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The mean streets of Hlaing Tharyar

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2015

...While all-out street brawls might not be an everyday occurrence in Hlaing Tharyar, the township is awash with crime – everything from fistfights, robberies, rapes and extortion to assaults and home detentions by lenders against debtors.

A senior police officer from the Hlaing Tharyar Myoma Police Station said some of these cases are brought to the attention of police, but many others are “solved” by calling in local toughs who rely on intimidation.

Land Conflict, Migration, and Citizenship in West Africa

Agosto, 2015

Land and property rights, migration, and
citizenship are complex issues that cut across all social,
economic, and political spheres of West Africa. This paper
provides an overarching scoping of the most pressing
contemporary issues related to land, migration, and
citizenship, including how they intersect in various
contexts and locations in West Africa. The way issues are
analytically framed captures structural challenges and sets

Regional Imbalances, Horizontal Inequalities, and Violent Conflicts

Agosto, 2015

Horizontal inequalities (HIs) within a
country, or inequalities among groups, have been shown to be
an important source of violent conflict. Relevant group
categorizations include religion, ethnicity, and region. HIs
can also be measured in different ways. Ethnicity, language,
religion, race, and region are examples of potentially
relevant and salient group categorizations. In this paper
the authors will review the prevailing HIs and their

Monitoring Welfare and Perceptions in South Sudan 2012–2014

Agosto, 2015

Since early 2012, the World Bank’s High Frequency South Sudan Survey has collected a panel data set to monitor the welfare and perceptions of citizens in a
selected number of state capitals in South Sudan. This note presents the findings of all six rounds of the survey on the topics of (1) Security, (2) Economic
Conditions, (3) Assets and Consumption, and (4) Access to Services. The results are based on 143 households in Juba, Wau and Rumbek revisited six times.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Agosto, 2015

This assessment presents a broad picture
of the main gender disparities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(BiH) in endowments, economic opportunities, and agency. The
report builds on the framework of the 2012 World Bank World
Development Report 2012 on gender and development and the
World Bank’s regional gender report on Europe and Central
Asia: opportunities for men and women, that focuses on the
household and individual members’ bargaining power and their

Braving the Storm

Agosto, 2015

This note describes the trends in, and
composition of, absolute poverty based on household
expenditures, and is thus concerned, as a matter of policy
objectives, with access of the population to a particular
minimum standard of living. This should be viewed as
complementary to the companion note on social exclusion
based on Europe 2020 indicators including the relative
at-risk-of-poverty (AROP) rate, focuses on low income in

Department of Rural Development on its 4 Quarter 2014/15 & 1st quarter 2015/16 performance & Financial and Fiscal Commission analysis

Legislation & Policies
Agosto, 2015
África do Sul

The Committee was briefed by the Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) on the expenditure trends and performance of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) and its entities for 2014/15 and the first quarter of the 2015/16 financial year.

Impact of Property Rights Reform to Support China’s Rural-Urban Integration

Agosto, 2015

As part of a national experiment, in
2008 Chengdu prefecture implemented ambitious property
rights reforms, including complete registration of all land
together with measures to ease transferability and eliminate
labor market restrictions. This study uses a discontinuity
design with spatial fixed effects to compare 529 villages
just inside and outside the prefecture’s border. The results
suggest that the reforms increased tenure security, aligned

Access to Basic services August 2015 The Health Status of the Urban Poor in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julho, 2015

Evidence from the first Nairobi Cross-sectional Slum Survey (NCSS) conducted in the city by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) in 2000 revealed that slum residents have the worst health outcomes of any group in Kenya (including rural residents). They have limited access to basic facilities such as water and sanitation, or opportunities for life such as education and employment, and that they endure the near absence of the public sector and law enforcement agencies in their daily lives.

Poverty and Shared Prosperity in Brazil's Metropolitan Regions

Julho, 2015

In the 20th Century, Brazil rapidly
urbanized and is now not only an urban nation but a
metropolitan one. Brazils sprawling regioes metropolitanas
(metropolitan regions, or RMs, which are municipal clusters)
are now home to almost 50 million people and much of the
countrys economic vitality. The RM spatial level and its
supporting governmental institutions have thus become
critical to Brazils future development. While challenges

Risks and Vulnerabilities along the Life Cycle

Julho, 2015

Myanmar is a country in transition with
great regional diversity. It is still a relatively young
country with the highest share of its population at active
working age. Myanmar’s more pressing needs are the
following: a) reducing the incidence of poverty and
improving human development outcomes, with a particular
emphasis on reaching the poor and vulnerable. Children from
poor families fare worse when it comes to nutrition, and

Cultural Heritage Buildings in Mandalay City (Myanmar): A Geographic Approach to the Urban Landscape

Reports & Research
Julho, 2015

Abstract: The




