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Russia : Reshaping Economic Geography

Março, 2013

The report has three main chapters
discussing modernization, diversification and
competitiveness. The chapters examine problems and barriers
facing households, private firms and public agencies to
achieving these objectives, and then identify the
instruments that can help Russia achieve the necessary
spatial transformation of its economy. Russia's long
history as one of Europe's leading nations, and its

The Livestock and Horticulture Value Chains in Swaziland : Challenges and Opportunities

Março, 2013

The specific objective of this policy
note is to derive insights that can contribute to rapid and
sustainable integration of small-scale farmers into the
livestock and horticulture value chains in Swaziland. It
seeks to do this by identifying constraints that may be
contributing to poor performance in the two value chains,
evaluating technological options that could improve
productivity, and identifying priority areas for future

Assessment of Development Needs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Eastern Sudan

Março, 2013

East Sudan has received a continuous
influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees
over the last forty years. Mass influxes were witnessed
during years when the region experienced natural
catastrophes as droughts and floods, or an escalation of
tensions and conflict in neighboring countries, mainly
Eritrea and Ethiopia. Presently there is still a steady but
smaller in numbers influx of refugees, mostly from Eritrea,

Ethanol as a Husehold Fuel in Madagascar : Health Benefits, Economic Assessment, and Review of African Lessons for Scaling-up

Março, 2013

This study was commissioned to analyse
the cost efficiency and economic viability of an ethanol
programme, for reducing disease, and protecting the forests
in Madagascar. This information is also expected to be of
interest regionally and internationally, given that the
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are
nearly two million deaths per annum globally due to
Household Air Pollution (HAP), representing 2.7 percent of

Kyrgyz Republic : Agricultural Policy Update, Volume1. Overview

Março, 2013

This policy note examines the policy and
investment framework between 2003 and 2010, resulting sector
performance and the priorities for future development. It
draws attention to the need to refocus on completing the
fundamental reforms and investments on which
Kyrgyzstan's early successes were built. These include
further development of land market, building rural finance
markets, further public investment and institutional

Kyrgyz Republic : Agricultural Policy Update, Volume 2. Main Report

Março, 2013

This policy note examines the policy and
investment framework between 2003 and 2010, resulting sector
performance and the priorities for future development. It
draws attention to the need to refocus on completing the
fundamental reforms and investments on which
Kyrgyzstan's early successes were built. These include
further development of land market, building rural finance
markets, further public investment and institutional

Uganda - Promoting Inclusive Growth : Transforming Farms, Human Capital, and Economic Geography, Synthesis Report

Março, 2013

At an average above 6.0 percent per year
over the past two decades, Uganda' s growth rate was
impressive by all standards. In parallel, poverty declined
significantly, not only in urban areas, but also to some
extent within the rural areas. This combination was possible
because the key drivers of growth were labor-intensive
services sectors, some of which are agriculture based. In
fact, Uganda's growth process has reduced overall

Assessing the Social Impacts of the Economic Crisis in Ukraine

Março, 2013

This study was carried out in three
stages during 2009 through April 2011. The main objective
of the study is to determine, on the basis of usage of
qualitative data collection methods, impact of the economic
crisis on the most vulnerable population groups, as well as
to monitor dynamics of changes in the lives of the
respondents by consistently comparing the results of each of
the consecutive stages of the project study. The study

Vietnam : Formal and Informal Social Assistance in Metropolitan Cities - A Rapid Assessment

Março, 2013

The expanding coverage of social
assistance in Vietnam raises a question of whether relevant
arrangements at all levels are sufficiently robust to handle
a larger program. This note explores institutional and
delivery aspects of formal and informal social assistance in
metropolitan cities. It is a result of a rapid assessment of
governance and administration of social assistance in
metropolitan cities, including interviews with related

Cambodia - Poverty and Social Impact of the Global Economic Crises : Using the Past to Plan for the Future

Março, 2013

This paper discusses the progress made
by Cambodia from the early 90s to 2007, in reduction of
poverty incidence. Reduced poverty occurred in both urban
and rural areas, and was experienced by rich and poor, and
by men and women. Households, including those in the poorest
groups, have improved their housing quality, increased
ownership of motorbikes, televisions, and mobile phones, and
are better able to access and afford schools and healthcare.

Assessing Fiscal Implication of the Recent Changes in Poverty Lines and Revision of Allocation Norms of Capital Expenditures and Resources for Targeted Programs

Março, 2013

There have been important changes in the
budgeting process in Vietnam since 2006 when the government
of Vietnam instituted a revolutionary reform in the
management and allocation of the state budget. For the
period of 2007-2010, the norms include ethnic minority
population data, and poverty rates. The purpose of this
research assignment is to describe the evolution of
budgeting mechanisms in recent years, in association with

Options for Strengthening Social Safety Nets in Lao PDR : A Policy Note

Março, 2013

The Government of Lao PDR (GoL)
announced that its 7th national socio-economic development
plan, covering 2010 through 2015, will focus on achieving
the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 and exiting least
developed country status by 2020. To achieve these goals,
one of the priority areas in the 7th National Socio-Economic
Development Plan (NSEDP) is to reduce vulnerability to
shocks by providing and improving social safety nets (SSN).