| Land Portal
Existem 832 itens de conteúdo relacionados a equidade de gênero no Land Portal.
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Maio 2024
África Central

Ce document a été élaboré dans le cadre du Projet de « Restauration des Terres pour l’Autonomisation post- COVID-19 des Femmes rurales et autochtones et la Réduction de la Pauvreté au Cameroun » (LRIWEP) financé par le Centre de Recherches pour le Développement International (CRDI) du Canada avec l’appui technique de World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Centre d’Appui aux Femmes Et Ruraux (CAFER), Actio

Artigos e Livros
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Abril 2024

The need for further discussion on territoriality in the context of rural development, driven by the political forces of globalization and the economic and social transformations within nations, comes as no surprise. It arises from the necessity to adapt methodologies, instruments, and activities to meet the new demands imposed by these changes and their unintended consequences.

normas de género en la agricultura familiar y campesina
Manuais e Diretrizes
Abril 2024
América Latina e Caribe

El estudio pretende comprender las normas sociales relacionadas con el género que afectan a las mujeres en la agricultura familiar y campesina en términos de sus capacidades productivas, acceso a servicios y mercados, y toma de decisiones.El estudio se llevó a cabo en el marco del Programa conjunto sobre enfoques de género transformadores para lograr la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición, en

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro 2023

This case study highlights the vulnerability of women in Fiaferana, who are disadvantaged, first, by their gender and indigenous heritage, and second, by their lack of tenure security in the midst of climate change. However, the women of Fiaferana have met these overlapping  challenges head-on through innovative and empowering strategies, including sustainable land use management.

Land Governance for Climate Resilience
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro 2023
América do Sul

This report is a contribution of the knowledge management component of the LAND-at-scale programme (LAS) which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - RVO).

Manuais e Diretrizes
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Outubro 2023
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Outubro 2023

L’économie tchadienne, à l’instar de beaucoup de pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, repose fondamentalement sur le secteur primaire (agriculture et élevage) qui fait vivre 80% de la population tchadienne (Kaou, 2002). Dans les zones rurales, sur les 78% de la population active, 53,9% est constitué par des femmes (FAO et CEEAC, 2021). Selon Oxfam et al.

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