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Real Property Act (Act No. 6 of 1873).

Antígua e Barbuda

This Act makes provision for various matters relative to real estate property. The matters regulated include: deeds relating to land, validity of transfer of and other legal actions involving real property and related rights, licensing in relation with property leases, Rights and duties of lessors and lessees, charge of rent, actions in relation with benefit derived from timber on leased land and rights and duties relating to inheritance and mortgage.

Real Property Limitation Act (Act No. 11 of 1877).

Antígua e Barbuda

This Act provides with respect to legal actions relating to recovery of rent or land and places restrictions on the making of entries, distress, action or suit for the reasons as specified in the Act.Legal actions concern the recovery of land or rent, assurances made by tenants in tail of any land, rights of mortgagees and recovery of sums of money secured by any judgement, mortgage or lien. Limitation of action can arise from disability, infancy or unsoundness of mind, absence of persons, etc. Limits in time are specified for various legal actions.

Real Representative Act (No. 7 of 1928).

Antígua e Barbuda

This Act provides for representation in relation with and administration of estates involved in inheritance proceedings. It also provides for the transfer of the estate to heirs.The Act regulates rights and duties of personal representatives of a deceased person, who shall act as trustees in respect of the real estate involved in the inheritance and regulates court procedures in case the personal representative has not transferred the real estate to the person entitled to the land within one year from the death of the owner of the land.

Intestates Estates Act (No. 4 of 1945).

Antígua e Barbuda

This Act abolishes various special rights relating to inheritance of an estate in the condition of intestate. The Act also provides various rules relative to succession to real estate and personal estate on intestacy and relative to residuary estate held on statutory trusts for the issue of the intestate. The Act also excludes from its working part of the estate left by will and excludes from the taking a share in the estate of the intestate any person who has committed a serious offence against the intestate.

Settled Estates Act (Cap. 54:05).


This Act makes provision with respect to transactions involving and rights inherent to settled estates i.e. land, and any estate or interest therein, which is the subject of any at, deed, agreement, will or other instrument, under or by virtue of which any land or any estate or interest in land stands limited to or in trust for any persons by way of succession.

Small Tenaments Act (Cap. 54:71).


This Act makes provision for duties and proceedings in relation with the ending of a tenancy of a small tenement as defined in this Act.If a tenant does not leave the tenement after a notice of the landlord, the Magistrate may, on the application of the landlord, issue a summons in the form as set out in Schedule 1 to this Act. The Act specifies court proceedings in respect of a dispute and provides for compensation of improvements.

Amended by: Small Tenaments (Amendment) Order (S.R.O. 5 of 1998). (1998-03-05)

Real Estate Charges Act (Cap. 54:08).


This Act provides rules relative to the possibility of discharge of debt incurred by heirs of a real estate deriving from mortgage or any other equitable charge. The Act also makes provision with respect of mortgagees in recovering debt and duties of heirs or testators or intestate as regarding debts relating to the estate.

Real Property Act (Cap. 54:02).


This Act makes provision for various matters relative to real estate property. The matters regulated include: deeds relating to land, partition of land, mortgage, inheritance and legal requirements for the valid conveyancing of land common tenancy.

Real Property Limitation Act (Cap. 54:07).


This Act provides with respect to legal actions relating to recovery of rent or land and it places restrictions on the making of entries, distress, action or suit for the reasons as specified in the Act.Legal actions concern the recovery of land or rent, assurances made by tenants in tail of any land, rights of mortgagees and recovery of sums of money secured by any judgement, mortgage or lien. Limitation of action can arise from disability, infancy or unsoundness of mind, absence of persons, etc. Limits in time are specified for various legal actions.

Land Act.


This Act provides for recognition and protection of titles in land, administration of land, use of land for public purposes, the land court and adjudication and various other matters relating to land.The Act consists of 170 sections divided into 10 Parts: General (I); Administration (II); Hereditary estates (III); Tax and town allotments (IV); Tongan leases (V); Mortgages (VI); The Foreshore (VII); Registration of title (VIII); Land for public purposes (IX); The Land Court (X).Section 3 declares all land of Tonga to be property of the Crown.

Curatelle Act.

África Oriental

This Act defines powers and duties of Curator of Vacant Estates in respect of vacant estates and provides for the administration of such estates by the Curator.The Officer of the Curator of Vacant Estates is created under this Act and the Curator shall be appointed by the President. “Vacant Estates” shall comprise vacant successions and unclaimed property. The Curator shall act on the authority of a Vesting Order to be issued by a judge after procedures as prescribed by this Act have been completed.

Land Tenure Act of 1992 (No. 12 of 1992).

África Oriental

Preliminary (I); Public land (II); Right of occupancy to land (III); Right of ownership of trees (IV); Grants of public lands (V), Leases (VI); Termination of rights of occupancy (VII); Miscellaneous provisions (VIII).All land in Zanzibar is declared to be public land and is vested in the President (sect. 3). Land taken by the Government is declared to be confiscated land and any irregularities in acquisition shall be resolved through procedures under the Land Adjudication Act. Section 5 concerns easements on banks of waterways.