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Africa Gas Initiative : Volume 5. Cote d'Ivoire

Setembro, 2014

The Africa Gas Initiative (AGI) has been
established by the Oil and Gas Division of the World Bank,
to promote the utilization of natural gas in Sub-Saharan
Africa. The study focuses on coastal countries - Angola,
Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, and Gabon - along the
West African coastline, and the Gulf of Guinea, where most
of the region's gas reserves are located, and where
significant proportions of the gas produced, is being wasted

India : Alleviating Poverty through Forest Development

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2014

This case study, one of six evaluations
in a series of country case studies, aims to understand the
implementation of the 1991 Forest Strategy in World Bank
operations and to obtain the views of the various
stakeholders in the country about the involvement of the
Bank. Each country study examines the overall development of
the country's forest sector. This naturally includes
the environmental impacts on forests, such as degradation,

Phase-Out of Leaded Gasoline in Oil Importing Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa : The Case of Ethiopia

Setembro, 2014
Sub-Saharan Africa

This is one of four documents of a
series presenting the results of studies, workshops and
action plans recently undertaken for four sub-Saharan
African countries (Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania and Tanzania)
on the elimination of lead in gasoline. This document
describes the work realized in Ethiopia. These four
countries have the particularity of being oil importing
countries without local refining capability. The transition

Egypt Public Land Management Strategy : Volume 1. Policy Note

Agosto, 2014

The main objective of the Egypt Public
Land Management Strategy is to provide the Government of
Egypt (GOE) with practical and politically feasible policy
recommendations to reform existing public land management
policies and practices in the aim of improving the business
climate in Egypt. This study is presented in two volumes:
Volume one with the main policy note, supported by Volume
two with background notes on access to public land by

Breaking up the Collective Farm : Welfare Outcomes of Vietnam's Massive Land Privatization

Agosto, 2014

The decollectivization of agriculture in
Vietnam was a crucial step in the country's transition
to a market economy. But the assignment of land use rights
had to be decentralized, and local cadres ostensibly had the
power to corrupt this process. The authors assess the
realized land allocation against explicit counterfactuals,
including the simulated allocation implied by a competitive
market-based privatization. The authors find that 95-99

Economics of South African Townships : Special Focus on Diepsloot

Agosto, 2014

Countries everywhere are divided into
two distinct spatial realms: one urban, one rural. Classic
models of development predict faster growth in the urban
sector, causing rapid migration from rural areas to cities,
lifting average incomes in both places. The process
continues until the marginal productivity of labor is
equalized across the two realms. The pattern of rising
urbanization accompanying economic growth has become one of

The Great Recession and the Future of Cities

Agosto, 2014

This paper describes the serious fiscal
crisis faced by cities around the world following the Great
Recession of 2008. Five years later, the after-effects of
this major crisis continue to be felt and limit economic
opportunities in cities. Section 1 summarizes how the crisis
was triggered and how it unfolded in the US, then spread to
the rest of world -- highlighting the links between
financial sector and housing sector. Section 2 discusses the

Arab Republic of Egypt Urban Sector Note : Volume 1. Urban Sector Update

Agosto, 2014

The objective of this paper is to
present a succinct and up-to-date review of the urban sector
in Egypt, with a focus on issues for which there is new
insight or emerging government interest. The two main themes
of the report are the challenges facing the urban sector and
the policy implications at various levels of government.
Some of the reports mains findings are: urbanization in
Egypt takes on forms and processes which are not well

Arab Republic of Egypt Urban Sector Note : Volume 2. Towards An Urban Sector Strategy

Agosto, 2014

The objective of this paper is to
present a succinct and up-to-date review of the urban sector
in Egypt, with a focus on issues for which there is new
insight or emerging government interest. The two main themes
of the report are the challenges facing the urban sector and
the policy implications at various levels of government.
Some of the reports mains findings are: urbanization in
Egypt takes on forms and processes which are not well

Concessionary Financing Programs for the Water and Sanitation Sector in China

Agosto, 2014

China's water and sanitation sector
faces challenges from rapid urbanization and
industrialization, urban diversification, large investment
needs, water scarcity, water pollution, and ecological
degradation. This policy note addresses 'concessionary
finance.' It is intended to provide a briefing for
Chinese government officials who formulate policies for the
water and sanitation sector. This note is not intended to

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : Issues in Urban and Municipal Development

Agosto, 2014

The present study examines the
challenges facing municipal governments in FYR Macedonia.
The introductory chapter provides some further context for
these developments, in terms of the challenges they pose
for urban areas and their governments. Chapter Two examines
issues for financial management of municipalities under the
decentralized regime, and the attendant need for improving
local government capacity. The third chapter highlights