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Displaying 577 - 588 of 1732

Social Impacts of Costa Rica's PSA Program

Junho, 2014

This paper discusses the social impacts
of Costa Rica's Payments for Environmental Services
(PSA) program and their effect on rural poverty. Although
the analysis is hampered by significant information gaps, we
believe that the PSA Program has probably managed to have an
impact on the poor. This impact is almost certainly positive
on the poor who were able to participate, but is difficult
to quantify. However, except for very few cases, it seems

Assessing the Potential for
Payments for Watershed Services to Reduce Poverty in
Highland Guatemala

Junho, 2014

It has often been assumed that payments
for watershed services (PWS) would go mostly to poor land
users, thus contributing to poverty reduction, but there has
been little empirical verification to date. This paper uses
data from highland Guatemala to assess the potential for PWS
to reduce poverty by examining whether the recipients of
payments for environmental services are likely to be poor.
The watersheds in which PWS would be feasible due to the

Ministerial Policy Statement for LANDS, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT

Legislation & Policies
Maio, 2014

Madam Speaker and Honorable Members, the vision of my Ministry is “Sustainable Land Use, Land Tenure Security, Affordable, Decent Housing and Organized Urban Development”. The Mission is “To ensure sustainable land management, planned urban and rural development and decent housing for all”. The Mandate is “To ensure rational and sustainable use, effective management of land and orderly development of urban and rural areas as well as safe, planned and adequate housing for socio-economic development”.

Housing and Urbanization in Africa : Unleashing a Formal Market Process

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2014

The accumulation of decent housing matters both because of the difference it makes to living standards and because of its centrality to economic development. The consequences for living standards are far-reaching. In addition to directly conferring utility, decent housing improves health and enables children to do homework. It frees up women's time and enables them to participate in the labor market. More subtly, a home and its environs affect identity and self-respect.

Women's Empowerment and Socio-Economic Outcomes : Impacts of the Andhra Pradesh Rural Poverty Reduction Program

Maio, 2014

The paper explores whether one of the
largest programs in the world for women's empowerment
and rural livelihoods, the Indira Kranti Patham in Andhra
Pradesh, India, has had an impact on the economic and social
wellbeing of households that participate in the program. The
analysis usespanel data for 4,250 households from two rounds
of a survey conducted in 2004 and 2008 in five districts.
Propensity score matching was used to construct control

A Guide for Local Benefit Sharing in Hydropower Projects

Maio, 2014

Local benefit sharing in hydropower
projects can be defined as the systematic efforts by project
proponents to sustainably benefit local communities affected
by hydropower investments. Benefit sharing is a promising
approach for implementing hydropower projects sustainably,
and is emerging as a supplement to the requirements of
compensation and mitigation. Benefit sharing can provide
equitable development, sustainability, and smooth project

Face of Poverty in Madagascar : Poverty, Gender, and Inequality Assessment

Maio, 2014

Madagascar has been entirely
unsuccessful in reducing the number of its people that are
poor, or extremely so, in the ten years since 2001, when
poverty was already at a very high level. This well-known
conclusion draws on the analysis of three successive rounds
of the national household expenditure surveys (enquete
periodiques aupres des menages, EPM) conducted by the
Madagascar National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) in

Land Sales and Rental Markets in Transition : Evidence from Rural Vietnam

Maio, 2014

The extent to which households should be
allowed to transfer their land rights in post-socialist
transition economies is of considerable policy interest. The
authors use data from Vietnam, a transition country that
allows rental and sales of land use rights, to identify
factors conducive to the development of land markets and to
assess the extent to which land transfers enhance productive
efficiency and transfer land to the poor. They find that

Technical Measures to Trade in Central America : Incidence, Price Effects, and Consumer Welfare

Maio, 2014

Despite the widespread tariff reductions
sparked by the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade
Agreement, borders in the region remain thick, with many
hurdles standing in the way of regional trade. Although
anecdotal evidence suggests that nontariff measures raise
trade costs and inhibit trade in the region, little is known
about the magnitude of these economic effects. This paper
uses a newly collected data set to quantify the incidence of

Mainstreaming Environment in the Implementation of PRSPs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Maio, 2014

The current assessment builds on
previously published reviews of poverty reduction strategy
programs (PRSPs), and is the sixth report in a series. This
paper aims at presenting a clearer picture of how PRSPs
influence the developmental agenda in 11 African countries
by assessing the level of environmental mainstreaming in the
Poverty Reduction Strategy Process. The paper includes the
following headings: introduction; framework for assessment;

Environment in 2005 Country Assistance Strategies

Maio, 2014

Country Assistance Strategies (CASs)
have been periodically reviewed from a variety of different
perspectives. This review assesses how environment is
integrated in CASs for 2005 and also compares the progress
made by 37 countries over the period of 1999-2005. Five
themes are used to assess the 23 CASs across an established
methodology also used in previous reviews. The five themes
are: issues identification, treatment, mainstreaming,