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Displaying 25 - 36 of 78

Institutional and Fiscal Analysis of Lower-level Courts in Solomon Islands

Fevereiro, 2015

Justice interventions in Solomon Islands
over the last decade have focused largely on assisting
Honiarabased state institutions in the form of a variety of
capacity-building programs. This has included a heavy
reliance on expatriate expertise positioned in central
justice agencies. The National Judiciary has benefited
significantly from this support, although to date the direct
effects of increased assistance have not been felt in most

Take anything, leave our land

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2015

The Karamoja region in Northeastern Uganda, covering an area of 27,200 square kilometers, is inhabited by around 1.2 million people who live in seven districts; Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Napak, Amudat, Abim, Kotido and Kaabong. Its residents are mainly Ngakarimojong speaking peoples, but the area is also home to the Ethur, Labwor, Pokot, and indigenous minorities such as the Tepes and the Ik.

Political Economy and Forced Displacement : Guidance and Lessons from Nine Country Case Studies

Dezembro, 2014

This report was produced for the Global
Program on Forced Displacement and describes why and how to
conduct political economy analysis (PEA) of forced
displacement. It also illustrates how PEA may contribute to
understanding forced displacement crises with nine case
studies: Casamance (Senegal), Colombia, Cote dapos;Ivoire,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, the Philippines,
Somalia, South Sudan, and Zimbabwe. Forced displacement is

Republic of Croatia Justice Sector Public Expenditure and Institutional Review : Resourcing the Justice Sector for Efficiency and Performance

Dezembro, 2014

Croatia, the newest member-state of the
European Union (EU), undertook significant justice reforms
during the last decade. Many were part of its
justice-related EU accession process, including the
enactment and implementation of new laws and amendment of
others, improved case management and enforcement and
computerization of land registers. Benchmarking
Croatia's justice sector indicates that it compares

Draft Final Report of the Implementation of The Land Governance Assessment Framework In Uganda

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2014

The Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF) is a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the legal framework, policies and practices regarding land and land use. The LGAF is based on a comprehensive review of available conceptual and empirical material regarding experience in land governance (refer to Land Governance Assessment Framework: Conceptual Approach, Formulation and Methodology). In 1995, the Uganda government embarked on land reform starting with the Constitutional provisions. Land reform was imperative because of the country’s turbulent land tenure history.

Comunidad campesina de la finca La María –Hato Frío

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2014

La comunidad campesina de la finca La María – Hato Frío, dentro de iniciativas organizativas campesinas de los años 60, llevó a cabo tomas de tierras acaparadas por el latifundio. Como consecuencia de la presión ejercida sobre la tierra, las familias de la comunidad, luego de muchos años, fueron adjudicatarias de un predio en común y proindiviso, a partir de procesos de compras estatales de tierra

Kingdom of Lesotho Local Governance, Decentralization, and Demand-Driven Service Delivery, Volume 1. Main Report

Agosto, 2014

After more than 35 years, the elected
local government system in Lesotho was reestablished in 2005
through the election of the Local Authorities, i.e. the
Community and District Councils (CCs and DCs). Across the
political spectrum, the political will to move forward was
at its peak. An exemplary campaign to educate the entire
population as to the purposes and functioning of the new
Local Authorities, and the electoral process preceded the

Guidelines and Methodologies for Conflict Management

Agosto, 2014

These Guidelines seek to enable wider
and more consistent engagement in the realm of conflict
management within the sector. The objective is to achieve,
as far as possible, negotiated settlements in the resolution
of disputes. The primary aim is to minimize the adversarial
characteristic of conflict in this sector through proactive
communication and open information sharing. These Guidelines
are the first step at an operational level in managing


Policy Papers & Briefs
Junho, 2014

Uganda’s northern region was traditionally inhabited by communities with predominantly pastoral lifestyles. As the country began developing administrative structures in the region, most clans found themselves settled into agro-pastoral communities. The elders found it imperative to demarcate areas of land to fit different uses, with areas for family settlement and cultivation clearly separated from other areas for communal use. Land was either demarcated by the leaders of a particular settlement or by the dominant clan for the benefit of everyone else in that area.

Duitama Boyacá: Vereda San Luis

Reports & Research
Junho, 2014

30 familias organizadas resisten la expulsión por parte de los hacendados, defendiendo la tierra donde han vivido. Luego de largas negociaciones, donde los campesinos resisten las acciones de los hacendados en su contra, se llega a un acuerdo y cada una de las 300 familias recibe una parcela de tierra, titulada familiarmente, en contraprestación por sus años de trabajo en las grandes haciendas