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Displaying 445 - 456 of 1733

Local Budget Transparency and Participation : Evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic

Janeiro, 2015

The paper investigates determinants of
civic participation in local budget processes in rural areas
in the Kyrgyz Republic by using data from the Life in
Kyrgyzstan survey, conducted in 2012. The analysis of the
data suggests that although civic awareness and interest in
local budget processes is relatively high, the participation
rate in local budgeting processes is low. The paper also
shows that interest, awareness, and participation are

Myanmar : Rice Price Reduction and Poverty Reduction

Janeiro, 2015

Myanmar is a low-income agrarian country
with a high poverty rate. The livelihood of many poor people
depends on the performance of agriculture, especially the
rice sector. Rice accounts for 70 percent of Myanmar s total
cultivated area and 30 percent of the value of its
agricultural production. Increasing returns to rice
production will be the key to increasing farm wages and
incomes in the short to medium run. Higher rice production

Environmental Health Costs in Colombia : The Changes from 2002 to 2010

Janeiro, 2015

Despite considerable progress in the
area of environmental management over the last decade,
Colombia still faces significant impacts from population
exposure to urban air pollution, inadequate access to water
supply and sanitation, and indoor air pollution from solid
fuel use. This study estimates that the total health cost
attributable to these three factors amounts to about 10.2
trillion Colombian Pesos (COP) annually, or about 2 percent

Access to Affordable and Low-Income Housing in East Asia and the Pacific

Janeiro, 2015

Across the world, the housing sector
plays a key role in local and national economies, and
expanding access to housing can encourage more equitably
shared economic growth. This report surveys current policy
interventions designed to encourage affordable housing in
East Asia and the Pacific (EAP). The purpose of this report
is to provide a general overview of the recent trends in
urbanization and development in EAP and to consider

Los efectos de la roya en las economías Centroamericanas

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2015
América central

Durante los últimos tres años, la roya ha devastando la actividad cafetera en América Central. Se han producido grandes pérdidas en la producción de café en esta región a causa de la plaga. Este hongo, que se difunde por el aire, puede ser controlado con un adecuado manejo agronómico, por lo que es importante contar con una política común entre los países centroamericanos para erradicar la enfermedad. En este documento se analiza el efecto de la roya en la región.

Quantifying Vulnerability to Poverty : A Proposed Measure, Applied to Indonesia

Janeiro, 2015

Vulnerability is an important aspect of households' experience of poverty. Many households, while not currently in poverty, recognize that they are vulnerable to events - a bad harvest, a lost job, an illness, and unexpected expense, an economic downturn - that could easily push them into poverty. Most operational measures define poverty as some function of the shortfall of current income, or consumption expenditures from a poverty line, and hence measure poverty only at a single point in time. The authors propose a simple expansion of those measures to quantify vulnerability to poverty.

Urban and Regional Dynamics in Poland

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2015

In this exploration of urban and regional dynamics in Poland after the transition, the authors find that the degree of urbanization, and primacy remains low in Poland. The largest cities are not growing at the rate that would be expected if post-transition adjustments were operating freely. As a result, Poland is not fully realizing external economies from urban agglomeration. Internal migration decreased significantly in the 1990s, with rural-to-urban migration declining dramatically.

Lessons from Uganda on Strategies to Fight Poverty

Janeiro, 2015

Countries receiving debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative will be among the first to benefit from the new World Bank -- International Monetary Fund approach to strengthening the impact on poverty of concessional assistance in low-income countries. The new approach features a more inclusive and participatory process for helping recipient countries develop poverty reduction strategies. From these strategies, joint Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) will bring together the country's own priorities and Bank-Fund assistance to the country.

State-Community Synergies in Development : Laying the Basis for Collective Action

Janeiro, 2015

If states would interact more synergistically with communities, they could tap local energies and resources for development-- and help create a development-oriented society and polity in the process. The authors analyze experience in several countries to identify the actions required for state-community synergies in development. Two actions that seem especially important: 1) Broadening the distribution of power within communities, to facilitate collective action and reduce the potential for local capture.

Communities’ perceptions and knowledge of ecosystem services: Evidence from rural communities in Nigeria

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

This research has been undertaken to improve our understanding of stakeholders’ knowledge and perception about ecosystem services (ES), which provides a valuable means of gaining insight into the opportunities and constraints that face ES management in a multiuser landscape. Land use preferences are influenced by a variety of motives, attitudes, and values intrinsic to every individual’s decisionmaking. Knowledge can affect attitudes and behavioral intentions, and a positive attitude toward the environment has been found to predict conservation practices.

Rural and agricultural mechanization: A history of the spread of small engines in selected asian countries

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014

The past 50 years witnessed a remarkable spread of smaller-scale rural mechanization in some regions of South Asia, mostly characterized by the spread of single-cylinder diesel engines. These engines have been used for multiple purposes, such as providing power for shallow tubewell pumps, riverboats, two-wheel tractors, road and track transport vehicles, harvesters, threshers, grain mills, timber mills, and processing equipment.

Time allocation to energy resource collection in rural Ethiopia: Gender-disaggregated household responses to changes in firewood availability

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014
Eastern Africa

This paper presents evidence on rural Ethiopian households’ time allocation to different activities, especially fuel collection work, and examines the effect of changes in the availability of firewood resources on households’ time allocation to fuel collection and on- and off-farm income generation.