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Brasil agroecológico : Plano Nacional de Agroecologia e Produção Orgânica – Planapo

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro, 2016

As atividades relacionadas à produção agrícola estão entre as que mais têm gerado impactos sobre o meio ambiente. A produção intensiva é grande consumidora de energia, além de fonte de contaminação da água, ar e solo, por meio, especialmente, de resíduos de pesticidas e de fertilizantes. A expansão das fronteiras agrícolas aumenta as taxas de desmatamento, agrava os processos de degradação do solo e põe em risco a biodiversidade.

The Influence of Forest Management Regimes on Deforestation in a Central Indian Dry Deciduous Forest Landscape

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2016

This research examines the impact of forest management regimes, with various degrees of restriction, on forest conservation in a dry deciduous Indian forest landscape. Forest change is mapped using Landsat satellite images from 1977, 1990, 1999, and 2011. The landscape studied has lost 1478 km2 of dense forest cover between 1977 and 2011, with a maximum loss of 1002 km2 of dense forest between 1977 and 1990. The number of protected forest areas has increased, concomitant with an increase in restrictions on forest access and use outside protected areas.

Patterns and Predictors of Recent Forest Conversion in New England

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2016

New England forests provide numerous benefits to the region’s residents, but are undergoing rapid development. We used boosted regression tree analysis (BRT) to assess geographic predictors of forest loss to development between 2001 and 2011. BRT combines classification and regression trees with machine learning to generate non-parametric statistical models that can capture non-linear relationships.

Socio-Economic Effects of Chinese Agricultural Investments on the Environment and Local Livelihoods in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2016

The nature and significance of China's engagements with African agriculture continues to be hotly debated in the media, academia and policy circles around the world. Although China has been engaged in Uganda’s agriculture for more than 40 years, the recent jostle for agricultural land by private Chinese investors is dystifying and justifies the need to conduct a scientific study to provide clear evidence before the issue gets bundled into the messy anecdotal media inquiry.

A good practice on the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure: A multi-actor and multi-sector approach in Sierra Leone

Policy Papers & Briefs
Setembro, 2016
Serra Leoa

In Sierra Leone, the well-being and livelihoods of many people, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests. Increasing pressure on these resources in recent years has led to an escalation of conflict over access to natural resources.

The Economic Case for Landscape Restoration in Latin America

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016
Latin America and the Caribbean

Degraded lands—lands that have lost some degree of their natural productivity through human activity—account for over 20 percent of forest and agricultural lands in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some 300 million hectares of the region’s forests are considered degraded, and about 350 million hectares are now classified as deforested. The agriculture and forestry sectors are growing and exerting great pressure on natural areas. With the region expected to play an increasingly important role in global food security, this pressure will continue to ratchet up.

Cost- benefit analysis of the location of new forest land

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2016
United States of America

In this paper we show how cost-benefit analysis can be used as a decision support mechanism for the location of new (urban) forest land, starting from the multifunctional role of these new forests. We start with a simple presentation of the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) technique. Key features of this evaluation technique are that (i) all - both positive and negative - impacts for all relevant parties (i.e. not only the project promoter) are taken into account and (ii) evaluation occurs on the basis of monetary values.

No food security without land tenure security?

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

Secure tenure of farming and forest land is increasingly recognised as an important factor of household food security and nutritional status. This is borne out by a study by the Laotian Land Issues Working Group. It demonstrates mutual impacts, how government land-related policies affect the factors involved, and who the winners and losers are.

At the wooden cross-road

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016
África subsariana

Fuelwood and charcoal continue to be indispensable in cooking the daily meal for most people in sub-Saharan Africa; in addition, wood as a fuel represents an important source of income. Pressure on forest resources as well as health hazards through indoor air pollution have resulted in more calls for switching to alternative energy sources. Our authors suggest another alternative: improving the existing supply chains.

الطبعة الثانية التقييم العالمي لحالة الموارد الحرجية لعام 2015 كيف تتغيّر غابات العالم؟

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

أما التقييم العالمي لحالة الموارد الحرجية لعام 2015 القائم على بيانات أكثر شمولية وموثوقية من أي وقت مضى، والذي يغطي234 بلداً وإقليماً، فيب ّين إشارات مشجّعة إلى الإدارة المحسنة للغابات وإلى التراجع العالمي لمعدلات إزالة الغابات. ولكن ينبغي لهذا الاتجاه الإيجابي أن يتعزز ولا سيما في البلدان التي لا تزال متأخرة على هذا الصعيد.

Rapport technique: Analyse de vulnérabilité au changement climatique du couvert forestier

Journal Articles & Books
Agosto, 2016

Le site pilote retenu est celui du bassin versant de Siliana (figure 1.1). Le gouvernorat auquel il appartient, et dont il porte le nom, s’étend sur une surface totale de 464 200 ha. Ce gouvernorat est situé dans la partie sud-est de la région nord-ouest de la Tunisie qui englobe les quatre gouvernorats du Kef, Jendouba, Siliana et Béja.