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Land management programme in Tanzania

Dezembro, 1999
África subsariana

Evaluation of LAMP in different contexts:broader change processesdevelopment thinkingcomparative analysis of different conditions of LAMP in the four districts it has been implemented inFindings include: recommending that the programme shifts focus from considering its core as natural resources management to one of support to the empowerment, mobilisation and capacity building of village communities with emphasis on natural resource managementconcentration should be on production, environment and rightstechnical assitance should shift towards capacity building and empowermentstakeholder par

The potential for rangeland development in Yak rearing areas of the Tibetan Plateau

Dezembro, 1999

This paper initially highlights the general characteristics of rangelands and pastoral production systems of the Tibetan Plateau.The article finds that:given the realities of life in a heterogeneous and marginal environment, the issue of secure resource tenure, both customary and legal, is fundamental for effective rangeland managementa simple shift in tenure from the communal (traditional and subsistence) to individual household level (ranching and commercial) will not be enough to facilitate a change in behaviour toward "rational" livestock operationsmany institutional mechanisms must be

Trees outside forests: an essential tool for desertification control in the Sahel

Dezembro, 1999

This article focuses on lessons about desertification and the potential of trees as part of the solution, drawn from a specific rural situation in the Sahel, that of Keita, Tahoua Department, the Niger. Author provides observations and conclusions based on the direct experience over almost 15 years in Keita.Article describes the forces that left the district classified as marginal land with no hope of rehabilitation and the lengthy process by which the land had been rehabilitated.

Special report on land use, land use change and forestry: summary for policymakers [climate change]

Dezembro, 1999

Reviews the current understanding of the relationship between land use (especially forestry), carbon dioxide emissions and the Kyoto Protocol agreementsTopics cover: how the global carbon cycle operates, and how this relates to forestry activitiesaccounting rulescomparison of the usefulness of models and ground-based assessments of changes in carbon stocksshort term prospects for policy implementationimplications for sustainable development

Grey Literature Library - Social Forestry Collection

Dezembro, 1999

Grey literature collection includes documents from India over the last twenty years, the collection traces the process of social forestry, which aimed to satisfy local needs through fuelwood plantations and to divert pressure from natural forest through the participation of private framers and communities.The papers included are as follows:Village-level management of common property resources, especially fuelwood and fodder resources in Karnataka, IndiaBrokensha, D. 1988Women and wasteland development - policy issues.

Trial by fire: forest fires and forestry policy in Indonesia's era of crisis and reform

Dezembro, 1999
Ásia Oriental

This report examines the destruction and systematic plunder of Asia's greatest rainforests under former Indonesian president Suharto. The report focuses on the 1997-1998 forest fires in Indonesia that resulted in the burning of 10 million hectares of forests. Many of these fires were deliberately set by plantation owners who take advantage of the dry season to clear the forests and plant export crops like palm oil.

Adoption potential of rotational hedgerow intercropping in the humid lowlands of Cameroon

Dezembro, 1999
África subsariana

Reports on and on-farm evaluation of hedgerow intercropping by the IRA/ ICRAF Programme in the lowlands of Cameroon, which has been in progress since 1988. Throughout the years the biophysical performance of the system was found to be inferior under farmer management on farm to that achieved on station. At the same time, farmers' interest in the technology was far below the expectations.

An ecological and historical perspective on agricultural development in Southeast Asia

Dezembro, 1999
Ásia Oriental

Looks at location, natural resources, and different policies toward the elite's preemption of unused land shaped the historical development of different agrarian structures across Southeast Asia, conditioning agricultural growth performance until today.Aims to give a broad perspective on the process by which different agrarian structures developed in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, along different historical paths under different ecological conditions.

Programme d’Action National de Lutte Contre la Désertification (PAN/LCD).

National Policies
Dezembro, 1999

L’objectif central du PAN est de contribuer à la lutte contre la désertification et l’atténuation des effets de la sécheresse en vue d'une production soutenue et durable. Spécifiquement, il vise la protection, restauration et mise en valeur des potentiels productifs; la protection et sauvetage des écosystèmes d'importance capitale et menacés; le renforcement des capacités nationales en matière de lutte contre la désertification; et la gestion des risques.