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Deux guides pour accompagner les producteurs de cacao dans l'agroforesterie et l’agriculture biologique

Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2024
Côte d'Ivoire

Le guide pour la conversion en agriculture biologique

L’agriculture biologique est une opportunité économique pour les agriculteurs. Pourtant, cette opportunité peut être très risquée pour les producteurs et générer une chute des rendements brutale.

Long-term relationships of beef and dairy cattle and greenhouse gas emissions: Application of co-integrated panel models for Latin America

Dezembro, 2023

The cattle sector plays a pivotal role in the economies of numerous Latin American and Caribbean countries. However, it also exerts a significant impact on environmental degradation, including substantial contributions to greenhouse gas emissions (accounting for 23.5 % of global livestock emissions) and deforestation (70 % attributed to livestock in South America).

Critical assessment of cocoa classification with limited reference data: A study in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana using sentinel-2 and random forest model

Dezembro, 2023

Cocoa is the economic backbone of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, making them the leading cocoa-producing countries in the world. However, cocoa farming has been a major driver of deforestation and landscape degradation in West Africa. Various stakeholders are striving for a zero-deforestation cocoa sector by implementing sustainable farming strategies and a more transparent supply chain. In the context of tracking cocoa sources and contributing to cocoa-driven deforestation monitoring, the demand for accurate and up-to-date maps of cocoa plantations is increasing.

Visions and expectations of young people in the municipality of Solano Caquetá, Colombia

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

Solano is a municipality located in the department of Caquetá within the deforestation arc of the Colombian Amazon, the second largest municipality in area of the country. Solano can only be reached by river, although there are already several trails that allow to reach the municipal’s capital by car at certain times of the year.

Corruption risks in land-based solutions to climate change

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2023

“Nature-based” solutions to climate change require the acquisition of large swaths of land for reforestation, afforestation, conservation and renewable energy sources. However, corruption in the land sector is already widespread and this additional demand for land may aggravate pre-existing corruption risks, as well as causing new ones.

Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación

Reports & Research
Julho, 2023

La investigación: 'Cambio climático en Santa Cruz. Nexos entre clima, agricultura y deforestación' aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia.

La presente investigación aborda uno de los problemas climáticos y ambientales más complejos de Bolivia. Nos referimos al cambio de clima en Santa Cruz y sus nexos con la agricultura y la deforestación.

Regimes do cultivo tradicional do arroz da etnia manjaca no setor de calequisse, região de cacheu, Guiné-Bissau

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2023

Foto: Francesco Foianesi/Flickr

Opresente  estudo  teve  como  objetivo  sistematizar  os  métodos  tradicionais  da  produção  do  arroz  da  Etnia-Manjaca.  O trabalho  foi  realizado  por  meio  das  entrevistas  com  agricultores  familiares  do  Setor  de  Calequisse.  Os  resultados mostraramque o sistema da produçãonas terras altas é o que mais prejudica o ecossistemae a produção nas bolanhas é mais rentável.

Bulletin de veille n°457

Manuals & Guidelines
Abril, 2023
Afrique occidentale

À la suite de la publication du Bulletin de veille n°381 spécial genre et développement rural et du Grain de sel n°80 « Les savoirs féminins : quelle contribution à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle ? », Inter-réseaux a souhaité continuer à explorer la question sous l’angle de la protection sociale comme solution à la problématique du travail non rémunéré.

Documental Niweaba: mujeres shipibas enfrentan las amenazas a sus territorios y sus vidas

Dezembro, 2022

Las comunidades shipibas cuyos territorios se ubican en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, región Ucayali, enfrentan múltiples amenazas a sus derechos territoriales y sus vidas: narcotráfico, tala ilegal. Pero no solo actividades ilegales, también concesiones forestales y agrícolas otorgadas por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego en sus territorios. Los menonitas han deforestado grandes extensiones.

Agroecological Living Landscapes: A Context Assessment in Mbire, Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 2022

This report contributes to Output 2.1. Baseline – current conditions of agricultural systems of smallholder farmers in each Agroecological Living Landscape (ALL) and provides context to their current state. Therefore, the document is a Context Assessment report developed and maintained to ensure a thorough understanding of the operational context and the stakeholders and communities. This document is a living document and will continuously evolve. For Zimbabwe, the ALLs are at the district level, with two sub-ALLs at the ward level.

Agroecological Living Landscapes: A Context Assessment in Murewa, Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 2022

This report contributes to Output 2.1. Baseline – current conditions of agricultural systems of smallholder farmers in the identified Agroecological Living Landscape (ALL) and provides context to their current state. Therefore, the document is a Context Assessment report that is developed and maintained to ensure a thorough understanding of the operational context as well as that of the stakeholders and communities. This document is a living document and will continuously evolve. For Zimbabwe, the ALLs are at the district level, with two sub-ALLs at the ward level.