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El territorio que nos fue dado por Kuyujani

Reports & Research
Maio, 2018

El pueblo Ye´kwana tiene un patrón de asentamiento ribereño y disperso a lo largo de la cuenca del rio Caura, sus comunidades están asentadas en la selva y pese a la influencia de la iglesia evangélica y católica, los ye´kwana mantienen aún su organización política propia, basada en las autoridades en cada comunidad.

The geography of future water challenges

Maio, 2018

This new report by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency in collaboration with the Clingendael Institute and other Dutch research institutes points to pressure on security and migration arising from too little, too much or polluted water. Many integrated solutions are possible to divert this trend towards a sustainable and climate-resilient world.

Outcome Statement of the 2018 Global Landscapes Forum Investment Case

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril, 2018

Building on previous finance-focused Global Landscapes Forum events held in London in 2015 and 2016, the GLF 2018 Investment Case Symposium continued the multi-stakeholder conversation around sustainable financial solutions at landscape level.

The third GLF Investment Case was held on May 30, 2018 at the International Finance Corporation in Washington DC.

Rapport sur la gouvernance en Afrique V - La gouvernance des ressources naturelles et la mobilisation des recettes publiques pour la transformation structurelle

Reports & Research
Abril, 2018

Source: UNECA

Le Rapport sur la gouvernance en Afrique V examine ce qui est fait pour améliorer la gouvernance des abondantes ressources naturelles de l’Afrique et met l’accent sur le renforcement des institutions qui gèrent les ressources naturelles, pour une meilleure mobilisation des ressources intérieures et une plus grande participation des femmes à la diversification économique et la transformation structurelle des économies africaines.

Efficient and Effective Land Reservation Implementation for Good-Governance in LAS

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2018
Brunei Darussalam

The debate over governance is something that will not pass overtime or become outdated. Governance in its essence is significant to ensure proper and sustainable development. Efficiency and effectiveness in management on the other part is vital in ensuring good-governance continuity especially to those dependent on governance institutions. Land on the other hand is an important finite resource for development of a country that requires exclusive management and control.

The Land tenure in Northern Africa Challenges and opportunities

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2018
Norte de África

In Northern Africa region, land administration and land management systems are characterized by the existence of various institutions and a diversity of land tenures. In order to meet the requirements of the new era, a series of emerging policies has been developed and implemented according to the national needs and to the international regulations. In terms of historical events, we distinguish in the Northern Africa three different groups’ state members: (1) Sudan and Egypt, and (2) Tunisia and Morocco, (3) Algeria and Mauritania.

L’accès au foncier urbain Régulations entre usages, fonctions et acteurs

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2018

Today, the demographic and economic dynamics stimulate an increasing competition for the access to the urban land. The multiplication of needs and logics of use of this non-reproducible resource activates, more than ever, the question of the regulation of the access to the land and questions the modalities of distribution of property rights between the various actors.

Mali: Staff Report for the 2018 Article IV Consultation and Eight and Ninth Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement

Abril, 2018

This 2018 Article IV Consultation highlights that Mali’s economic recovery continued in 2017 amid persistent security challenges. GDP growth remained robust, at an estimated 5.3 percent supported by good harvests and robust domestic demand. Inflation was subdued, remaining well below the regional ceiling. The 2017 fiscal outturn and the 2018 budget are in line with the program targets and the goal of converging to the West African Economic and Monetary Union’s regional fiscal deficit norm of 3 percent of GDP by 2019.