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Malawi National Land Policy.

National Policies
Janeiro, 2002

The goal of the National Land Policy in Malawi is to ensure tenure security and equitable access to land, to facilitate the attainment of social harmony and broad based social and economic development through optimum and ecologically balanced use of land and land based resources.A number of specific land policy objectives have to be satisfied in order to achieve the overall goal, particularly: a) Promote tenure reforms that guarantee security and instill confidence and fairness in all land transactions: Guarantee secure tenure and equitable access to land without any gender bias and/or disc

Land Utilization (To Mil Corridor Special Development Area) Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 104 of 2001).

Junho, 2001
América Central

The area described in the Schedule to these Regulations is declared to be a Special Development Area in the sense of the Land Utilization Act (Cap. 188). The type of development permitted includes agriculture, forestry, wildlife reserve and environmental protection. The Land Utilization Authority shall draw up a Development Plan for the area after consultation with such local persons and institutions as it may think fit. The Plan shall be submitted to the Minister of Natural Resources, The Environment and Industry for approval. The Plan shall be available for inspection to the public.

Regulation on internal order in the nature park "Biokovo".

Junho, 2001

This Regulation defines the protection, management and other environmental issues aimed to be used as internal rules for the safe and sustainable use of the Croatian Nature Park Biokovo, and also prescribes offenses and determines the penalties for noncompliance with the prescribed requirements.

Implements: Law declaring the mountain Biokovo as Nature Park. (1981-06-08)

How the location of roads and protected areas affects deforestation in North Thailand

Dezembro, 2000
Ásia Oriental

This article discusses the extent to which the location of roads s and protected areas affects deforestation in North Thailand. The article stresses that establishing protected areas (national parks together with wildlife sanctuaries) in North Thailand did not reduce the likelihood of forest clearing, but wildlife sanctuaries may have reduced the probability of deforestation.

Understanding patterns of resource use and consumption: a prelude to co-management

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2000

For co-management of conservation areas to be effective, detailed information on local people's use of natural resources is essential. One method to obtain some of that information, a household record keeping study, is given. It is simple to implement and analyse, and provides useful, quantitative data on resource use and income levels. The method and present data derived from three studies of Melayu and Iban communities in and around the Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, are described.

Code de l’environnement (Partie législative)

Novembro, 2000

Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

Ordonnance nº 2000-914 relative à la partie Législative du Code de l'environnement.

Setembro, 2000

Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy 2000.

National Policies
Janeiro, 2000
Nova Zelândia

The Government of New Zealand has developed this Biodiversity Strategy to fulfill the commitments made under the Convention of Biological Diversity. The purpose of this nation-wide sectoral document is to establish a strategic framework for action to conserve, use and manage the indigenous biodiversity.

Project Law No. 7 of 1999 on the environment.

Novembro, 1999
Sudoeste Asiático

This basic enactment of the Palestinian Legislative creates a framework for the protection of the environment, public health and biodiversity in Palestine including marine areas. Its 82 sections are divided into 5 Titles: Definitions and general provisions (I); Environmental protection (II); Environmental impact assessment, licensing, inspection and administrative procedure (III); Penalties (IV); Final provisions (V). Article 1 contains an extensive list of definitions, including "natural reserves" and "international waters". Objectives of this Law are set out in article 2.

National Land Policy.

National Policies
Maio, 1999

This policy provides the framework for addressing problems and constraints to ensure equity in land allocation and holding and to maintain a stable environment for the country's sustainable social and economic development.

Decreto Nº 552 - Declara Zona Intangible de Conservación vedada a todo tipo de actividad extractiva las tierra de habitación y desarrollo de los grupos Huaorani y otros eventuales que permanecen sin contacto, ubicadas hacia el sur de las tierras del Pa...

Janeiro, 1999

El presente Decreto declara Zona Intangible de Conservación, vedada a todo tipo de actividad extractiva, las tierra de habitación y desarrollo de los grupos Huaorani, conocidos como Tagaeri Taromenane, y otros eventuales que permanecen sin contacto, ubicadas hacia el sur de las tierras adjudicadas a la nacionalidad Huaorani y del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY).

Jamaica National Environmental Action Plan 1999-2002. .

National Policies
Dezembro, 1998

The Jamaica National Environmental Action Plan (JANEAP) is a national Plan with a multi-sectoral approach. The duration of the Plan is 3 years between 1999 and 2002. The main objective of the Plan is to ensure good environmental planning and management to contribute to the sustainable development.Regarding the biological resources, forestry, watershed management, protected areas and oceans the Plan provides for different actions to be taken. A Fisheries Management Plan and an Ocean and Coastal Zone Policy will be prepared and implemented.