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Gender-sensitive nutrition training in Embu County in Kenya

Dezembro, 2022

The Gender Equality Initiative (HER+) Work Package 2 (WP 2) - EMPOWER targets to co-identify and model diverse scenarios for bundling climate-smart technologies to empower women, men and youths to be partners and drivers of climate change solutions. HER+ WP2 aims to integrate social innovations in existing Ukama Ustawi initiative (UU) sites or what we are calling learning labs to contribute to climate change resilience and women’s empowerment.

Analyzing iShamba data for improving livestock advisories

Dezembro, 2022

This project seeks to comprehend historical messaging patterns and their correlation with climate hazard data from livestock farmers' current interactions with agriculture service provider platforms like iShamba. The goal is to develop a high-resolution, targeted, and timely advisory package for livestock farmers through these platforms. The dataset comprises 319,569 records of text messages sent by farmers via the iShamba platform between 2015 and 2022.

Towards increasing forages options and registration in Tanzania

Dezembro, 2022

Compared to food crops, forages registration in Tanzania has lagged. Largely, the system relies on old materials e.g. Chloris gayana developed decades ago without no newer officially registered materials in the country to benefit livestock production especially cattle. This shortcoming has been recognized before, but no concerted effort towards addressing the same. Under the CGIAR Sustainable Animal Productivity (SAP) initiative, efforts are underway to address the concern starting with selected forage hybrids with good chance of being registered.

Resultados preliminares de la taxonomía agropecuaria para incrementar la resiliencia climática en los productores agropecuarios de Guatemala

Dezembro, 2022

Este documento presenta los resultados preliminares de las encuestas realizadas a asesores agropecuarios en Guatemala como parte del análisis de la taxonomía agropecuaria en el país. Fue desarrollado por YAPU Solutions como parte de los entregables de una consultoría para la Alianza Bioversity y el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), enmarcándose en la iniciativa de Ganadería, Clima y Resiliencia del Sistema (Livestock and Climate) del portafolio del CGIAR.

Establishing a Goat Community-Based Breeding Program in Mali

Dezembro, 2022

Throughout history, the practices of livestock husbandry have been evolving with the aim of improving animal production to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers. Among these practices, breeding has played a significant role in achieving the above-mentioned objectives. Breeding involves the selection of animals with the best traits, intending to preserve and improve desirable and heritable qualities in the next generations.

Hoja de ruta para acceder a instrumentos de financiamiento públicos y/o privados para lograr los compromisos del Acuerdo Cero Deforestación de la Cadena Láctea

Dezembro, 2022

This roadmap presents a series of stages and activities that are recommended to access to financing sources that encourage the adoption of practices associated with Zero Deforestation livestock farming models. The first part of the roadmap consists of categorization of the level of deforestation risk in the supply chain based on the self-analysis of the direct and indirect supply networks.

Silvopastoral systems and their role in climate change mitigation and nationally determined contributions in Latin America

Dezembro, 2022

Cattle ranching is a productive activity that generates high amounts of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), but can also provide effective alternatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Within the livestock sector, silvopastoral systems (SPS) have the capacity to reduce GHG emissions, increase carbon stocks, adapt to climate change, improve animal welfare and increase production of milk, beef and timber under different conditions.

The effects of addressing gender norms and access to resources on gender equality in climate-affected agrifood systems in Bangladesh

Dezembro, 2022

In the face of transforming agri-food systems (AFS) and climate change, it is critical to uncover potential pathways through which gender equality and resilience of AFS can be simultaneously addressed. In this quasi-experimental impact study, we assess the effects of two interventions in Kishoreganj district in Bangladesh—a climate hotspot—on women’s empowerment, intrahousehold gender equality of climate resilient capacities and AFS outcomes.

Gender relations in adoption of Brachiaria fodder grass in Muhoroni, Rongo, Mbooni and Kilome sub-counties in Kenya

Dezembro, 2022

Inadequate and poor-quality feed resources constrain livestock production that compromises the livelihoods dependent on livestock in low- and middle-income countries. Several forage varieties have been developed, targeting smallholder farmers in developing countries, yet the level of adoption remains low, particularly among women farmers. Adoption of varieties could enhance livelihoods by increasing livestock productivity and by providing income from the sale of surplus forage. Evidence on gendered barriers to, and incentives for, adoption of forage varieties is scarce.

Environmental co-benefits of improved forages in smallholder dairy systems of Kenya

Dezembro, 2022

Livestock play a major role across Kenya, especially in smallholder mixed farms through provision of household nutrition and income through milk and meat. Equally, fertilization of cropland benefits from livestock manure, and livestock often act as insurance and saving. Despite the opportunities and benefits livestock production presents, livestock systems are also key drivers of environmental degradation, including increased nutrient loads, GHG emissions, water use, grassland degradation and land-use conversion.

Identification of suitable land for supplemental surface irrigation in semi-arid areas of North-western Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2022

In arid and semi-arid areas, a shortage of soil moisture limits rainfed crop growth and consequently reduces crop yield. By adding a small amount of water, supplemental irrigation can boost crop yields dramatically. The objective of this study was to identify suitable land for supplemental irrigation in a moisture deficit area in the semi-arid Ethiopian highlands using GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation. Land suitability and water availability factors were used for the analysis.