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Stochastic simulation of restoration outcomes for a dry afromontane forest landscape in northern Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2020

Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) is carried out with the objective of regaining ecological functions and enhancing human well-being through intervention in degrading ecosystems. However, uncertainties and risks related to FLR make it difficult to predict long-term outcomes and inform investment plans. We applied a Stochastic Impact Evaluation framework (SIE) to simulate returns on investment in the case of FLR interventions in a degraded dry Afromontane forest while accounting for uncertainties.

The future of sustainable development and agrobiodiversity in Tanzania and Uganda

Dezembro, 2020

This document is part of a series of short papers on “The Future of X”, produced as part of foresight-related research supported by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets, and edited by Keith Wiebe (IFPRI) and Steven Prager (Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT). These short papers are intended to provide a focused, forward-looking perspective on key issues to support discussion on food, land, and water systems transformation. We thank two anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier draft.

Adoption of the "How are we doing?" tool by the Peruvian Service for Natural Protected Areas to enable more equitable co-management of 76 protected areas

Dezembro, 2020

With PIM/FTA support, CIFOR collaborated with multi-stakeholder fora in Peru and Indonesia to develop a tool that allows participants to reflect on the processes and progress of their fora so that more equitable processes and outcomes may emerge. Partnering with Peru’s Service for Natural Protected Areas (SERNANP), CIFOR adapted this tool for implementation by the multi-stakeholder management committees of 76 protected areas covering 15% of Peru’s territory. In 2021, the tool was included in SERNANP’s official guidebook for management committees.

Strengthening NDCs in southern Africa to be more representative of farmer interests

Dezembro, 2020

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are policy instruments, mandated under the Paris Agreement, to set out a country’s selfdetermined plans to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhance resilience by 2030. They are bottom-up processes in which countries contextualise and self-differentiate their climate targets and contributions based on their national circumstances and priorities.

AICCRA-Mali inception and stakeholder’s engagement workshop

Dezembro, 2020

The report presents the key outcomes from the inception workshop held in Bamako, Mali from on 26 and 27 Oct. 2021. It presents stakeholder's reflections on integrated rice–tree systems with most suitable and adapted tree species, the benefits of integrating tree species into the rice landscape, the most practical CSA technologies to deal with climate change, and major constraints for gender-inclusive adoption and scaling of the technologies.