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Land Tax (Amendment) Act, 2001 (No.11 of 2001).

América Central

In section 2 the definition of "base date" is added. A date base in relation to valuation roll for a district means the date when the revision of valuation roll for that district comes into force. Section 12 is amended so as to empower the Minister responsible for lands to appoint various base dates for purposes of enabling the Chief Valuer to revise valuation rolls as provided for in section 13. Section 18 is amended so as to provide for certificates, which shall be obtained prior to transactions involving lands, are to take place.

Décret nº 2002-1167 modifiant le décret nº 97-12 portant application de l'article 38 de la loi nº 96-609 du 5 juillet 1996 portant dispositions diverses relatives à l'outre-mer relatif à la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière en ...

Polinésia Francesa

Le présent décret modifie les dispositions des articles 1 et 6 du décret n° 97-12 du 6 janvier 1997 portant application de l'article 38 de la loi n° 96-609 du 5 juillet 1996 portant dispositions diverses relatives à l'outre-mer, relatif à la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière en Polynésie française. Le troisième alinéa de l'article 1er est remplacé par les dispositions suivantes: "Le président de la commission vérifie si la requête est complète et demande éventuellement les pièces complémentaires qui doivent être produites par le requérant.

Décret nº 2000-650 modifiant le décret nº 97-12 portant application de l'article 38 de la loi nº 96-609 du 5 juillet 1996 portant dispositions diverses relatives à l'outre-mer relatif à la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière en P...

Polinésia Francesa

Le nouveau texte de l'article 4 du décret du 6 janvier 1997 qui porte réglementation des procédures à suivre par la commission de conciliation obligatoire en matière foncière, instituée par l'article 38 de la loi du 5 juillet 1996, en Polynésie française, est le suivant: "Le cas échéant, la consignation préalable des sommes nécessaires aux investigations complémentaires qui paraissent utiles à la commission de conciliation doit être faite auprès du trésorier-payeur général de la Polynésie française.

Decreto Nº 2.368 - Crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras.

América do Sul

El presente Decreto crea el Consejo Superior de la Administración para la Restitución de Tierras, como un organismo del Gobierno nacional encargado de formular lineamientos generales, coordinar y articular la implementación de políticas públicas en materia de restitución de tierras de los despojados en los términos establecidos en la Ley Nº 1.448 de 2011.Son funciones del Consejo Superior de Restitución de Tierras: 1) actuar como instancia máxima en asesoría y coordinación en materias relacionadas con la restitución de tierras de los despojados; 2) servir de organismo coordinador de las acc

Resolución Nº 225 - Índices de productividad mínima de producción agropecuaria.

América do Sul

La presente Resolución establece los índices de productividad mínima de producción agropecuaria, pesquera y forestal que deberán ser observados por la Unidad Nacional de Tierras Rurales dentro del procedimiento de adquisición directa y expropiación de los bienes rurales calificados de improductivos.

Implementa: Decreto Nº 640 - Reglamenta la Ley Nº 1.152 de 2007, en lo relacionado con la adquisición directa de los bienes rurales calificados como improductivos. (2008-03-04)

Resolución Nº 2.669/09 - Modifica el Reglamento General de Registros de Títulos.

República Dominicana

La presente Resolución modifica el Reglamento General de Registros de Títulos, con el objeto de regular el funcionamiento de la Dirección Nacional de Registro de Títulos y los Registros de Títulos, así como el procedimiento y la forma en que se registran los derechos reales inmobiliarios de conformidad con la Ley de Registro Inmobiliario.

Enmienda: Reglamento General de Registros de Títulos. (2006)

Agricultural Credits Act (Cap. 224).

África Oriental

This Act makes provision with rights relating to credit for agriculture. A charge, lien or assignment may be created on farming stocks and additional assets in accordance with section 3. “Farming stock” and “additional asset” is defined in section 2. An agricultural charge may be fixed or floating, or both and may be in form and made upon such conditions as the parties to the charge may agree.

Patent Act 1970.

Europa Ocidental

Article 1 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that on request, patents shall be granted for inventions in all fields of technology, provided that they are new, not obvious to the person skilled in the art from the state of the art, and susceptible of industrial application.

Regulations of Hubei province on the contracting and managing of rural Land.

Ásia Oriental

These Regulations have been formulated for the purpose of stabilizing and perfecting the two-level operation system, which is based on the responsibility system of contracting by households supplemented by unified management, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties of the contracting of rural land, so as to improve the development of agriculture and the rural economy and stabilize the rural areas.

Measures of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region for the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Rural Land Contracting.

Ásia Oriental

These Measures, consisting of 31 Articles, are formulated in accordance with the Law on the Rural Land Contracting. A member of a rural collective economic organization is entitled to contract the rural land of such rural collective economic organization. The Contractor shall obtain the right to land contractual management after the contract enters into effect. The right to land contractual management obtained through household contract may, according to law, be circulated by subcontracting, leasing, exchanging, transferring or other means.

South Sudan Development Plan 2011-2013.

National Policies
Sudão do Sul
Norte de África

The South Sudan Development Plan (SSDP) 2011-2013 is a national planning instrument adopted by the Government as a response to core development and state building challenges during the first three years of independence. It is based upon the theme of realising freedom, equality, justice, peace and prosperity for all. The plan identifies key development objectives for the new Republic of South Sudan and outlines priority programmes for achieving these objectives.