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Strategic IDPs Assessement

Junho, 2016

Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) have
been introduced in Romania as a prerequisite for accessing
EU funds under the Regional Operational Program (ROP). The
IDPs designed for growth poles represent a specific category
of strategic planning documents as: 1) they need to be
considered within the frame of the national policy to whose
implementation they contribute; and 2) they represent a
first endeavor to think of development across functional

Elaboration of Integration Strategies for Urban Marginalized Communities

Junho, 2016

The current report is part of the work
on integrating poor areas and marginalized communities in
Romania. Specifically, the Bank's technical assistance
provided through this project focuses on three primary
components: (1) a methodology for defining different types
of urban disadvantaged communities based on a set of key
criteria and indicators; (2) detailed maps that present the
spatial distribution of these indicators and the

Evaluation of the Portfolio of Regional Development Investment Projects

Junho, 2016

In the context of Romania’s push toward
sustainable and inclusive development, the government has
asked the World Bank to support the harmonization of public
investments financed by the European Union and the state
budget. The current report describes the national program
for local development (PNDL’s) framework and project cycle
and provides an overview of the program’s project portfolio
in 2014. It also draws a number of preliminary observations

India Land Governance Assessment

Junho, 2016

As India continues to urbanize and move
towards a less agricultural- and more industry-based
economy, land demands will continue to grow. Its urban
population is expected to increase by more than 200 million
by 2030, requiring 4 to 8 million hectares of land for
residential use alone. Demands for infrastructure and
industry could add a similar amount, summing to total land
demand of 5 to10 percent of the land area currently used for

The Nigeria Fadama National Development Series

Junho, 2016

Over the last 20 years, poor rural
farmers in Nigeria have seen the benefits of community
organization as a tool for local economic development under
the National Fadama Development Project series. They have
witnessed improvements in rural areas that have embraced a
more inclusive and participatory model of local economic
decision making. Many communities have come together under
the umbrella of new institutional arrangements for

Prioritizing Infrastructure Investments in Panama

Junho, 2016

Infrastructure services are significant
determinants of economic development, social welfare, trade,
and public health. As such, they typically feature strongly
in national development plans. While governments may receive
many infrastructure project proposals, however, resources
are often insufficient to finance the full set of proposals
in the short term. Leading up to 2020, an estimated US$836
billion - 1 trillion will be required each year to meet

Transitioning from Status to Needs Based Assistance for Georgia IDPs

Junho, 2016

This report presents to the Government
of Georgia (GoG) an analysis of the implications of
potential policy changes to internally displaced person
(IDP) assistance. A pressing question for policy makers in
Georgia is the sustainability of status-based IDP assistance
and what efforts can be made to tailor this assistance to
favor the poor and vulnerable. Elimination of the IDP
benefit has been subject to debate among policymakers. The

Malawi Urbanization Review

Junho, 2016

The Malawi Urbanization Review aims to
provide fresh perspectives on urbanization in Malawi, by
analyzing the current and potential contribution of
urbanization to long-term national development and the
current institutional and financial capacity of local
governments to manage the process. Analyses presented in
this report are particularly timely as Malawi is planning
for the coming half decade through the Malawi Growth and


Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2016

Urbanization in Spain has advanced rapidly in the last twenty years or so. The phenomenon was particularly pronounced in the period spanning 1990-2007, when the construction of housing on a mass scale was a clear indicator of the second circuit of capital accumulation, with space playing a key role through the work of David Harvey. This led to a property bubble – one of the defining features of the economic and financial crisis in Spain between 2008 and 2013.

Regulation in a crony capitalist state: The case of planning laws in Bangalore

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2016
Southern Asia

The city of Bangalore came up with a draft structural plan 2031 to accommodate the emerging challenges of urban growth, congestion and environmental concerns through planning and regulation. In the decade 2000-2010, when the city opened itself to the booming IT industry, its developmental response to the pressures of growth has been through policy measures like airport relocation, introduction of metro rail, satellite township development, traffic improvement projects and revenue layout development.

The Case of the IT Park: Analysing the International Tech Park, Bangalore through the Eco Industrial Approach in Urban Planning

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2016
Southern Asia

Eco-industrial approach to urban planning views a component in the urban system in relation to others through spill over. IT Parks as a subsystem has a number of organic relations with the macro environment of local economy and ecology. The paper examines the case of one IT park as conceptualised as a self sufficient unit in the city of Bangalore and the way interactions have taken place in a span of two decades. The study uses both primary and secondary data for analysis.