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Application of advanced Wflow_sbm Model with the CMIP6 climate projection for flood prediction in the data-scarce: Lake-Tana Basin, Ethiopia [Abstract only]

Dezembro, 2022

Abstract: Flood-attributed damages to infrastructure and public safety are expected to escalate in the future due to climate change, land use change, and associated hydrologic changes. In recent years, the reliability of flood forecasts has increased due to the availability of meteorological and hydrological data and advancements in flood prediction science. However, there is limited effort to apply emerging advanced hydrological models for flood prediction in poorly gauged watersheds.

Sustainable livestock production: A systematic review of different constraints associated with sustainable livestock production

Dezembro, 2022

Agriculture in general and ranches contribute significantly to the sustainability of poor and marginalized farmers. To meet the future requirements of an increasing population, animal productivity must be significantly increased. Animal production is increasingly influenced by a variety of external factors. This includes increasing demand for animal products and an inadequate supply of feed ingredients due to competition in natural resources and trade barriers. At the same time, there is growing concern about livestock and its health consequences.

Accelerating climate adaptation in the Zambezi River Basin through digital innovations

Dezembro, 2022

The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) in southern Africa connects eight riparian countries—Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The population there mostly reside rurally, and over 80 percent of agriculture is attributed to smallholder farmers facing the brunt of the climate crisis. Digital technologies can facilitate and enhance climate adaptation and resilience, but their potential in ZRB is unassessed and the use relatively low.

How good is the data for tracking countries’ agricultural greenhouse gas emissions? Making use of multiple national greenhouse gas inventories

Dezembro, 2022

Tracking agriculture and land-use greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is necessary to inform global climate policy, yet UNFCCC country-reported data and three independent global databases show inconsistent estimates of countries’ emissions. Data for developing countries are particularly inconsistent, yet also collectively the largest source of emissions.

Indicators of site-specific climate-smart agricultural practices employed in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2022

Indicators of CSA practices/technologies are crucial to measure the performance of CSA practices/technologies and use as a guideline for data collection on the evaluation of CSA practices and technologies. Various indicators of CSA practices under the five categories including crop production, livestock production, integrated soil fertility management, erosion control, water management, and forestry/agroforestry management were identified using experts knowledge and literature review.

Priority Agricultural Commodities for Expanding and Diversifying Intra-Regional Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa

Dezembro, 2022

This report explores the potential to diversify intra-regional trade in Eastern and Southern Africa countries (Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, and Burundi), with special reference to the COMESA regional market. More specifically, three critical issues were analyzed. First, the current performance and the potential to trade has been examined using several regional trade performance indicators including the production and trade similarities, and the competitiveness of the sample countries in the regional trade.