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Legal analysis of forest and land laws in Cambodia

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2006

From the foreword: "A major goal of CFI's mission in Cambodia is to support the involvement of civil society in the management of forests. Rural communities have a special role to play as forest stewards, both due to their logistical proximity to natural forests, but also because of their dependency upon these resources for shelter, water, fuel and food.

The Lake with Floating Villages: Socio-economic Analysis of the Tonle Sap Lake

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

Increasing complexity and multidisciplinarity of water management has resulted in the development of broader approaches such as Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM). This paper discusses the IWRM and particularly its social and participatory dimensions based on the practical experience gained from the socio-economic analysis within a modelling project in Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake.

Yield and economic benefits of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and soybean (Glycine max) inoculation in Northern Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2006
África Oriental
África subsariana

"On-farm experiments were conducted in farmers’ fields at 12 different sites in the 2 districts of Moshi and Rombo in northern Tanzania during the 2000–01 cropping season to study the effects of (brady)rhizobial inoculation in combination with P supply on growth and grain yields of soybean and common bean, and to assess the economic returns of these different technologies to farmers. A low level of N was included as an indicator of endogenous soil N status.

Gender and local floodplain management institutions

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2006
Ásia Meridional

Floodplain wetlands are the major common pool natural resource in Bangladesh. Mostly men fish, and both men and women collect aquatic plants and snails. Case studies contrast a women-only, men-only, and mixed community based organization (CBO), each of which manages a seasonal floodplain wetland. The two CBOs in which women hold key positions are in Hindu communities where more women use aquatic resources, work for an income, and belong to other local institutions. In the oldest of these CBOs, more women have gradually become office bearers as their recognition in the community has grown.

Understanding the links between agriculture and health

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

Policymaking initiatives in agriculture and public health are often pursued in a parallel and unconnected fashion. Yet coherent, joint action in agriculture and health could have large potential benefits and substantially reduce risks for the poor. Among development professionals there is growing recognition that agriculture influences health, and health influences agriculture, and that both in turn have profound implications for poverty reduction.

Determinants of farmers' perception of land degradation and adoption of soil conservation technologies among rice farmers in Osun-State, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

The study investigated farmers' perception of land degradation, and adoption of soil conservation practices using a two-stage decision making process. The data for the study were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive analysis and simultaneous probit model. The results show erosion as the major cause of land degradation and 69% of the farmers experienced a low level of crop loss to land degradation. Majority of the farmers (80%) prefer fertilizer application as a conservation method.

Future European agricultural landscapes--What can we learn from existing quantitative land use scenario studies

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

The structure of agricultural production and spatial patterns of agricultural land use in Europe are expected to face major changes over the next decades due to changes in global trade, technology, demography and policies. This paper presents a set of 25 scenarios comprising information on quantitative land use changes in Europe. The scenarios have been selected from studies with different foci, operating on both different spatial scales and different time horizons.

Developing scenarios and visualisations to illustrate potential policy and climatic influences on future agricultural landscapes

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

The future evolution of our agricultural landscapes and countryside is the subject of considerable debate and policy discussion, alongside which is an increasing emphasis on the inclusion of public consultation and participation within planning and decision making systems. However, communicating different proposed policy options in a manner that facilitates informed decisions from stakeholders can be far from straightforward. This is particularly true with more abstract and uncertain issues such as potential impacts of climate change.

Land degradation and adoption of soil conservation technologies among rice farmers in Osun State, Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2006

Land degradation leads to decline in soil fertility and low yield of crop. The study investigates the causes of land degradation, and adoption of soil conservation practices using a two-stage decision making process. The data for the study were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive analysis, difference regression equation and simultaneous probit model.