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More peaceful and inclusive communities through empowerment and training of indigenous leaders on conflict and gender

Training Resources & Tools
Novembro, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

This is a brief description of a course organized by the Regional Government of San Martín in Peru and ProTierras Comunales and implemented in coordination with the regional and local indigenous organisations in 2018.  ProTierras Comunales is part of the Global Project “Responsible Land Policy”, implemented since late 2015 by German development cooperation in six countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to promote the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT, 2012). 

Compulsory Land Acquisition and Good Governance: An Assessment of the Luguruni Satellite Town Project in Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembro, 2018

Despite a comprehensive regulatory framework on land matters, compulsory land acquisition in Tanzania has been associated with complaints and delays in compensation payments an indication that good governance principles might not be under serious consideration.

Test of Endurance: Addressing migration and security risks by means of landscape restoration in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2018

For the African continent, the ability to manage trade-offs at a landscape scale has huge potential to influence the future of migration and conflict, as well as the future of land resources, food security and biodiversity. Integrated land management can act as an accelerator for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and can be considered an essential element of a sustainable strategy to address the root causes of irregular migration.

« Les mines nous rendent pauvres »

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2018
Burkina Faso

Le nouveau report de GLOCON examine l'impact de l'exploitation minière industrielle au Burkina Faso sur la population locale ; il présente la perspective des résident·e·s de six mines industrielles. Des enquêtes dans les villages riverains montrent que, au contraire qu’aux promesses faites par les sociétés et les autorités étatiques, les conditions de vie ne se sont pas améliorées. Par contre, les répondant·e·s rapportent la perte de leurs moyens de subsistance et des problèmes de santé, ainsi qu’un comportement irrespectueux de la part des sociétés minières.

Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Briefing Note: Contributing to sustaining peace

Institutional & promotional materials
Novembro, 2018

Efforts to ensure sustainable peace can help to support access to safe, reliable and affordable energy in the long term. Energy access in turn can help to reduce conflict due to specific food security and livelihood benefits, such as the ability to safely cook food and carry out income-generating activities. An in-depth analysis of context-specific conflict drivers is a necessary first step in working towards sustainable peace.

Reclaiming the Commons

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2018

Urban agriculture has been theorized by social scientists, and even some urban growers, as a means of reclaiming the commons. But what does “reclaiming the commons” entail? A longue-durée genealogy reveals distinct socio-legal imaginations of the commons and visions of how it might be reclaimed. Social thinkers and reformers have split over how to address the key problem of private property identified by John Locke: landless people who can’t find paid employment.

As Reservas Extrativistas da Terra do Meio

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2018
América do Sul

As reservas extrativistas, um dos legados do movimento organizado dos seringueiros do qual Chico Mendes foi um dos grandes protagonistas, foram idealizadas como proposta de desenvolvimento para Amazônia e para os povos da floresta, alternativa ao modelo estatal hegemônico, de características ambientalmente predatórias e socialmente excludentes. Desde o assassinato de Chico Mendes em 1988 foram criadas 88 reservas extrativistas (sendo 62 federais e 26 estaduais).

Dez anos de r-existência da Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras (BA):

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2018
América do Sul
Desde o final dos anos 1960, a questão ambiental começa a ganhar nova qualidade com a emergência dos movimentos populares, evidenciando que a crise ambiental é uma faceta da crise epistêmica e política, marcada pela colonialidade do saber e do poder. Neste artigo será destacado o movimento das comunidades tradicionais do estado do Acre, sob a liderança de Chico Mendes, que deixaram registrados embates emblemáticos ao lutar pela criação das reservas extrativistas, que seria a reforma agrária dos seringueiros.

A local to global perspective on resource governance and conflict

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2018

This article serves as an introduction to the special issue ‘A Local to Global Perspective on Resource Governance and Conflict’. It advances the debate on natural resource governance and conflict by bringing together three different strands of literature with the aim of developing a local to global research perspective and framework for analysis. First, this article reviews and identifies research gaps in the literatures on (1) the resource curse, (2) environmental security and (3) the large-scale acquisition of land and natural resources.


Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2018

About 3.5 billion people live in countries rich in oil, gas or minerals. With good governance and transparent management, the revenues from extractive sector can have positive impacts leading to poverty reduction hence boosting shared prosperity , while respecting both the needs of the community and the environment. The extractive sector in Kenya contributes about one (1) per cent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and three (3) per cent of the total export earnings.


Reports & Research
Outubro, 2018

Defenders of Indigenous land in Malaysia are targeted, singled out and face opposition from state authorities and private individuals when they speak up. These abuses have further disenfranchised Indigenous communities in Malaysia, marginalising them socially and harming them economically. The report examines the struggles human rights defenders of Indigenous peoples have endured as they have sought to claim their right to Indigenous lands, and the steps that should be taken by the government to ensure that they are given the protection they deserve.

Climate Change Adaptation and Conflict Prevention: Innovation and Sustainable Livestock Production in Nigeria and South Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2018
South Africa

The interface between environment and conflict has gained traction in policy and security circles in recent times. Growing scholarly interest on the linkage stems from increasing awareness on the role climate change plays in precipitating resource contestations and conflict over depleting natural resources, particularly in poor regions. Such impacts sometimes result from secondary consequences of environmental decline and resources scarcity which give rise to stiff competitions over access to available resources.