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Amenazas del Congreso a las comunidades campesinas

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

El Congreso de la República no solo está empeñado en socavar la institucionalidad democrática del país (la elección de una persona sin experiencia en derechos humanos como Defensor del Pueblo, junto con modificaciones en instituciones relacionadas con el sistema de justicia, son ejemplos claros de ese socavamiento), sino que, además, está decidido a avasallar a una de las instituciones más arraigadas en el mundo rural peruano: las comunidades campesinas.

Vozes do Povo.

Journal Articles & Books
Janeiro, 2024

Esta obra propõe uma reflexão aprofundada sobre a realidade política e social da Guiné-Bissau. Ela resulta de uma pesquisa inédita, destinada a captar, processar e analisar a opinião pública do país. Neste sentido, procura dar resposta a perguntas tais como: O que pensa o povo guineense do seu país?

Promouvoir une gouvernance foncière inclusive et participative au Sénégal

Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2023

Au Sénégal, malgré d’évidents progrès législatifs en matière de parité hommes-femmes, les femmes restent encore minoritaires, voire absentes des instances stratégiques et opérationnelles de gouvernance foncière au niveau communal. Cette situation est pourtant très loin de correspondre à leur contribution effective à la production agricole, notamment les cultures vivrières.

Fiche pédagogique : Le certificat comme outil de sécurisation des droits : premiers bilans et questions en suspens

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2022

À Madagascar, depuis 2005, la réforme foncière reconnaît légalement l’existence d’un régime de propriété privée non titrée (PPNT) aux côtés de la propriété privée titrée. Des guichets fonciers opérant à l’échelle des communes sont habilités à délivrer des certificats fonciers, preuve légale de propriété privée, à la demande du/des propriétaires et à l’issue d’une procédure qui s’assure du consensus social local.

Quelques pistes de réflexion pour une tenure forestière paritaire : Manuel du praticien

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Março, 2021

Ce manuel du praticien explique comment promouvoir une réforme des régimes forestiers communautaires qui soit proactive en faveur de l’égalité des sexes. Ce manuel s’adresse à celles et ceux qui tentent de relever ce défi dans les pays en développement. Il n’existe pas d’approche unique pour réformer les pratiques de tenure forestière afin de parvenir à l’égalité femmes-hommes et à l’autonomisation des femmes.

Dairy Joint Ventures in South Africa’s Land and Agrarian Reform Programme: Who Benefits?

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2020
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Central African Republic
South Africa
Southern Africa

Joint Ventures (JVs) between ‘agribusiness’ investors and ‘small farmers’ or ‘customary landowners’ are being promoted in South Africa’s land and agrarian reform programme as a way to include land reform beneficiaries in the country’s competitive agricultural sector. This paper undertakes an in-depth comparative analysis of two JV dairy farms located on irrigation schemes in the former ‘homeland’ of the Ciskei, in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. The community, through government investment, brings the fixed assets to the business: land, irrigation infrastructure and milking parlours.

Land In India: Issues and Debates

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2020

This report titled Land in India: Issues and Debates is part of an initiative under the aegis of India Land & Development Conference (ILDC) which has a long-term objective of bringing out an annual Status of Land in India volume. This report is a modest beginning in that direction by drawing on the works of ILDC partners to present a quick over view of some of the key developments and debates in India’s land sector. The report brings together 11key issues which currently engage the minds of the policy makers and researchers in India.


Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean

Over the course of their existence, peasant cooperatives known as ejidos and comunidades have significantly reconfigured the property relations, landscapes, and settlements of rural Mexico. These cooperatives remain relevant today, even though most of Mexico’s rural population now makes its living from activities other than agriculture. New uses, meanings, and values have attached themselves to the deagrarianized lands. Perhaps the most innovative resignification has been promoted by inhabitants who resist land commodification through a discourse of rights to Indigenous territory.

The role of indigenous communities in reducing climate change through sustainable land use practices

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean
United States of America

The climate crisis demands urgent action, yet we live in a politically polarized and paralyzed world. As governments and other actors struggle over climate change, our environment is irreversibly changing. A United Nations report on the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services revealed that three-quarters of the earth’s land-based environment has been significantly altered by human actions.

Educação e Agroecologia como construção do futuro no Assentamento Contestado

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2019

Este estudio nos cuenta del Asentamiento contestado, el cual desde 1999 logra desarrollar sus actividades conjuntas. 108 familias que proponen un uso adecuado de los recursos en la agroecología. Participan activamente en encuentros y cursos para lograr el uso adecuado de la tierra y maximizar su producción. Tambien hacen partícipes a los niños, los cuales desarrollan destrezas propias.

Las mujeres del grupo familiar Gómez Montoya

Reports & Research
Maio, 2019

La familia Gómez Montoya, cuenta la experiencia de Rosalina, Una mujer de 71 años, quien a pesar de su baja estatura y avanzada edad, conserva intacto su carácter, sutesón y su ánimo de lucha, adquirido según ella, en su natal ‘Aquitania’, la fuerza para enfrentarse y resistir a las dificultades cotidianas que implica haber crecido y vivido en el campo.