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Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013
Southern Asia

Drylands are characterized by physical water scarcity, often associated with land degradation and
desertifi cation. Other factors that contribute to these problems include high population densities,
unwise agricultural practices and overgrazing. However, while desert ecosystems are fragile and
vulnerable and can collapse in the short term, given the right conditions and protection, these
areas also have a great potential for recovery. Examples of the recovery of areas have led to the

People and Forests for a Greener Future

Institutional & promotional materials
Outubro, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

Building on a very successful previous strategic phase, the new RECOFTC Strategic Plan (2013-2018) has an increased focus on clearer strategic outcomes in RECOFTC’s four thematic areas: Securing Community Forestry; Enhancing Livelihoods and Markets; People, Forests and Climate Change; and Transforming Forest Conflicts. Within these thematic areas, we explore emerging issues, including landscape approaches, food security, water security, and biomass energy security.

Farmland Values and Credit Conditions

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2013
United States of America

According to the most recent AgLetter, Seventh District farmland values in the third quarter of 2013 were 14 percent higher than a year ago. However, values for “good” agricultural land in the third quarter of 2013 were only 1 percent higher than in the second quarter.

Combined effects of the continual application of composted rice straw and chemical fertilizer on rice yield under a double rice cropping system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013

We conducted a 12-year field experiment to study the combined effects of rice straw compost and chemical fertilizer application on a double rice cropping system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam and established 7 treatments using a randomized block design with 3 replications. We calculated the yields of treatments relative to those of conventionally fertilized plots (i.e. with no added rice straw compost), and analyzed their annual trends. In the plots with rice straw compost, we observed a positive trend over 12 continuous wet cropping seasons.

Conference summary and recommendations the third conference on climate change and development in Africa (CCDA-III)

Conference Papers & Reports
Outubro, 2013

This paper focuses on the Conference Summary and Recommendations The Third Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-III). The overall objective of the conference was to build on CCDA I and II and stimulate debate among experts and stakeholders on how opportunities in climate change can enhance Africa’s transformative and inclusive economic growth and development agenda. CCDA-I and II provided critical input in defining the programme and activities of Clim Dev-Africa, including investment in climate science data, information and service delivery in pilot

National Irrigation Act, 2013 (No. 5 of 2013).

Outubro, 2013

This Act makes provision with respect to the management, use and maintenance of irrigation systems. It establishes the National Irrigation Commission and defines its functions and powers. The Commission is established as a body corporate and shall be an independent department of the Government under the Ministry responsible for irrigation. The Commission shall be responsible for coordination, promotional and regulatory functions in the development of the irrigation sector.

Flood Risk Management Act 2013 (No. 12 of 2013).

Outubro, 2013
Reino Unido

This Act defines functions of the Manx Utilities Authority ("Authority") and landowners in respect of prevention of flooding and flood risk management (FRM) and relevant waterworks. The Authority— (a) must administer this Act and monitor and enforce compliance with it; and (b) is responsible for, and must generally supervise, all matters relating to FRM.

Gestión de riesgo de desastres, género y cambio climático. Percepciones sociales en Yucatán, México

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013

El objetivo del presente trabajo es abonar a la reflexión de la articulación entre la gestión de riesgo dedesastres y la equidad de género. Se presenta un estudio de caso en cuatro localidades del estado de Yucatán,México, sobre percepciones respecto al cambio climático y capacidades institucionales sobre gestión deriesgos.

Land Degradation Analysis on Coastal Area of Ampara District

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013
Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka is free from serious natural hazards such as volcanic activity and earthquakes resulting from climatic extremes, but there are impacts of many natural disasters, such as landslides, floods and droughts, the intensity and frequency of which are increasing due to human interventions. Some areas of Sri Lanka are also periodically subject to cyclones that occur due to climatic conditions and geographical locations.Land degradation denotes all natural or anthropogenic processes that diminish or impair productivity of land.

Land Degradation Analysis on Coastal Area of Ampara District

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013
Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka is free from serious natural hazards such as volcanic activity and earthquakes resulting from climatic extremes, but there are impacts of many natural disasters, such as landslides, floods and droughts, the intensity and frequency of which are increasing due to human interventions. Some areas of Sri Lanka are also periodically subject to cyclones that occur due to climatic conditions and geographical locations.Land degradation denotes all natural or anthropogenic processes that diminish or impair productivity of land.

Land Degradation Analysis on Coastal Area of Ampara District

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2013
Sri Lanka

The island of Sri Lanka is free from serious natural hazards such as volcanic activity and earthquakes resulting from climatic extremes, but there are impacts of many natural disasters, such as landslides, floods and droughts, the intensity and frequency of which are increasing due to human interventions. Some areas of Sri Lanka are also periodically subject to cyclones that occur due to climatic conditions and geographical locations.Land degradation denotes all natural or anthropogenic processes that diminish or impair productivity of land.