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Displaying 361 - 372 of 887

Implementation of REDD+ Mechanisms in Tanzania

Abril, 2014

This paper explains the major issues and
lessons derived from the national forest management program
and REDD+ initiatives in Tanzania. It finds that addressing
the most important drivers of forest degradation and
deforestation, in particular the country energy needs and
landownership, is essential for success in reducing
emissions regardless of the type of program implemented. It
also finds that, through the national program, forest users

Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Fevereiro, 2014

The current solutions to delivering land administration services have very limited global outreach; 75 percent of the world's population do not have access to formal systems to register and safeguard their land rights. The majority of these are the poor and the most vulnerable in society and without any level of security of tenure they constantly live in threat of eviction.

Paying for Environmental Services

Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2014
South America

The Amazonian economic occupation over the last forty years has been extremely harmful to the environment and to the traditional populations. One of the strategies to overcome this difficulty, dealing with sustainable development, is the development of productive units—starting with non-timber forest products (NTFP)—and the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) for the residents and/or owners of forest areas.

Dawna Tenasserim Landscape (WWF leaflet)

Reports & Research
Fevereiro, 2014

...The forests of the Dawna Tenasserim are under pressure from deforestation due to
agricultural expansion and logging, forest fragmentation, subsistence poaching, commercial
poaching for the illegal wildlife trade, unsustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products
and wild meat, and major infrastructure development such as roads, pipelines and dams...WWF is conserving the Dawna Tenasserim Landscape
as an intact ecosystem with protected and connected
habitats for wildlife, and safeguarding its valuable

Asian Farmers and IYFF: What is it for us during the International Year of Family Farming?

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2014

As opposed to agribusiness or corporate farming, FAO defined family farming as “a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production which is managed and operated by a family, both female and male. The family and the farm are linked, co-evolve and combine economic, environmental, reproductive, social and cultural functions.

Instrumentos notables de políticas de suelo en América Latina

Manuals & Guidelines
Janeiro, 2014

Cada año muchas políticas específicas son implementadas en ciudades alrededor del mundo aspirando dar forma al desarrollo urbano, aumentar la productividad urbana, mejorar las condiciones de vivienda, reducir la congestión del tráfico, incrementar los ingresos, o alcanzar innumerables objetivos urbanos entrelazados. Estas aplicaciones de la política son esencialmente experimentos de gobierno cuyos resultados pueden ayudar a informarnos sobre lo que funciona y lo que no funciona en diversos entornos urbanos.

Políticas públicas na perspectiva do desenvolvimento rural sustentável da Guiné-Bissau

Reports & Research
Janeiro, 2014
América do Sul

A presente dissertação foi construída a partir da problemática de pesquisa vinculada ao Programa de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional, da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – UTFPR, Câmpus Pato Branco, acerca do contexto do desenvolvimento rural da Guiné-Bissau na perspectiva da sustentabilidade.

Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación y Sequía (PAN-LCD) 2014-2022.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2013

El Plan de Acción Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación y Sequía (PAN-LCD) es un instrumento de alcance nacional, relativo al período 2014-2022, cuyo objetivo general es combatir en forma integral y sostenida las causas de la degradación de los recursos naturales, aprovechando el potencial natural, social y humano existente, para así reducir la pobreza y mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población.

Política Nacional de Desarrollo. K’atun Nuestra Guatemala 2032.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2013

La Política Nacional de Desarrollo es el instrumento estratégico de largo plazo, vigente hasta el 2032, que le da respaldo político institucional a la operatividad del K’atun introducido mediante el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo K’atun: nuestra Guatemala 2032, adoptado en 2014. Esta política tiene por finalidad institucionalizar las acciones y procesos para el desarrollo, con una visión de largo plazo y permitirá dar seguimiento, así como evaluar las acciones de política y los impactos. El documento consta de tres Partes. La Parte 1 define el marco conceptual y normativo.

National Agriculture Sector Strategy “Resilience and Development” 2014 - 2016.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2013

This sectoral Strategy is a review of the Agriculture Sector Strategy 2011 – 2013 aiming at reaching of the Vision of a sustainable and feasible agriculture sector that can compete domestically and externally; and can effectively contribute to enhancing food security and the connection between the Palestinian people and their land, while also enhancing Palestinian state-building efforts through resource sovereignty.

Promoting Land Rights in Vietnam: A Multi-sector Advocacy Coalition Approach

Institutional & promotional materials
Dezembro, 2013

Land rights have become highly contested in Vietnam in recent years. Vietnam‟s land endowment is one of the lowest in the world: each agricultural household holds, on average, less than 0.5 hectare. Access to land is critical to social and economic development in the future. The national priority on “industrialization and modernization” has placed new demands on agricultural and forest land for urban-industrial expansion. The high level of public concern over land tenure and its links to political and social stability have led to widespread calls for revision of the 2003 Land Law.