Evaluation of training on good agronomic practices for seed yam production in Nigeria
The second phase of the Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa (YIIFSWA II) project was implemented through a strong collaboration between research and private sector. Private seed companies were provided with a wide variety of training and development activities on good agronomic practices (GAPs). However, the effects of the training activities were yet to be evaluated.
Are animal breeding and digital technologies shifting gender norms and dynamics? The case of Tanzanian small-scale dairy farming households
Gender dynamics and norms are crucial for rural livelihoods and achieving food security. While norms related to ownership, management, product distribution, and sales methods are prevalent in dairy production, more research needs to be conducted in this area.
Beyond transformations: Zooming in on agricultural digitalization and the changing social practices of rural farming in Northern Ghana, West Africa
Digitalization of agriculture (DA) has emerged as a powerful rural transformative force. However, the dynamics of how digitalization is changing smallholder farming practices at the heart of rural life remain underexplored.
Are policies in Vietnam conducive of healthy food environments? Insights from a multi-sectoral policy landscape analysis
Current food systems fail to address the triple burden of malnutrition — undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overnutrition (Popkin, 2019; Béné, 2019; Fanzo, 2020). The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that approximately 462 million people worldwide are underweight, while 1.9 billion adults (39%) are overweight or obese.
Gender, deliberation, and natural resource governance: Experimental evidence from Malawi
Initiatives to combat climate change often strive to include women’s voices, but there is limited evidence on how this feature influences program design or its benefits for women. We examine the causal effect of women’s representation in climate-related deliberations using the case of community-managed forests in rural Malawi.
Potential forage hybrid markets for enhancing sustainability and food security in East Africa
The cattle sector is strategic for both the economic development and food security of Africa, but the low availability and quality of forage puts the most vulnerable population at risk.
Unlocking the power of partnership to address Yemen’s food crisis and strengthen food system resilience
Key Messages
• Yemen is experiencing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises resulting from prolonged conflict, with about half the population suffering from food insecurity.
Pacific food systems The role of fish and other aquatic foods for nutrition and health
This report is intended for actors, policymakers and funders concerned with improving food and nutrition
security with fisheries as an entry point. It is equally valuable for food system, agricultural, health and
nutrition actors who are seeking to protect and enhance the benefits that fish and other aquatic foods
provide to a diversity of nutrition goals.
Characteristics of fruit and vegetable MSMEs in Ethiopia: Case of Addis Ababa and Ziway/Batu
This study documents the characteristics and functioning of fruit and vegetable (FV) value chains in select places in Ethiopia.
The association between food environment, diet quality and malnutrition in low†and middleâ€income adult populations across the rural—Urban gradient in Vietnam
Background: Economic reforms and trade liberalisation in Vaietnm have transformed the food environment, influencing dietary patterns and malnutrition status.
The political economy of land-water resource governance in the context of food security in Cambodia
Water is central for a variety of livelihoods, development, economic growth, and food production. It is also very important in the large deltas of South and Southeast Asia. Yet, water is turning into a scare resource and global climate change is making its availability more unpredictable.