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Climate change: impact, adaptation and vulnerability in water supply of Kathmandu Valley

Dezembro, 2011
Ásia Meridional

Climate change can affect water supply in Nepal by its impact on precipitation, glacier melting and increase in temperature. This study identifies the vulnerability of the water supply system in Kathmandu Valley to the impact of the worst case scenario of climate change and suggests adaptation strategies to deal with the situation. It finds that existing strategies are insufficient and more than five million people would be deprived of the minimum needed water by 2050 under the driest scenario.

The Nile River Basin: water, agriculture, governance and livelihoods

Dezembro, 2011
África subsariana

This book covers the whole Nile Basin and is based on the results of three major research projects supported by the Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). It provides unique and up-to-date insights on agriculture, water resources, governance, poverty, productivity, upstream–downstream linkages, innovations, future plans and their implications. Specifically, the book elaborates the history, and the major current and future challenges and opportunities, of the Nile River Basin.

Doubling irrigation for southern Africa – do we have enough water and where is the hope?

Dezembro, 2011
África subsariana

Southern Africa Development Communality (SADC) through its Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) has set up an ambitious goal to double irrigation by 2015, which it sees as important component to sustain regional development and ensure food security. While the target timeline is questionable with year 2015 fast approaching, the goal to increase irrigated areas to 7% is certainly valid and has significant implications for regional food security and livelihood of rural population.

Healthy wetlands, healthy people: a review of wetlands and human health interactions.

Dezembro, 2011

Despite the production of more food and extraction of more water globally, wetlands continue to decline and public health and living standards for many do not improve. Why is this – and what needs to change to improve the situation? If we manage wetlands better, can we improve the health and well-being of people? Indeed, why is this important? This report seeks to address these questions.

Originally Published In: Ramsar Technical Report No. 6. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO; Gland, Switzerland: Ramsar Convention Secretariat

No Man’s Lands? Extractive activity, territory, and scial unrest in the Peruvian Amazon: the Cenepa river

Dezembro, 2011

This case study shows how the activities of a large foreign-invested mining company on land held by the Awajun community in the northern forests of Peru have led to a characteristic cycle of state permissiveness in granting mining concessions, thus leading to social conflict.

Urbanization, climate change and water security: a study of vulnerability and adaptation in Sultanpur and Jhanjhrola Khera in peri-urban Gurgaon, India

Dezembro, 2011

This paper describes how urbanization and climate change shape water insecurity in two villages, Sultanpur and Jhanjhrola Khera in periurban Gurgaon in the North-West Indian state of Haryana. Using ethnographic and participatory approaches, it documents the people's lived experience of a changing climate and water insecurity. While urbanization and climate variability alter the availability of water, the effects of this are aggravated by a complex interaction of caste, class, gender and locational factors.

Where the rain falls: climate change, food and livelihood security, and migration

Dezembro, 2011
África subsariana
Ásia Meridional
América Latina e Caribe
Ásia Oriental

This comparative study highlights that rainfall variability and food insecurity are key drivers for human mobility. The empirical research is based on eight country case studies, including a 1,300 household survey and participatory research sessions involving 2,000 individuals. The results reveal that migration is an important risk management strategy for vulnerable households. Land scarce households trying to cope with food insecurity send migrants during the hunger season to find food or money to buy food.

Building urban resilience: principles, tools and practice

Dezembro, 2011
Ásia Oriental

This handbook summarises the guiding principles, tools and practice in key economic sectors that can facilitate the implementation of resilience concepts into decisions related to infrastructure investments and general urban management as a means of reducing disaster and climate risks. It is divided into three sections designed to help urban planners and practitioners build elements of resilience into their urban governance and city planning. Chapter 1 presents key guiding principles for resilient cities in the context of today’s urban development.

Climate change, water stress, conflict and migration

Dezembro, 2011

This collection of papers, presented at the symposium ‘Climate change, water stress, conflict and migration’ held on 21 September 2011 in the Netherlands, highlight how climate change, water stress and other environmental problems threaten human security. For example, the paper by Muniruzzaman ilustrates how water ignores political and community boundaries, and how decisions in one place can significantly affect water use elsewhere.

Water security and climate resilient development: investing in water security for growth and development

Dezembro, 2011
África subsariana

This technical paper has been produced by the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) to support the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Water Security and Climate Resilience Development, developed by the African Union through AMWOC. The framework itself seeks to help with the identification, development and mainstreaming of ‘no/low regrets’ investment strategies, and to make development planning activities more resilient to climate change.

Cities and flooding: a guide to integrated urban flood risk management for the 21st century

Dezembro, 2011

Urban flooding poses a serious challenge to global development and the livelihoods of urban populations, particularly the residents of the rapidly expanding towns and cities in developing countries. Responding to this challenge requires efforts to improve policy makers understanding and ability to effectively manage existing and future risks. This guidebook provides operational guidance on how to manage the risk of floods in a transforming urban environment and climate.

The future of environmental sustainability in the Taita Hills, Kenya: assessing potential impacts of agricultural expansion and climate change

Dezembro, 2011
África subsariana

The indigenous cloud forests in the Taita Hills, Kenya, have suffered substantial degradation due to agricultural expansion. Currently, only one per cent of the original forested area remains preserved. Furthermore, climate change imposes an imminent threat for local economy and environmental sustainability. In such circumstances, elaborating tools to conciliate socio-economic growth and natural resources conservation is an enormous challenge.