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National Environment (Waste Management) Regulations, 1999 (S.I. No 52 of 1999).

África Oriental

These Regulations, made under sections 53(2) and 107 of the National Environment Act, apply: (a) to all categories of hazardous and non-hazardous waste; (b) to the storage and disposal of hazardous waste and their movement into and out of Uganda; and (c) to all waste disposal facilities, land fills, sanitary fills and incinerators.

Arrêté du 15 février 2000 modifiant l'arrêté du 2 février 1998 relatif aux prélèvements et à la consommation d'eau ainsi qu'aux émissions de toute nature des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement soumises à autorisation.

Europa Ocidental

Cet arrêté modifie certaines dispositions de l'arrêté qui fixe les prescriptions applicables aux prélèvements et à la consommation d'eau ainsi qu'aux émissions de toute nature des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement soumises à autorisation. Il s'agit notamment des dispositions relatives aux normes concernant les métaux, les métalloïdes et les composés divers.

Decreto Nº 120/99 - Reglamento a la Ley Nº 311, Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

América Central

El presente Reglamento, que consta de 10 capítulos y 38 artículos, tiene por objeto establecer las disposiciones para la aplicación de la Ley orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Implementa: Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). (1999-07-09)

Decree No. 13 of the State Committee on Land Resources, Geodesy and Cartography validating the Regulation on the establishment of administrative and territorial units.

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes the modalities of delimitation of administrative and territorial boundaries, including mapping, calculation of the perimeter of boundaries, calculation of area of administrative and territorial units, and legalization of the boundaries. In the process of mapping the following boundaries shall be established: (a) administrative and territorial units (urban and rural areas); and (b) areas with special land tenure (protected areas, national parks, biosphere reserves, territories of cultural heritage).

Order No. 69 of the Federal Forest Service validating the Regulation on examination of applications for transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management.

Europa Oriental

This Order establishes the list of requested technical documentation and the modalities of transfer of forest land to the category of unforested land for the purposes not related to forest and forest fund management. The aforesaid transfer can be carried out by initiative of legal and natural persons and requires authorization of the competent state forest institution by agreement with the organizations concerned. In the process of transfer shall be decided also allotment of the plots of land, conditions of expropriation thereof and payment therefore.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Pennine Dales) Designation Order 1997 (S.I. No. 1442 of 1997).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

Made under section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986 which gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the power to designate an area of England as an environmentally sensitive area, this Order provides for an agreement between the Minister and a farmer. In the designated area prescribed agricultural methods shall be adopted so as to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in that area. For this purpose the Minister may enter into a management agreement with any person having an interest in agricultural land in any designated area.

Environmentally Sensitive Areas (Somerset Levels and Moors) Designation Order 1997 (S.I. No. 1442 of 1997).

Reino Unido
Europa Setentrional

This Order is made under section 18 of the Agriculture Act 1986 which gives the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the power to designate an area of England as an environmentally sensitive area. In such area particular agricultural methods shall be adopted so as to conserve, protect or enhance environmental features in that area. For this purpose the Minister may enter into a management agreement with any person having an interest in agricultural land in any designated area.

Order No. 895/94 establishing discharge limits into waters and soil, in order to eliminate polluting agents.

Europa meridional

This Order establishes discharge limits into waters and soil in order to eliminate polluting agents. It consists of 9 articles specifying such substances and controls to be carried out. Three annexes list water quality standards.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 46/94 establishing a licence regime for water use managed by the Institute of Waters. (1994-02-22)
Implements: Decree-Law No. 74/90 regulating water quality standards. (1990-03-07)

Protection Measure of Xiamen City of PRC on Agricultural Environment.

Ásia Oriental

With a view to protect and improve the agricultural environment in Xiamen, to prevent pollution and protect ecosystem, the Measure is hereby formulated. The agricultural environment is defined as including land, water for agricultural purposes, air and other factors which have an impact on the survival and development of agricultural resources.

Implements: Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. (1989-12-26)
Implements: Agriculture Law of the People's Republic of China (1993-07-02)

Décret nº 2000-909 relatif aux pays et portant application de l'article 22 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 modifiée d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire.

Europa Ocidental

Ce décret établit la procédure à suivre par les communes ou les groupements de communes qui prennent l'initiative de faire reconnaître un pays adressent au préfet de région.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-115 pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire. (1995-02-04)

Décret nº 95-1168 portant création des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire.

Europa Ocidental

Ce décret porte création et composition des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire, prévue à l'article 6 de la loi nº 95-115 du 4 février 1995 d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 95-115 pour l'aménagement et le développement du territoire. (1995-02-04)
Modifié par: Décret nº 2000-906 modifiant le décret nº 95-1168 du 2 novembre 1995 portant création des conférences régionales de l'aménagement et du développement du territoire. (2000-09-19)