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Land and Pro-Poor Change in Sierra Leone

Reports & Research
Julho, 2006
Serra Leoa

Contains situational analysis, policy context, tentative conclusions and options for intervention. Addresses the question of how to increase security of land rights for the urban and rural poor. Examines the existing multiple land tenure system. Argues that land reform in Sierra Leone is both necessary and possible though there are many constraints. The costs of doing nothing will likely include further civil unrest and environmental degradation.

Ley Nº 1.083 - Normas de planeación urbana sostenible sobre la movilidad.

Julho, 2006

La presente Ley dicta algunas normas sobre planeación urbana sostenible sobre la movilidad sostenible en distritos y municipios con planes de ordenamiento territorial.

Implementado por: Resolución Nº 180.158 - Determina los combustibles limpios de conformidad con la Ley Nº 1.083 de 2006. (2007-02-02)
Implementado por: Decreto Nº 798 - Reglamenta parcialmente la Ley Nº 1.083, sobre normas de planeación urbana sostenible sobre la movilidad. (2010-03-11)

Linking processes and pattern of land use change

Reports & Research
Junho, 2006

Land use change results from the interaction between the human and the natural system and therefore various scientific disciplines have developed paradigms and methods to study land use change. However, these disciplinary approaches can only cover part of the complex system of land use change. The objective of this dissertation is to develop interdisciplinary methodologies to identify and integrate factors that are important in the land use system to describe and model the land use system in a comprehensive manner.

National Forest Policy.

National Policies
Junho, 2006

The overall objective of the present national cross-sectoral Forest Policy is to achieve sustainable forest management that would ensure sustainable increases in the economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees for the present and future generation including the poor and the vulnerable groups.

Mercados de Terras no Brasil Estrutra e Dinâmica

Journal Articles & Books
Abril, 2006

O tema do mercado de terras integra a agenda contemporânea das políticas agrárias, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No caso brasileiro, decorre da história de ocupação do território e da própria formação social e econômica que produziram um quadro de ilegalidade, de instabilidade jurídica e de fragilidade institucional. A expansão da fronteira agrícola com base no agronegócio patronal, em especial na cultura da soja na região da Amazônia Legal, combinada com as ações de reforma agrária, ampliam a importância deste tema e seus impactos sobre a economia e a sociedade.

Farmers’ Decision Making Process for Innovations in Soil Conservation

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril, 2006
Western Asia
Syrian Arab Republic

The aim of this paper is to contribute to a more holistic understanding of farmers’ decision making process for innovations in soil conservation. In this study, farmers’ decision making has been explored in the context of a mountainous olive growing area in northwest Syria, where evidences of land degradation are widespread.

Identifying major causes for gully erosion in sloping olive orchards by field mapping

Conference Papers & Reports
Abril, 2006
Western Asia
Syrian Arab Republic

In the Mediterranean mountain areas of NW Syria, land degradation is a serious problem (Masri et al, 2005). Olive orchards dominate the landscape in Afrin area, and olive oil represents the most important cash income source for rural communities in this area. However, olive yields in many orchards have been decreasing steadily over the last 20 years. Low return to labour has resulted in livelihood insecurity, increased reliance on off-farm labour, and out-migration.

Density of red and roe deer and their distribution in relation to different habitat characteristics in a floodplain forest

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2006
República Checa

Density and distribution of red deer and roe deer in relation to habitat structure and feed sources was studied using simple faeces transects and monitoring plots during winter in a floodplain forest along the Morava River, Czech Republic. Deer densities detected on the plots and parallel simple faeces transects were comparable, so we used the faeces transects, thus enabling us to gather data from a larger part of the studied area. Densities of both species were relatively high (9.6 and 7.0 ind./square km for red and roe deer, resp.).

Drainage systems and their water management function with regard to probable climatic and hydrological changes

Policy Papers & Briefs
Março, 2006
República Checa

Some scenarios of probable climatic changes in the Czech Republic and the anticipated effect of these changes on the components of the hydrologic water discharge from drained agricultural and forest catchments are studied. The function of drainage systems on selected experimental lands is examined. The effect of climatic changes on the hydrologic balance and/or on the runoff from the catchments significantly varies up to +/-150% provided that we compare the average runoff.

Regulation on the landfill of waste.

Fevereiro, 2006

The present Decree approves the Regulation which shall govern the installation and functioning of waste landfills. Article 2 defines the application scope. The Regulation shall apply to establishments engaged in the management of non hazardous waste. There are hereby established the conditions for the acceptance of waste at landfills. Inspections shall be carried out to ensure that emission limit standards are not exceeded, in order to prevent air and water pollution.

Repealed by: Decree repealing the Regulation on the landfill of waste. (2006-07-05)

Décret nº 06-019 PR du 21 février 2006 relatif à l’exploitation des carrières.

Fevereiro, 2006

Le présent décret réglemente les exploitations de carrières (tout site d’extraction de substances minérales non métallique est non énergétique que l'exploitation ait lieu à ciel ouvert ou par galeries souterraines quel que soit le milieu physiographique (montagne, plaine, lit de cours d’eau, paysage) sur toute l'étendue du territoire national. Les carrières font partie du domaine public de l’Etat. Toutefois, elles sont laissées à la disposition du propriétaire du sol sous réserve des dispositions restrictives du présent décret.

Human and Nature – Working Together for Sustainable Development of Drylands

Conference Papers & Reports
Janeiro, 2006

This volume contains the presentations made at the Eighth International Conference on Dryland
Development. It is hoped that it will serve as a repository of information on the problems and prospects of
sustainable management of dry areas and preventing desertification, and will thus be of interest to those
involved in research, extension, development and policy formulation for the benefit of the people of the dry areas. It is our belief it would serve as an important contribution to the objectives of the IYDD.