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Espèces migratrices et désertification

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

Les espèces migratrices sont très variées, depuis les insectes et les oiseaux jusqu’aux bisons et aux éléphants, depuis les requins et les dauphins jusqu’aux serpents. Qu’elles parcourent des milliers de kilomètres ou quelques kilomètres seulement, ces espèces jouent un rôle essentiel dans les écosystèmes du monde entier. Mais leurs divers habitats sont menacés par la dégradation des terres et la désertification.

Especies migratorias y desertificación

Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2012

Las especies migratorias existen en todos los tamaños y formas, desde los de minúsculos insectos y pequeñas aves hasta grandes búfalos y elefantes, pasando por tiburones y delfines o serpientes. Tanto si el viaje que realizan es de miles de kilómetros como de unos pocos, las especies migratorias desempeñan papeles esenciales en los ecosistemas de todo el planeta. Pero sus diversos hábitats se encuentran amenazados por la degradación de las tierras y la desertificación.


Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2012

A través de un análisis histórico documental se reconocen los efectos del impacto humano en el territorio insular de Aysén, entre los siglos XVI y XIX. Los resultados obtenidos permiten reconstruir un proceso de intervención ambiental que alcanzó su peak en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, marcado por una notoria degradación de los ecosistemas locales debido a la caza comercial de pinnipedos y la tala maderera del ciprés de las Guaitecas.

Efectos y respuestas al pastoreo selectivo doméstico sobre plantas, poblaciones y ecosistemas pastoriles áridos

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2012

Los ecosistemas pastoriles del mundo se caracterizan por algún grado de aridez y pastoreo por grandes herbívoros, que por su biomasa por área y los efectos de su actividad pueden ser consideradas especies ingenieras del ecosistema. El objetivo de esta Tesis fue estudiar el efecto del manejo del pastoreo ovino sobre distintos niveles jerárquicos de organización de la vegetación en estepas áridas de la Patagonia, desde plantas hasta ecosistemas/comunidades pasando por poblaciones.

Climate change, water conflicts and human security

Dezembro, 2012
Burkina Faso
Sudão do Sul
Sudoeste Asiático
Norte de África

This report presents a comprehensive regional assessment of the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Sahel in terms of climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, conflict/cooperation and human security at various scales and in a variety of contexts. The Climate Change, Hydro Conflicts and Human Security (CLICO) project builds on interdisciplinary and cross-comparative research covering a variety of geographical scales and historical contexts to unravel social, political, environmental/ ecological and economic conditions in relation to the environment.

Urban wastewater and agricultural reuse challenges in India

Dezembro, 2012

Urban wastewater management has become a major challenge in India as infrastructural development and regulations have not kept pace with population growth and urbanisation. This study argues that against the backdrop of water scarcity and climate change, it is important to examine issues related to wastewater reuse more holistically and to investigate the challenges and opportunities for its safe and efficient reuse.

A plan for the development and supply of agricultural water

Dezembro, 2012
República da Coreia

The agricultural policies after Independence in South Korea can be roughly classified into three policies: policies for food increase till the 1970s, policies for structural improvement in the 1980s and 1990s, and policies for rice production adjustment in the 2000s. In the process, a policy for price support to encourage food production and increase farmer income, the policies for modernization of production processes, and the policies for expanding the scale of management were made and implemented.

Rapid desk based evidence search and gap analysis on environmental degradation and pollution in developing countries

Dezembro, 2012

This study has collated information on the role that pollution (air, water and soil pollution) has played in environmental degradation and the consequences of such degradation for human well-being, poverty. The report has primarily collated information from investigative studies that have been conducted in DFID priority countries of sub-Saharan Africa; additional information from key studies is also provided for South and
South East Asia DFID countries.

Assessing competitive resource tenders as an option for mining rights allocation in South Africa

Dezembro, 2012
África do Sul

The Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Amendment Bill of 2013 (MPRD-AB) has generated fresh debate regarding the appropriate system for allocating mineral prospecting and mining rights in South Africa. The draft bill no longer specifies that mining rights are to be allocated according to the first-in, first-assessed (FIFA) principle.

Extractive industries, development and the role of donors

Dezembro, 2012

Extractive Industries (EI) explore, find, extract, process and market sub-soil assets – oil, gas and mined minerals. EI represent a large and growing activity in many less-developed countries. But natural resource wealth does not always lead to sustainable and inclusive growth. This guide sets out the recent rise in importance of EI to less-developed countries. It provides a framework for thinking about (i) the socio-economic impacts of these industries and (ii) the relationship between EI, host country public policies and donor activities.

The guide:

Improving environmental management of extractives through Environmental Impact Assessments

Dezembro, 2012
América Latina e Caribe

How have Latin American countries been using Environmental Impact Assessments in order to build more sustainable extractive industries? A focus on Peru provides some interesting lessons.

Is it possible to develop extractive industries while preserving the environment? Several Latin American countries have been attempting to improve the environmental sustainability of their extractive industry sectors by developing their legal frameworks, in particular through the use and adaptation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) tool.

Gender and Peri-urban water security

Dezembro, 2012

As geographical areas subjected to rapid urbanisation and constantly  changing land use, peri-urban sites offer women and men greater economic opportunities.At the sametime,peri-urbanresidents are also drawn away from traditionalmeans of livelihood.As the city encroaches into prime agricultural lands in the fringe areas,occupations become more subsistence in nature.  This increases women's workload. Often women, who migrate from rural areas after marriage and settle in peri-urban zones,face enormous challenges in accessing water.