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Strengthening NDCs in southern Africa to be more representative of farmer interests

Dezembro, 2020

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are policy instruments, mandated under the Paris Agreement, to set out a country’s selfdetermined plans to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhance resilience by 2030. They are bottom-up processes in which countries contextualise and self-differentiate their climate targets and contributions based on their national circumstances and priorities.

AICCRA-Mali inception and stakeholder’s engagement workshop

Dezembro, 2020

The report presents the key outcomes from the inception workshop held in Bamako, Mali from on 26 and 27 Oct. 2021. It presents stakeholder's reflections on integrated rice–tree systems with most suitable and adapted tree species, the benefits of integrating tree species into the rice landscape, the most practical CSA technologies to deal with climate change, and major constraints for gender-inclusive adoption and scaling of the technologies.

Gender- and youth-sensitive data collection tools to support decision making for inclusive sustainable agricultural intensification

Dezembro, 2020

To achieve equitable sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI), it is essential to understand differential access and control over agricultural resources by women and youth, and to assess how intensification interacts with gendered and age-dependent relationships. Existing packages for assessing women’s empowerment in agriculture tend to be large-scale surveys that do not provide timely results, nor are they easily integrated into a gender-transformative process.

Thinking big for smallholder agriculture: realizing agricultural potentials in changing times

Dezembro, 2020

Recent advances in approaches to quantitative strategic foresight have enabled new insights into understanding potential futures of the agriculture sector. Quantitative foresight approaches facilitate understanding of different plausible scenarios, especially as related to both endogenous and exogenous factors (e.g., global markets and climate change). These approaches tend to be macroeconomic in nature and resolve trends relative to coarse-grained drivers.

Promoting forage legume–pollinator interactions: Integrating crop pollination management, native beekeeping and silvopastoral systems in tropical Latin America

Dezembro, 2020

Major declines of insect pollinators are a worldwide concern. Such losses threaten human food supplies and ecosystem functions. Monocultures of pastures used to feed cattle are among the drivers of insect pollinator declines in Tropical Latin America. Plants of the legume family (fabaceae) are mostly pollinated by insects, in particular by bees.

Digital Agriculture Profile: South Africa

Dezembro, 2020
South Africa

This Digital Agriculture Profile for South Africa leverages the expertise of stakeholders to evaluate the current landscape of digital agriculture in the country, including key players across the value chains, the main barriers they face, and the potential to overcome those barriers through the adoption of innovative technologies.

Realizing Inclusive SAI: Contextualizing indicators to better evaluate gender and intergenerational inequity in SAI processes and outcomes - Cases from Southern and Western Africa

Dezembro, 2020
Hong Kong

Despite increasing sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI) investments, indicators for detecting gender and intergenerational inequities in SAI costs and benefits sharing often remain overgeneralized, theoretical, or locally irrelevant. We examine the relative value of, and how to, customize standard SAI indicators to detect such inequities in specific socio-cultural contexts to enhance data collection for evidence-based decision making in fostering gender/youth inclusive SAI.

Characterised existing sweetpotato seed system actors, identified efficient seed distribution channels and market preferred varieties in Bukombe and Butiama districts, Tanzania

Dezembro, 2020

Tanzania is a major sweetpotato producer in sub-Saharan Africa. The area under sweetpotato
has been rising steadily relative to main food staples. However, the yields have stagnated at
around 4 t/ha compared with the potential yield of above 20 t/ha, partly due to limited access
to quality seeds. Most farmers in SSA recycle seed from the previous crop or source from
neighbours. This increases the probability of accumulating viruses, which may reduce the
sweetpotato yield by over 50%.