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Displaying 1057 - 1068 of 3144

Cali, Colombia : Toward a City Development Strategy

Junho, 2013

Although many of the problems that Cali
is experiencing - social and human capital deterioration, a
declining economy, and institutional crisis - are a
reflection of Colombia's complicated socioeconomic
situation, the city has been hit harder by the crisis than
other large cities, as confirmed by the following
indicators: GDP, unemployment, poverty rate, inequality, and
number of homicides. According to recent estimates, the

Bulgaria : Poverty Assessment

Junho, 2013

The sharp reduction in poverty in
Bulgaria since the 1997 crisis highlights the role of
effective economic stabilization policies and the social
safety nets in improving the living conditions of the
population. The nature of poverty in Bulgaria has changed
since 1997, when poverty for many households was a transient
phenomenon resulting from the immediate shock of
hyperinflation and sharply increasing unemployment. Poverty

Voices of the Poor : Crying Out for Change

Junho, 2013

As the second book in a three-part
series entitled Voices of the Poor, "Crying out for
Change" accounts for the voices from comparative
fieldwork among twenty three countries. Through
participatory, and qualitative research methods, the book
presents very directly, poor people's own voices, and
the realities of their lives. It outlines the
multidimensional aspects of well-being, and how poor people
see it, highlighting that in material terms,

Why Has Poverty Increased in Zimbabwe?

Junho, 2013

Poverty in Zimbabwe increased
significantly during the 1990s, and it increased in all
sectors of the economy. In the middle of the decade, more
than 60 percent of Zimbabwean households fell below the
national poverty line. There are competing reasons for this:
some say it was the result of the government instituting the
Economic Structural Adjustment Program (ESAP), and others
say that ESAP's effectiveness was hampered by recurring

Food and Agricultural Policy in Russia : Progress to Date and the Road Forward

Junho, 2013

The overall finding of this report is
that much agricultural policy is made at the regional level,
and here the explicit price, and trade policy distortions
are significantly worse than at the federal level. The
result is patchwork of inconsistent policies, that has
fragmented the Russian national market. The most serious
policy issues at the federal level, are in the legal
framework, the continued state domination of some markets,

Location and Welfare in Cities: Impacts of Policy Interventions on the Urban Poor

Junho, 2013

Informal settlements are an integral
part of the urban landscape in developing countries. These
settlements are widely distributed within cities, including
central business centers and peripheral areas with
environment hazards. In most cases, residents of these
settlements do not have access to basic public services and
amenities. In this paper, the authors examine the impact of
interventions, such as upgrading basic services and

Interdependencia de la expansión urbana y el medio ambiente circundante. Causas de su degradación

Journal Articles & Books
Maio, 2013

Las ciudades de la región latinoamericana se expanden incontroladamente para atender la enorme demanda social de todos los niveles de ingreso. En este proceso irreversible de crecimiento demográfico y expansión urbana, las ciudades se convierten en ávidas consumidoras de recursos naturales, principalmente agua, que después de ser utilizada es vertida en un alto porcentaje sobre cauces a cielo abierto. También son vertidos todos los desechos sólidos o basura, residuos del consumo doméstico en comidas.

Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan 2013/14 - 2017/18

National Policies
Maio, 2013

The Lands, Housing and Urban Development Sector Strategic Plan is a national sectoral plan of Uganda for the period 2013/14 - 2017/18. Its main objective is to ensure sustainable land management, orderly development and adequate housing for socio-economic development.The Plan aims to make land use more productive and sustainable.

Doing Business in Zanzibar 2010

Maio, 2013

Doing Business in Zanzibar 2010 is a new subnational report of the Doing Business series on the sub-Saharan African region, following the subnational Doing Business reports on Nigeria and Kenya. It measures business regulations and their enforcement in the region of Zanzibar, represented by Zanzibar Town. Doing Business series currently covers 183 economies around the world.

Cash for Work in Sierra Leone : A Case Study on the Design and Implementation of a Safety Net in Response to a Crisis

Maio, 2013

This paper presents an assessment of the
first phase (2008?2009) of Sierra Leone's cash for work
program based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis
examining program design features, main processes and
impact. The assessment highlights that while cash for work
was an appropriate crisis response, the challenge of
achieving good targeting should not be underestimated.
Findings from the assessment point to high inclusion errors

Angola Nutrition Gap Analysis

Maio, 2013

Despite remarkable economic growth in
the past decade, undernutrition remains a serious public
health problem in Angola. High rates of child stunting and
micronutrient deficiencies are contributing to an under-five
mortality rate of 161 deaths per 1,000 live births, limiting
the growth and development of children, hindering
productivity, and preventing the country from reaching
millennium development goals one and four. In response to

Gender Aspects of the Trade and Poverty Nexus : A Macro-Micro Approach

Abril, 2013

This report is on the findings of a major international research project examining the links between trade, gender, and poverty. Trade liberalization can create economic opportunities, but women and men cannot take advantage of these opportunities on an equal basis. Women and men differ in their endowments, control over resources, access to labor markets, and their roles within the household.