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Ley Nº 614 - Crea los comités de integración territorial.

América do Sul

La presente Ley tiene por objeto establecer mecanismos de integración, coordinación y armonización de las diferentes entidades competentes en materia de ordenamiento del territorio, para la adopción e implementación de los planes de ordenamiento territorial.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 388 - Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial que modifica las Normas sobre planes de desarrollo municipal, compraventa y expropiación de bienes. (1997-07-18)

Land Code No. of 1996.

Ásia Central

The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational use and protection of land, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment and equal development of all forms of land tenure. The document consists of 19 Chapters that contain 105 Articles. Chapter 1 (arts. 1- 18) lays down the general provisions. Chapter 2 (Arts. 19 – 21) establishes the rights and the duties of land tenants. Chapter 3 (Arts.22 – 31) regards allocation of land. Chapter 4 (Arts. 32 – 36) concerns land charges. Chapter 5 (Arts.

Tax Code (1998).

Ásia Central

Division X of the Code regards land tax. Article 228 establishes that the land taxi s paid by land users who have been allocated land plots for use or for lifetime use with the right of bequest. Article 229 regards the object of taxation. It specifies that the land taxi s established with consideration of the composition of land, its quality and location, public records on its value, the characteristics of its use and its environmental properties. The basis for determining land taxi s the public land record documentation of the land user.

Law No.449 of 1997 “On land charges”.

Ásia Central

The purpose of introduction of land charges is the creation of conditions for the rational use of lands, the protection and development, increase soil fertility, equalizing of the social-economic managing conditions on the lands of different quality. The use of land in the Republic of Tajikistan is chargeable. The payment for land is levied annually from land users in the form of the land tax and leasing fee. The document consists of 11 Articles. Article 1 establishes chargeable use of land. Article 2 regards establishment of the land tax.

Presidential Decree No.1474 of 1999 regarding conformation of the Presidential Decrees to the Urban Code.

Europa Oriental

The President, in connection with the promulgation of Urban Code decrees to make the following amendment to the Presidential Decree No.485 of 1997 by replacing the wording of the item 1 “ authorization for carrying out construction activity “ with the wording “authorization for construction”.

Implements: Federal Law "Urban Code" No. 73-FZ of 1998. (1998-05-07)
Amends: Presidential Decree No. 485 of 1997 regarding the guarantees to the real estate owners for the purchase of the plots of land on which their property is situated. (1997-05-16)

Federal Law No. 123-FZ of 1997 "On privatisation of state property and basic principles of privatisation of municipal property".

Europa Oriental

This Law establishes organizational and legal bases for the transformation of property relations through privatisation of state and municipal property for the purpose of increasing efficiency of national economy and its social orientation, improving balance of payment of the Russian Federation, carrying out protectionism as regards national commodity producers. The document consists of III Sections that contain 31 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. Section II regards the modalities and methods of carrying out privatisation of state and municipal property.

Decree-Law No. 364/98 establishing the obligation to draw up a map concerning urban areas subject to flood risk.

Europa meridional

This Decree-Law establishes the obligation to draw up a map concerning urban areas subject to flood risk. It consists of 5 articles establishing the requirements to be satisfied by the Municipal Plans for Territory Management (PMOT) in order to prevent water flood and to guarantee soil protection within the involved areas. PMOT Regulations establish necessary restrictions in order to avoid flood risks.

Ley Nº 345 - Ley de restablecimiento de los plazos establecidos en la Ley Nº 278, sobre propiedad reformada urbana y agraria.

América Central

La presente Ley, que consta de 3 artículos, restablece por el termino de 18 meses el plazo y las modalidades de pago establecido en el articulo 98 de la Ley Nº 278 para cancelar el impuesto de bienes inmuebles. Asimismo, restablece hasta el 23 de diciembre de 2000 el plazo establecido en el articulo 2º de la Ley Nº 288 para que la Comisión Nacional de Revisión de Confiscaciones continúe recibiendo solicitudes de reclamos.

Regional Act No. 20 laying down the legislative framework in matter of land use and land preservation.

Europa meridional

The present Act provides for the protection of the territory of the Emilia Romagna Region by making rules on land use planning. Cooperation among the Region, the Provinces and the Communes in the field of land use planning and programming is hereby encouraged. Title I lays down general principles applicable to the elaboration of such plans. One of the main objectives is the protection of the environment and natural resources through the reduction or mitigation of impacts that may arise out of plans and projects.

Ley Nº 5/1999 - Ley de Urbanismo de Castilla y León.

Europa meridional

La presente Ley tiene por finalidad regular la actividad urbanística en la Comunidad de Castilla y León, que es una función pública que tiene por objeto la ordenación, la transformación, la conservación y el control del uso del suelo, incluidos el subsuelo y el vuelo, y en especial su urbanización y edificación.

Enmendado por: Ley Nº 7/2014 - Ley de medidas sobre Rehabilitación, Regeneración y Renovación Urbana, y sobre Sostenibilidad, Coordinación y Simplificación en Materia de Urbanismo. (2014-09-12)

Regional Law No. 391 “On protection and management of the objects of historical and cultural heritage”.

Europa Oriental

The scope of this Regional Law shall be to regulate social relations in the sphere of historical and cultural heritage, ensuring access thereto of citizens and conservation and promotion of historical and cultural habitats of the regional population. Objects of cultural heritage shall be classified as federal, regional and local (municipal). Cultural heritage on the regional territory shall be subject to mandatory registration and conservation. Objects of historical and cultural heritage shall include urban areas and landscapes, protected areas and urban parks and gardens.

Urban Planning Act.

Ásia Oriental

The Act is formulated in order to improve the living environment for the inhabitant, and to promote a planned and equal development between cities, towns and the rural area. The Ministry of Internal Affair is authorized to deal with urban planning. The Act consists of 87 articles and divided into 8 Chapters. Article 7 defines the terminologies such as general planning, specific planning, priority developing area, etc. Chapter 2 provides for the contents of urban plan, the procedure of amending a plan, procedures of promulgation and implementation.