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Monitoring, reporting, and verification system for rice production aligned with Paris Agreement transparency guidelines

Dezembro, 2021
New Zealand

This critical review takes a novel approach to assessing the existing Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) methodology and tools and provides expert-based recommendations for adjusted MRV standards that adapt current guidelines as a promising way forward to deliver transparency in meeting the Nationally Determined Contributions of Vietnam. Additionally, this is a timely proposition given the necessity to define an MRV framework for NAMAs for the rice sector.

Animal health and welfare for sustainable livestock systems

Dezembro, 2021

Over the last 30 years, the consumption of meat, milk and eggs in low- and middle-income (LMICs) countries has more than doubled (FAOSTAT, accessed 28/5/21). Population growth, urbanization, income gains and globalization continue to fuel the growth. Many people in LMICs do not have sufficient high quality protein in their diets (FAO et al., 2020); a problem that could be rectified through improved access to animal-source foods. Many in high- income countries (HICs), conversely, eat too much animal-sourced foods. Policies and information campaigns should promote healthy diets for all.

Transformation through Inclusive Innovation: Literature Review and Commentary

Dezembro, 2021

With this Technical Note, the Independent Science for Development Council (ISDC) seeks to stimulate novel, thoughtful action by CGIAR leaders and researchers that embeds inclusive practices and behaviors in agri-food systems research. Based on a literature review and expert consultations, ISDC finds that concepts and practices of inclusive innovation are emergent and recommends that CGIAR pursue an inclusivity transition in a learning-while-doing mode.

Status review of challenge, constraints and needs of men, women, and youth enterprises in the bean value chain in selected countries

Dezembro, 2021

Common bean is the most grown legume in sub-Saharan Africa and contributes to income and food security of smallholder farmers. The common bean value chain offers business opportunities to various actors, particularly women because of their high involvement in production and marketing. The value chain has the potential to contribute to SDGs if opportunities are harnessed through developing and supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, challenges and constraints undermine the contribution of the common bean to livelihoods and incomes of actors along the chain.

Linking up: The role of institutions and farmers in forage seed exchange networks of Southeast Asia

Dezembro, 2021

In Southeast Asia, access to improved forages remains a challenge for smallholder farmers and limits livestock production. We compared seed exchange networks supporting two contrasting livestock production systems to identify bottlenecks in seed availability and determine the influences of the market, institutions, and cultural context of seed exchange, using interview-based methods for ‘seed tracing’ and network analysis.

Évaluation de la vulnérabilité climatique de certaines cultures au Sénégal

Dezembro, 2021

L’évaluation de la vulnérabilité des cultures sélectionnées au Sénégal est basée sur leur sensibilité au changement, leur exposition et leurs capacités d’adaptation. Le but ultime de cette étude est d’évaluer si le climat futur a un impact neutre, négatif ou positif (pas de changement/diminution/augmentation) sur la productivité des cultures, et d’identifier les régions préoccupantes et les opportunités d’adaptation au changement climatique.

Yield gap analysis to identify attainable milk and meat productivities and the potential for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in cattle systems of Colombia

Dezembro, 2021

Colombia has a total of 27.2 million heads of cattle, ranking fourth among the Latin American countries. Identifying sustainable strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) will help the Colombian government meet their goal of a 51% reduction in national emissions by 2030. Estimation of yield gaps for identifying the potential to improve cattle farms productivity and efficiency in Colombia help on reducing the GHGE intensities from the cattle sector.

Crop-livestock integration provides opportunities to mitigate environmental trade-offs in transitioning smallholder agricultural systems of the Greater Mekong Subregion

Dezembro, 2021

CONTEXT: The Greater Mekong Subregion has been undergoing rapid agricultural transformation over the last
decades, as traditional diverse subsistence-oriented agriculture is evolving towards intensified commercial
production systems. Negative environmental impacts often include deforestation, nutrient pollution, and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore the potential of crop-livestock integration to mitigate trade-offs between