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Displaying 217 - 228 of 7946
Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro 2020

As African cities expand so does the pressure to improve infrastructure and extend key public services for the growing urban populations. With limited tax receipts, local governments are struggling to finance new urban development or even maintain existing infrastructure. As land has inherent…

Peer-reviewed publication
Outubro 2020

 L’accès des femmes au foncier est au cœur de l’actualité depuis trois décennies. Dans le Sud de la Mauritanie, la mainmise des hommes sur les terres est une réalité. Les femmes ne représentent que 4.2% des détenteurs des Titres fonciers. L’égalité entre l’homme et la femme en matière d’accès à…

Reports & Research
Setembro 2020

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed to eradicate extreme…

Reports & Research
Setembro 2020

This report responds to heightened concerns over rising levels of farmer-herder conflict across a wide band of semi-arid Africa. We assess the quantitative evidence behind this general impression and review the explanations in the scientific literature, in the light of known issues with long-…

Journal Articles & Books
Setembro 2020

The dynamics of current global challenges—like food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, climate change, and emergencies—reduce the availability of and/or access to natural resources, and thereby underline the urgency of achieving transformational changes in the governance of…

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro 2020

The dynamics of current global challenges—like food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, climate change, and emergencies—reduce the availability of and/or access to natural resources, and thereby underline the urgency of achieving transformational changes in the governance of…

Institutional & promotional materials
Setembro 2020

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Ethiopia aims at ensuring that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations, in particular vulnerable groups and women.
Through a…

Reports & Research
Agosto 2020

Elle évalue la mise en œuvre d'un projet des plus ambitieux le long de la pointe sud du désert saharien en Afrique.
Le rapport, qui a été présenté lors d'une réunion virtuelle des ministres de l'environnement des pays participants, fait le point sur les progrès…

Reports & Research
Agosto 2020

This publication will demonstrate how the project was a catalyst leading to improvements in conditions in the Senegal River Basin, under which land is held or occupied in agriculture sectors. The VGGT addresses problems of weak governance of tenure and the growing pressure on natural resources,…

Peer-reviewed publication
Agosto 2020

Issues surrounding customary land governance reforms remain at the forefront of policy reforms in many African countries because of concern over discriminatory rules of access, exchange, and inheritance, corruption, elite capture, and illegal land occupations, (Arko Adjei, 2009). The…

Journal Articles & Books
Julho 2020

Propelled by rapid urbanization, city administrations in low-and middle-income countries face a raft of challenges to secure food and nutrition for its poor urban dwellers. Urban agriculture (UA) seems a viable intervention to address urban food insecurity, however, experience has shown that…

Manuals & Guidelines
Junho 2020

This briefing explains how host government agencies involved in investment processes can effectively apply FPIC to:

1. Facilitate the right kind of investments, which operate responsibly and support sustainable development

2. Increase business confidence by fostering a stable and…