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Overcoming smallholder farmers’ post-harvest constraints through harvest loans and storage technology: insights from a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania

Dezembro, 2021

Maintaining staple grains throughout the year and managing liquidity are two major challenges that smallholder farmers face at harvest. We implemented a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania that was designed to address these post-harvest constraints. First, we offered treated farmers two hermetic (airtight) storage bags, which helped preserve grain quantity and quality. Second, we offered other treated farmers a loan at harvest, which reduced the liquidity constraints they faced. Repayment was due with interest six months from harvest when maize prices were traditionally higher.

Spatial farming systems diversity and micronutrient intakes of rural children in Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

Own production contributes much of the food supply in smallholder production sys-tems in low- and middle-income countries like Ethiopia. Understanding the potentialas well as constraints of these production systems in terms of nutrient supplies isthus a critical step to design interventions to improve nutrient intakes. The objectivesof this study were (1) to assess the usual total intakes of vitamin A, iron and zincamong rural children and (2) to investigate whether the intakes these nutrients areassociated with differences in the dominant farming systems between spatial clus-ters.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Labor Management Procedure (LMP) for Senegal cluster activities

Dezembro, 2021

This Labor Management Procedures (LMP) has been developed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) to guide mitigation and response to project risks relating to working conditions and occupational health and safety (OHS) of workers and community members during the implementation of the Accelerating Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project activities in Senegal.

Climate-smart aquaculture practices for smallholder fish farmers in Zambia: Integrated fish-livestock training workshop report

Dezembro, 2021

Training on climate-smart aquaculture (CSA) practices for smallholder fish farmers targeted small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Zambia, as well as fisheries and livestock extension officers offering services to the farmers. The SMEs included recipients of accelerator grants from the Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project that were given for the aquaculture value chain and other SMEs offering aquaculture-related goods and services.

TH3.2: Youth transitions and livestock in Kenya

Dezembro, 2021

Globally, youth transitions to adulthood are becoming more complex. The relative importance of key milestones that are used to describe the transition from youth to adulthood are culturally embedded and change across generations. So called ‘critical moments' may include completing education, moving from school to the labour force, leaving home, marriage, and parenthood. In the global south, sub–Saharan Africa in particular, agricultural and livestock assets are also culturally valued and often critical to supporting major achievements in transitions.

The Agribusiness Ecosystem in East and Southern Africa: Exploring the Role and Synergies of Key Stakeholders in the Space

Dezembro, 2021

Despite the potential of the agriculture sector in Africa to meet global food demands, performance across key areas has remained low. Farmers and market systems continue to be inhibited by fragmentation, poor efficiency of value chains, and limited resilience against climate shocks. The ones that suffer the most from these inefficiencies and threats are smallholder farmers. The potential impact of targeting these market gaps is immense.

A systematic review of studies on freshwater lakes of Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2021

Study Region: The study covers the freshwater lakes of Ethiopia, which constitute about 87 billion cubic meters of water volume. The lakes are facing continued ecosystem degradation threats. Study Focus: The aim of this study was to make an inventory of existing literature regarding the freshwater lakes of Ethiopia and identify gaps and priorities for future research directions. This was done through a systematic review of published scientific literature related to the lakes and characterizing each study based on different criteria.

Impact evaluation report: Egypt’s forsa graduation program

Dezembro, 2021
United States of America

Forsa, which means “Opportunity” in Arabic, is a new economic inclusion program of the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Implemented by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the program aims to graduate beneficiaries of the national cash transfer program, the Takaful & Karama Program (TKP), to economic self-reliance by enabling them to engage in wage employment or sustainable economic enterprises. The 2021 World Bank Economic Inclusion report (Andrews et al.

The impact of user characteristics of smallholder farmers on user experiences with collaborative map applications

Dezembro, 2021

In the future, farmers will have increasing opportunities to use collaborative smartphone applications for agricultural management. Geospatial information in combination with agricultural-relevant information is a great source of knowledge for farmers. Including maps in collaborative mobile agriculture applications benefits communication processes related to agricultural-relevant questions. Ensuring a positive user experience with map interfaces depends on their design.

Business models for early generation seed production and marketing

Dezembro, 2021

Sustainable access to early generation seed (EGS) is important for efficient supply of quality certified, standard and/or quality declared seed of improved high-performing crop varieties. Some studies have been conducted from a global perspective on the delivery of EGS with a major focus on the economic analysis and identification of effective pathways for sustainable supply. This study was designed to establish the best practices and critical factors for the delivery of EGS for grain legume and dryland cereal crops in selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and parts of South Asia.