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Regulation No. 450 on the re-evaluation and re-distribution of the ex-agricultural cooperative property.

Europa meridional

This Decision sets out methods for evaluating the ex-agricultural cooperatives property. Whenever the property is evaluated and distributed, or has not been distributed, the prices to be applied will be those of the evaluation period indexed at the re-evaluation time, while in cases where the property is evaluated and compensation has already been paid, the case is considered completed and no indexes shall be applied.

Amends: Law No. 7745 establishing the re-evaluation and re-distribution of the ex-agricultural cooperative properties. (1993-07-26)

Resolution No 1 of 1992 on the reorganization and re-composition of the Sort Property Commission.

Sudoeste Asiático

This Resolution is composed of 6 articles. Article 1 defines competencies of the Commission which are: division and valuation of joint tenancy and public domain; determining shares of partners; and, prepare a project of the equitable distribution among partners. Article 2 deals with the management and internal organization of the Commission in particular: departments of the Commission and their competencies; and, definition of the honorarium of the Commission.

Decree No. 9.760 of 11 March 1987 implementing Law No. 1.130 of 12 February 1987.

América do Sul

This Decree, composed of 26 articles and 3 Annexes, implements Law No. 1.130 of 12 February 1987 individuating the Areas of Special Interest in Rio de Janeiro State and definining the standards for the parcelling projects referred to in art. 13 of the Law No. 6.766 of 19 December 1979. It provides a detailed list of the municipal bordering areas and of the properties with more than 1.000.000 m2 where land parcelling for urban purposes is subject to the State previous approval. This Decree does not apply in the areas pertaining to the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro.

Ordinance implementing the Land Parcel Act and German Reich Settlement Act.

Europa Ocidental

The present Ordinance enforces the Land Parcel Act of 28. July 1961 (BGBl. I p. 1091) and the Reich Settlement Act of 11 August 1919. Article 1 establishes that the sale of one or more contiguous properties forming an economic unit and not exceeding 15ha does not require an authorization under the afore-mentioned Land Parcel Act. The text consists of 4 articles.

Implements: German Land Settlement Act. (2009-07-29)
Implements: Land Parcel Act. (2008-12-17)
Implements: Land Consolidation Act. (2008-12-19)

Development Permission Regulations (Cap. 9.02).

Turks e Caicos

These Regulations implement provisions of the Physical Planning Ordinance with respect to applications for: (a) a grant of development permission; (b) permission to demolish or develop a building subject to a building preservation order; (c) permission to cut or remove a plant subject to a Plant Preservation Order; and (d) the right to subdivide land. Schedule 1 sets out the forms to be used in respect of the various applications, decisions, requirements and other matters to facilitate the administration of the Ordinance.

Council of Ministers Decree No. 117/CCM on the management and use of forests and forested land.

Sudeste Asiático

Part I, Management of forests and forested lands: provisions are made on social and community forestry in order to preserve, manage, maintain, rehabilitate forests and forested lands by maen of strategic planning, appointing Directors of Forestry to organize, supervise and implement the plans, encouraging investments in forestry industrial production.

Village Councils Ordinance.

Sri Lanka
Ásia Meridional

The Ordinance provides for the institution of Village Councils for the purpose of town development and endorses them with the power to order surveys and dispose of the land, to redistribute it between adjacent villages and to issue land taxes or levyand to provide for all related matters, legal and administrative.

Presidential Decree No. 2287 of 1993 regarding the conformity of the basic land legislation to the Russian Constitution.

Europa Oriental

This Decree invalidates articles 2-23, 30-32, Part 2 of article 34, Parts 3 and 4 of article 37, articles 39 and 40, Part 2 of article 41, articles 42 and 44, Part 2 of article 47, article 48, point 8 of the first part of article 52, articles 63, 65, 67, 69 and 82, Part 3 of article 83, Part 3 of article 88, articles 97-99, 115-124 of the Land Code of the RSFSR; Law of the RSFSR "On Land Reform" of 1990; articles 5-7, point (b) of the second part of point 1 of article 10 and article 26 of the Law of the RSFSR "On farming" of 1990.This Decree establishes that the authority of the Councils of

Presidential Decree No. 2162 of 1993 regarding reinforcement of the State control over the use and the protection of land for the period of land reform.

Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes that for the period preceding the adoption of the basic land legislation, physical and juridical persons and public officials are committed to civil liability for the following offences in the field of land administration: for the infringement of legal and administrative procedures in urban construction documentation that caused land squatting; for the infringement in the use of land destined for environmental protection, national parks and recreational purpose; for irrational use of agricultural land and lack of protective measures for soil conservation; for dodging

Dispatch No. 29 instituting the Unit for the Coordination and Technical Assistance.

São Tomé e Príncipe
África Central

This Dispatch, composed of 2 articles, institutes the Unit for the Coordination and Technical Assistance for the production units’ concession. This Unit, a body of the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries, is responsible for the organization and direction and control of all the processes dealing with citizen’s involvement in the management of production units.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 32/87 on State’s withdrawal from the management of production units. (1987-12-17)