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Climate change and sustainable water management in central Asia

Janeiro, 2014

This working paper explores adaptation options in Central Asia. It describes the results of research conducted by a technical assistance in Central Asia. The research combined field observations with satellite-based data and created models to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the Aral Sea Basin. The adaptation options explored can be summarised in three broad categories: 1) Expanding the supply of water available in the future, 2) Increasing the productivity of water and 3) Reducing future demand for water.

Understanding land use in the UNFCCC

Janeiro, 2014

This guide aims to increase the technical understanding of the treatment of land use under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The land use is defined as land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) and agriculture, sometimes referred to collectively as agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU). The guide aims to explain key decisions under the UNFCCC related to land use reporting and accounting (e.g. forest-related reference levels, natural disturbances, etc.).

Tenure rights, human rights and REDD+: knowledge, skills and tools for effective results forest carbon, markets and communities (FCMC) program

Janeiro, 2014

This document presents a framework for identifying and asserting tenure and human rights associated with forests and land use in the context of climate change policies and measures. It argues that clearly defined land rights can help identify which actors are necessary to address drivers of deforestation and can determine shares in benefits from reduced deforestation. Local resource management may even improve forest outcomes.

What drives deforestation and what stops it? A meta-analysis of spatially explicit econometric studies

Janeiro, 2014

This paper presents a meta-analysis of what drives deforestation and what stops it. The researchers find that forests are more likely to be cleared where economic returns to agriculture and pasture are higher, either due to more favorable climatological and topographic conditions, or due to lower costs of clearing forest and transporting products to market. It is argued that timber activity, land tenure security, and community demographics do not show a consistent association with either higher or lower deforestation.

Integrated agriculture enhances farm productivity and livelihoods in agro-biodiversity hotspots

Janeiro, 2014
Ásia Meridional

India is home to incredible diversity in plant and animal species and is ranked among the richest areas of biodiversity in the world. Unfortunately, much of this diversity is being eroded at an alarming rate, largely due to habitat destruction and invasion by alien species. In the hilly regions of southern India, known

Adoption and extent of conservation agriculture practices among smallholder farmers in Malawi

Janeiro, 2014

Understanding factors affecting farmers’ adoption of improved technologies is critical to success of conservation agriculture (CA) program implementation. This study, which explored the factors that determine adoption and extent of farmers’ use of the three principles of CA (i.e., minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover with crop residues, and crop rotations), was conducted in 10 target communities in 8 extension planning areas in Malawi. The primary data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to individual households.

Evidence linking community level tenure and forest condition: An annotated bibliography

Janeiro, 2014

This annotated bibliography provides evidence that community tenure over forests can result in more forest cover and more species-rich forests, less deforestation and degradation, and fewer fires than some other approaches to protecting forests. The authors initiated the review by identifying relevant scholarly articles published since 2002 based on interviews with experts and keyword searches of databases.

Building national forest and land-use information systems: Lessons from Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru

Janeiro, 2014

This working paper, published by the World Resources Institute, looks at efforts in Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru to invest in the infrastructure and capacity to track the impacts of changes from from forest and land-use-based climate change mitigation actions. The paper focuses on the development of forest and land-use information systems (FLUIS), specifically the institutional, human resources and financial capacities of the three countries. After introducing the topic, the paper focuses on each of the three country contexts, illustrating examples of FLUIS.

Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD) in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2013

Mozambique is the 8th most vulnerable country to climate change and is one of the poorest countries in the world with a high dependency on foreign aid. The population is primarily rural and dependent on agriculture, with 60% living on the coastline. Droughts, flooding and cyclones affect particular regions of the country and these are projected to increase in frequency and severity.


Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2013

Históricamente las áreas naturales de alta montaña en México han sufrido de presión a sus recursos naturales provocados por diversos factores como la extracción de recursos maderables y las plagas y enfermedades. Los intentos de zonificación resultan muy generalistas y se hace imposible hacer una evaluación de las transiciones menores de 10 años, debido a que los procesos necesarios para su evaluación suponen una elevada inversión en tiempo para tener un producto detallado y funcional.