岭意义的一年。联合国千年发 展目标于2015年到期;自1990年以来,世界各国在实现千年发 展目标方面取得了重大的进展,极端贫困人口、儿童死亡率以及饥 饿人口比例均降低了约一半。然而,我们仍然面临着巨大的挑战。 《2016全球粮食政策报告》综述了影响2015年及未来的食物安全和 营养的主要趋势、事件和变化,并探讨了全球食物系统如何在为进 一步减少饥饿、营养不良和贫困做出最优贡献的同时,确保全球资 源的可持续利用。2016年是我们将新的国际和国家承诺转化为行动 的重要的一年。

2016 Global Food Policy Report: Synopsis [in Arabic]

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2016
América do Sul
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América do Sul

كان عام 2015 لحظة فارقة لمجتمع التنمية الدولية. فلقد ابرزت نهاية الاهداف
الانمائية للألفية التقدم الملحوظ والمحقق لتلك الاهداف منذ عام 1990 ، حيث
انخفضت معدلات الجوع والفقر المدقع ووفيات الأطفال إلى النصف، ومع ذلك تظل هناك
تحديات جسيمة. يستعرض تقرير السياسة الغذائية العالمية لعام 2016 الاتجاهات والاحداث
والتغيرات الكبرى التى تؤثر على الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في عام 2015 وما بعدها؛ كما
يناقش كيف يمكن للنظام الغذائي العالمي أن يساهم فى المزيد من خفض معدلات حدة الفقر،
والجوع، وسوء التغذية مع ضمان الاستخدام المستدام لموارد العالم. وسوف يكون عام 2016

Farmers’ Perceptions and Satisfaction Levels on the Performance of Watershed Development Activities in the Morni Hill area of the Siwalik Himalayas in India

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

We describe the results of a survey of farmers’ perceptions of and satisfaction with the performance of watershed development activities on socioeconomic, agriculture and livestock, and environmental attributes. We administered a questionnaire to 120 farmers randomly interviewed in the Morni Hill area of the Siwalik Himalayas in India. Our results show that the farmers have considerable knowledge about the implementation of watershed development activities and their impact on the economy, agriculture and the environment.

Estimation of Groundwater Recharge from the Rainfall and Irrigation in an Arid Environment Using Inverse Modeling Approach and RS

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
Sudoeste Asiático

Quantifying recharge from agricultural areas is important to sustain long-term groundwater use, make intelligent groundwater allocation decisions, and develop on-farm water management strategies. The scarcity of data in many arid regions, especially in the Middle East, has necessitated the use of combined mathematical models and field observations to estimate groundwater recharge. This study was designed to assess the recharge contribution to groundwater from rainfall and irrigation return flow in the Mosian plain, west of Iran.


Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

This article presents the results of evaluation of environmental management of natural - resource potential of Orenburgregion.

В данной статье приводятся результаты оценки показателей экологической эффективности управленияприродно-ресурсным потенциалом Оренбургской области.

Projected robust shift of climate zones over West Africa in response to anthropogenic climate change for the late 21st century

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
África Ocidental

The response of West African climate zones to anthropogenic climate change during the late 21st century is investigated using the revised Thornthwaite climate classification applied to ensembles of CMIP5, CORDEX, and higher-resolution RegCM4 experiments (HIRES). The ensembles reproduce fairly well the observed climate zones, although with some notable discrepancies. CORDEX and HIRES provide realistic fine-scale information which enhances that from the coarser-scale CMIP5, especially in the Gulf of Guinea encompassing marked landcover and topography gradients.

Water Resources and Soil Management In Italy

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Italy has always had a long dramatic history of extreme events such as landslides, flooding, land degradation and drought. Much has been done in terms of prevention and monitoring but still there is much left to do, in particular introducing innovative alert systems based on the integration of real‐time weather forecasting with national alert and protection systems.

Connecting people and places: the emerging role of network governance in large landscape conservation

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
América do Norte

The most important land and water issues facing North America and the world – including land‐use patterns, water management, biodiversity protection, and climate adaptation – require innovative governance arrangements. Most of these issues need to be addressed at several scales simultaneously, ranging from local to global. They require action at the scale of large landscapes given that the geographic scope of the issues often transcends the legal and geographic reach of existing jurisdictions and institutions.

Agricultural land investments and water management in the office du Niger, Mali: options for improved water pricing

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016

Large-scale agricultural land investments in Africa are often considered solely from the land perspective. Yet land, water and other natural resources are closely interlinked in agricultural production and in sustaining rural livelihoods. Such investments involving irrigation will potentially have implications for water availability and utilization by other users, making it imperative to regard water as an economic rather than a free good.