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Efectos de los conflictos por el extractivismo en el cuerpo-territorio de las mujeres en el Bajo Cauca antioqueño en Colombia

Reports & Research
Julho, 2024
América Latina y el Caribe

Estudio de caso en torno a la minería aurífera en el Bajo Cauca antioqueño en Colombia que hace parte de la serie “Efectos del extractivismo en América Latina”. Se reflexiona sobre las formas corporizadas en las que las mujeres que habitan el Bajo Cauca antioqueño, en Colombia, experimentan los cambios en el territorio que habitan como cambios que también dejan huellas en sus cuerpos.

The evolution of a negotiated territorial development approach

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
Março, 2024

The need for further discussion on territoriality in the context of rural development, driven by the political forces of globalization and the economic and social transformations within nations, comes as no surprise. It arises from the necessity to adapt methodologies, instruments, and activities to meet the new demands imposed by these changes and their unintended consequences. Ultimately, it fosters a fresh perspective on territorial issues, actively involving rural populations in the formulation of novel development outlooks.

Vozes do Povo.

Journal Articles & Books
Janeiro, 2024

Esta obra propõe uma reflexão aprofundada sobre a realidade política e social da Guiné-Bissau. Ela resulta de uma pesquisa inédita, destinada a captar, processar e analisar a opinião pública do país. Neste sentido, procura dar resposta a perguntas tais como: O que pensa o povo guineense do seu país?

The African People's Climate and Development Declaration 2023

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2023


Photo by UNDP Guinea,Forested Guinea is one of the most vulnerable regions in West Africa to climate change , (CC BY-ND 2.0 DEED)

From the 3rd to 6th September, 2023, we the people of the great lands across Africa, including people from social movements and civil society, trade unions, women, indigenous peoples, young people, men, people living with disabilities, media organisations, faith-based groups and many others, gathered in Nairobi, Kenya and committed to this declaration on African climate and development priorities and demands.

Land Governance for Climate Resilience

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2023
South America

This report is a contribution of the knowledge management component of the LAND-at-scale programme (LAS) which is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and implemented by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - RVO). LAND-at-scale is a seven-year programme (2019-2026), that aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security, access to land and natural resources for all.

IP women challenge the intersection of gender and land rights inequalities

Reports & Research
Outubro, 2023

This case study highlights the vulnerability of women in Fiaferana, who are disadvantaged, first, by their gender and indigenous heritage, and second, by their lack of tenure security in the midst of climate change. However, the women of Fiaferana have met these overlapping  challenges head-on through innovative and empowering strategies, including sustainable land use management.

L’accès au foncier sécurisé des femmes rurales du Tchad

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

L’économie tchadienne, à l’instar de beaucoup de pays d’Afrique subsaharienne, repose fondamentalement sur le secteur primaire (agriculture et élevage) qui fait vivre 80% de la population tchadienne (Kaou, 2002). Dans les zones rurales, sur les 78% de la population active, 53,9% est constitué par des femmes (FAO et CEEAC, 2021). Selon Oxfam et al. (2013), les productrices rurales représentent 40% de la population tchadienne, mais, elles gagnent moins d’argent que les hommes malgré qu’elles investissent plus dans l’alimentation du foyer.

Multiplier les possibilités d'investissement en faveur de l'égalité femmes-hommes et de l'action climatique

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

Les femmes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques. Les auteurs de cette étude montrent qu’investir en faveur des femmes rurales contribue à la réalisation des objectifs climatiques, tout en luttant contre les inégalités femmes-hommes et la pauvreté. Les projets et les politiques liés aux changements climatiques qui associent les femmes obtiennent de meilleurs résultats sur le plan de l’environnement.

Mujeres. Acceso a la Tierra y Territorio en Sudamérica. Octavo informe anual

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023
América del Sur

El Informe Mujeres Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica, octavo in- forme anual que presenta el IPDRS, incluye una sustancia propia de las mujeres, su palabra, sus diálogos y una serie de propuestas explícitas e im- plícitas en sus modos de enunciación, organización y quehacer político.

Grounding Women's Land Rights: Towards equity and climate justice

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2023

 This policy paper reveals the urgent need for transformative change to  secure equitable land rights for women and marginalized communities.  By presenting recommendations for a broad spectrum of stakeholders  and analysing macroeconomic factors through a feminist lens, we aim  to stimulate discourse and drive forward a more equitable, sustainable  future for all.