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Maize stover transfers from maize fields to banana-based agroforestry homegardens and the corresponding nutrient flows in central-northern Tanzania

Dezembro, 2022

Maize (Zea mays) stover produced in the drier lowland areas on the volcanic foot slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro serves as an important additional fodder for smallholder zero-grazed dairy cattle farming in the humid highland areas of the region. The obtained cattle manure is used to replenish nutrients and manage soil fertility in banana-based agroforestry homegardens of the highlands, which contributes significantly to sustaining crop production, thus food security and the livelihoods of the community.

Collection and characterization of cassava germplasm in Comoros

Dezembro, 2022

In Comoros, cassava plays a major food security role, however yields are low as few modern cultivars are grown. Prior to the introduction of new cultivars, and as a germplasm resource for breeders, germplasm collection missions were undertaken in the three largest islands; Ngazidja, Ndzouani and Mwali; and associated farmer knowledge documented. Cassava landraces were collected from 34 farms, and 17 key informant interviews conducted. Stakes of 79 collected landraces were planted for agro-morphological characterization.

Exploring phenotypic variation of diverse bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L) origin and development of mini-core collection for future breeding

Dezembro, 2022

Understanding the phenotypic variation and designing a mini-core collection is an efficient method to accelerate the genetic gain of bambara groundnut. A collection of 300 bambara groundnut landraces from 25 different countries of origin sourced from gene banks were used to analyze phenotypic variability among the landraces and develop a mini-core collection for future breeding. The landraces were evaluated in alpha lattice design with two replications for 2 years (2019 and 2020).

Does residue cover lead to greater frost damage in barley under conservation agriculture?

Dezembro, 2022

Farmers reported increased frost damage in barley (Hordeum vulgare) sown in conservation agriculture in the Mexican Bajío region during the autumn-winter season. To determine whether this effect is real and whether it reduced crop yield under conservation agriculture, we performed two field experiments and gathered observational data from other experiments and farmers’ fields.

Can I speak to the manager? The gender dynamics of decision-making in Kenyan maize plots

Dezembro, 2022

Gender and social inclusion efforts in agricultural development are focused on making uptake of agricultural technologies more equitable. Yet research looking at how gender relations influence technology uptake often assumes that men and women within a household make farm management decisions as individuals. Relatively little is understood about the dynamics of agricultural decision-making within dual-adult households where individuals’ management choices are likely influenced by others in the household.

Screening and genotyping of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) inbred lines and landraces in the North Central Nigeria

Dezembro, 2022

The study evaluated 33 accessions of groundnut in the field, consisting of 23 landraces from Nasarawa communities in Nigeria and 10 inbred lines. Assessment entailed the determination of plant survivorship, yield related parameters and pathological indices while genetic diversity study was undertaken using SSR and RAPD molecular markers. Data analysis was done on the Minitab 17.0 software. Significant variability was noted in all traits except in pod sizes, seed sizes and % infected seeds.

Socio-ecological benefits of fine-flavor cacao in its center of origin

Dezembro, 2022

In the tropics, combining food security with biodiversity conservation remains a major challenge. Tropical agroforestry systems are among the most biodiversity friendly and productive land-use systems, and 70% of cocoa is grown by >6 million smallholder farmers living on <2$ per day. In cacao’s main centre of diversification, the western Amazon region, interest is growing to achieve premium prices with the conversion of high-yielding, but mostly bulk-quality cacao to native fine-flavor cacao varieties, culturally important since pre-Columbian times.

Analyzing the drivers of smallholder farmer’s market participation in the Sahelian region of Niger

Dezembro, 2022

Many sub-Saharan farmers rely on agricultural production for home consumption and sell crops to meet their other needs. Farmers’ market intervention enhances economic expansion and helps to improve household food security. In our current study, we strive to explore the determinants of farmers’ decisions and the intensity of market participation in the Sahelian region of Niger, where little has been published, thereby filling the gap in the literature. A double hurdle approach was employed to achieve this objective using a sample collected from 1784 farm households in Niger.

Towards a clean environment: to what extent can trees serve as phytoremediators for chemically polluted soils?

Dezembro, 2022

The study investigated the potential of five common tree species in West Africa to bioaccumulate heavy metals in their various plant components over the course of different growth phases and at varying contamination levels (control, double the permissible level and triple the permissible limit). Heavy metals in plant tissues were extracted and analyzed using standard wet chemistry procedures. The results showed metal concentrations in tree tissues to positively and significantly correlate with contamination level, growth stage, and plant component.

Optimizing sparse testing for genomic prediction of plant breeding crops

Dezembro, 2022

While sparse testing methods have been proposed by researchers to improve the efficiency of genomic selection (GS) in breeding programs, there are several factors that can hinder this. In this research, we evaluated four methods (M1–M4) for sparse testing allocation of lines to environments under multi-environmental trails for genomic prediction of unobserved lines.

Assessment of the existing and potential business models supporting agroecological transitions in Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 2022

Work Package Three (WP3) of the Agroecology Initiative (AE-I) aims to enhance the integration of agroecology principles in businesses as a way to facilitate the transition of agrifood systems towards agroecology. To achieve this, WP3 aims to collaborate with selected private sector companies to develop and implement business models (BMs) that support or are compatible with the agroecological transition further. This report outlines the re-engagement activities carried out by the AE-I team in Zimbabwe with the private enterprises between June and August 2023.