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Displaying 769 - 780 of 3144

Assessing the Economic Value of Ecosystem Conservation

Maio, 2014

This paper seeks to clarify how
valuation should be conducted to answer specific
environmental policy questions. In particular, it looks at
how valuation should be used to examine four distinct
aspects of the value of ecosystems: 1) Determining the value
of the total flow of benefits from ecosystems; 2)
Determining the net benefits of interventions that alter
ecosystem conditions: 3) Examining how the costs and

The Impact of Urban Spatial Structure on Travel Demand in the United States

Maio, 2014

The authors combine measures of urban
form and public transit supply for 114 urbanized areas with
the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey to
address two questions: (1) How do measures of urban form,
including city shape, road density, the spatial distribution
of population, and jobs-housing balance affect the annual
miles driven and commute mode choices of U.S. households?
(2) How does the supply of public transportation (annual

Household Welfare Impacts of China's Accession to the World Trade Organization

Maio, 2014

The authors use China's national
household surveys for rural and urban areas to measure and
explain the welfare impacts of the changes in goods and
factor prices attributed to WTO accession. Price changes are
estimated separately using a general equilibrium model to
capture both direct and indirect effects of the initial
tariff changes. The welfare impacts are first-order
approximations based on a household model incorporating

Long-Run Impacts of China's WTO Accession on Farm-Nonfarm Income Inequality and Rural Poverty

Maio, 2014

Many fear China's accession to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) will impoverish its rural
people by way of greater import competition in its
agricultural markets. Anderson, Huang, and Ianchovichina
explore that possibility bearing in mind that, even if
producer prices of some (land-intensive) farm products fall,
prices of other (labor-intensive) farm products could rise.
Also, the removal of restrictions on exports of textiles and

Decree No. 34/2014/ND-CP promulgating the Regulation on land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Abril, 2014

This Decree, consisting of 24 articles divided into four Chapters, promulgates the Regulation on land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and provides the management of activities of people and vehicles in these areas; responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals for the construction, management and protection of land border areas of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 2. In case the provisions of this Regulation are different from those of treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party, the provisions of such treaties prevail.

El Salvador Country Land Assessment

Abril, 2014

This study assesses the alignment of
land use, land tenure, and land market outcomes in El
Salvador with public policy aspirations in recent decades
for efficient, inclusive, and environmentally sustainable
development in both urban and rural spaces. In doing so the
study indirectly gauges the effectiveness of land sector
institutions in facilitating such developmental outcomes in
agricultural production, urbanization, and forest

Making Spatial Change in Pakistan Cities Growth Enhancing

Abril, 2014

Cities' development matters to
Pakistan. It is central to economic growth, job creation and
quality of life. This is also one of the core themes in the
2011 Government of Pakistan Framework for Economic Growth
(FEG). This paper explores the conditions for
growth-enhancing spatial change in Pakistan s cities.
Cities' development matters to Pakistan. Two strands of
analysis are developed. First, it reviews the performance

Urban Freight and Port Cities

Abril, 2014

This note explores issues within the
urban logistics and port-cities thematic pillar. It is one
of three focus areas, or thematic pillars, for the
multi-donor trust fund for sustainable logistics (MDTF-SL).
The goal of this pillar is to finance activities that will
assist developing countries in two areas; addressing urban
congestion resulting from retail distribution of goods, and
improving the sustainable design and operation of

Natural Disasters in the Middle East and North Africa : A Regional Overview

Abril, 2014

Disasters are increasing worldwide, with
more devastating effects than ever before. While the
absolute number of disasters around the world has almost
doubled since the 1980s, the average number of natural
disasters in Middle East and North Africa (MNA) has almost
tripled over the same period of time. In the MNA, the
interplay of natural disasters, rapid urbanization, water
scarcity, and climate change has emerged as a serious

Toward an Urban Sector Strategy : Georgia's Evolving Urban System and its Challenges

Abril, 2014

This review analyzes the profile, trends
and challenges of Georgia's changing urban landscape
since independence in 1991 and provides policy suggestions
to facilitate the economic transition of the country through
its cities. In its analysis and subsequent recommendations
on policy interventions, this report draws on a program of
diagnostics called the 'Urbanization Review' (UR).
The UR diagnostic is based on three main pillars of urban

Pakistan : Path to Rapid Growth and Job Creation

Abril, 2014

Pakistan's rebound from the global
financial crisis has been slow and fragile, and unless it
changes course swiftly, it could face the prospects of a
second balance of payments crisis in less than five years.
Its recovery from the 2008-09 global financial crisis has
been the weakest in South Asia, featuring a unique
double-dip growth pattern. With high fertility, Pakistan
will double the size of its already young population by

Gender and Development Mainstreaming : Country Gender Assessment 2012, Philippines

Abril, 2014

Just as development means less poverty
or better access to justice, it also means fewer gaps in
wellbeing between males and females. Women's
empowerment and gender equality are development objectives
in their own right, as embodied in the Millennium
Development Goals. It is espoused as well in the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women (CEDAW), ratified by the Philippines in 1981; the